Index for Multilingual Writers


order of, H-94–95, 109

past and present participles as, H-26

articles (a, an, the), H-86–88

with count nouns, H-86–87

with noncount nouns, H-87–88

before singular proper nouns, H-88

auxiliary (helping) verbs, verb forms following, H-90–91

base form (infinitive)

after auxiliary (helping) verbs, H-90–91

with let, make, have followed by noun or pronoun, H-92

and verbs followed by a noun or pronoun, H-92

conditional clauses, verb tenses with, H-89

conjunctive adverbs, 292

count nouns, articles with, H-86–87

English language, American versus Canadian/British English, H-83

gerunds, verbs followed by, H-91–92

helping (auxiliary verbs), verb forms following, H-90–91

idiomatic two- and three-word verbs, H-47, H-90

independent (main) clauses, verb tenses in, H-89

infinitive. See base form (infinitive)

location, prepositions indicating, H-93

modals, H-91–92

multilingual writers (Handbook), H-86–95

noncount nouns, articles with, H-87–88

omitted (missing) words, H-27, H-93–94

participles, H-26, H-95

particles, H-46

past participles

as adjectives, H-26

forming, 51, H-95

past perfect tense, 51

phrasal verbs, H-46


correct use, H-47

in English, indirect translation, H-27

for time and location, H-93

present participles

as adjectives, H-26

forming, H-95

progressive tense, H-19

proper nouns, articles before, H-88

repeated words, H-93–94

subject of sentence, missing and repeated, H-94

time, prepositions indicating, H-93

verbs, H-88–92

auxiliary (helping), verb forms following, H-90–91

base form. See base form (infinitive)

followed by infinitives or gerunds, H-91–92

followed by noun or pronoun and infinitive, H-92

idiomatic two- and three-word, H-47, H-90

meaning and negative word placement, H-92

missing, H-94

verb form, choosing, H-20

verb tenses

with conditional clauses, H-89

in independent (main) clauses, H-89

past perfect, 51

words never in progressive tense, H-19

words and word choice, confusion with expressions used to versus getting used to, H-20