Index K

“Keetwonen (Amsterdam Student Housing)” (Tempohousing) image

key terms, repetition of

in analysis of stories, 462, 482

in common ground essays, 178

in explanations of concepts, 140

in position arguments, 259

in speculation about cause, 408, 432

in stories, analysis of, 460, 470


in Internet search, 681

in library search, 675

listing for research paper, 670–71

online catalog and periodical database search, 280, 676

Kincaid, Jamaica, “Girl,” 504–5, image

kind of/sort of, noun agreement with, H-33–34

King, Martin Luther, Jr., “‘Letter from Birmingham Jail,’ An Annotated Sample from,” 522–27

King, Stephen, “Why We Crave Horror Movies,” 406–7, 422–26, 442

knowledge of writer, testing, 542

Koepcke, Juliane, “How I Survived a Plane Crash” image

Kornbluh, Karen, “Win-Win Flexibility,” 322–28, 335–36

Kuma’s Corner (Yelp), 382 image