38b Using determiners

38bUsing determiners


Determiners are words that identify or quantify a noun, such as this study, all people, his suggestions.


These determiners . . . . . . can precede these noun types Examples
a, an, each, every singular count nouns

a book

an American

each word

every Buddhist

this, that singular count nouns noncount nouns

this book

that milk

(a) little, much noncount nouns

a little milk

much affection

some, any, enough noncount nouns

some milk

any fruit

enough trouble

plural count nouns

some books

any questions

enough problems


singular count nouns

plural count nouns

noncount nouns

the doctor

the doctors

the information

these, those, (a) few, many, both, several plural count nouns

these books

those plans

a few ideas

many students

both hands

several trees

Using determiners with singular count nouns

Every singular count noun must be preceded by a determiner. Place any adjectives between the determiner and the noun.


Using determiners with plural nouns or noncount nouns

Noncount and plural nouns sometimes have determiners and sometimes do not. For example, This research is important and Research is important are both acceptable but have different meanings.