File | Title | Manuscript Id |
State and Empire in Eurasia/North Africa, 500 B.C.E.–500 C.E. | strayer2e_ch3_1.html | 51311238b11c0f3b72000000 |
DLAP questions | strayer2e_ch3_1_dlap.xml | 51311238b11c0f3b72000000 |
Author’s Preview Video: Chapter 3 | strayer2e_ch3_2.html | 51311238b11c0f3b72000000 |
DLAP questions | strayer2e_ch3_2_dlap.xml | 51311238b11c0f3b72000000 |
Introduction | strayer2e_ch3_3.html | 51311238b11c0f3b72000000 |
DLAP questions | strayer2e_ch3_3_dlap.xml | 51311238b11c0f3b72000000 |
Guided Reading Exercise | strayer2e_ch3_4.html | 51311238b11c0f3b72000000 |
DLAP questions | strayer2e_ch3_4_dlap.xml | 51311238b11c0f3b72000000 |
Empires and Civilizations in Collision: The Persians and the Greeks | strayer2e_ch3_5.html | 51311238b11c0f3b72000000 |
DLAP questions | strayer2e_ch3_5_dlap.xml | 51311238b11c0f3b72000000 |
The Persian Empire | strayer2e_ch3_6.html | 51311238b11c0f3b72000000 |
DLAP questions | strayer2e_ch3_6_dlap.xml | 51311238b11c0f3b72000000 |
The Greeks | strayer2e_ch3_7.html | 51311238b11c0f3b72000000 |
DLAP questions | strayer2e_ch3_7_dlap.xml | 51311238b11c0f3b72000000 |
Collision: The Greco-Persian Wars | strayer2e_ch3_8.html | 51311238b11c0f3b72000000 |
DLAP questions | strayer2e_ch3_8_dlap.xml | 51311238b11c0f3b72000000 |
Collision: Alexander and the Hellenistic Era | strayer2e_ch3_9.html | 51311238b11c0f3b72000000 |
DLAP questions | strayer2e_ch3_9_dlap.xml | 51311238b11c0f3b72000000 |
Comparing Empires: Roman and Chinese | strayer2e_ch3_10.html | 51311238b11c0f3b72000000 |
DLAP questions | strayer2e_ch3_10_dlap.xml | 51311238b11c0f3b72000000 |
Rome: From City-State to Empire | strayer2e_ch3_11.html | 51311238b11c0f3b72000000 |
DLAP questions | strayer2e_ch3_11_dlap.xml | 51311238b11c0f3b72000000 |
China: From Warring States to Empire | strayer2e_ch3_12.html | 51311238b11c0f3b72000000 |
DLAP questions | strayer2e_ch3_12_dlap.xml | 51311238b11c0f3b72000000 |
Portrait: Trung Trac: Resisting the Chinese Empire | strayer2e_ch3_13.html | 51311238b11c0f3b72000000 |
DLAP questions | strayer2e_ch3_13_dlap.xml | 51311238b11c0f3b72000000 |
Consolidating the Roman and Chinese Empires | strayer2e_ch3_14.html | 51311238b11c0f3b72000000 |
DLAP questions | strayer2e_ch3_14_dlap.xml | 51311238b11c0f3b72000000 |
The Collapse of Empires | strayer2e_ch3_15.html | 51311238b11c0f3b72000000 |
DLAP questions | strayer2e_ch3_15_dlap.xml | 51311238b11c0f3b72000000 |
Intermittent Empire: The Case of India | strayer2e_ch3_16.html | 51311238b11c0f3b72000000 |
DLAP questions | strayer2e_ch3_16_dlap.xml | 51311238b11c0f3b72000000 |
Reflections: Enduring Legacies of Second-Wave Empires | strayer2e_ch3_17.html | 51311238b11c0f3b72000000 |
DLAP questions | strayer2e_ch3_17_dlap.xml | 51311238b11c0f3b72000000 |
Second Thoughts | strayer2e_ch3_18.html | 51311238b11c0f3b72000000 |
DLAP questions | strayer2e_ch3_18_dlap.xml | 51311238b11c0f3b72000000 |
Documents: Considering the Evidence: Political Authority in Second-Wave Civilizations | strayer2e_ch3_19.html | 51311238b11c0f3b72000000 |
DLAP questions | strayer2e_ch3_19_dlap.xml | 51311238b11c0f3b72000000 |
Document 3.1: In Praise of Athenian Democracy: Pericles, Funeral Oration, 431-430 B.C.E. | strayer2e_ch3_20.html | 51311238b11c0f3b72000000 |
DLAP questions | strayer2e_ch3_20_dlap.xml | 51311238b11c0f3b72000000 |
Document 3.2: In Praise of the Roman Empire: Aelius Aristides, The Roman Oration, 155 C.E. | strayer2e_ch3_21.html | 51311238b11c0f3b72000000 |
DLAP questions | strayer2e_ch3_21_dlap.xml | 51311238b11c0f3b72000000 |
Document 3.3: Governing a Chinese Empire: The Writings of Master Han Fei, third century B.C.E. | strayer2e_ch3_22.html | 51311238b11c0f3b72000000 |
DLAP questions | strayer2e_ch3_22_dlap.xml | 51311238b11c0f3b72000000 |
Document 3.4: Governing an Indian Empire: Ashoka, The Rock Edicts, ca. 268-232 B.C.E. | strayer2e_ch3_23.html | 51311238b11c0f3b72000000 |
DLAP questions | strayer2e_ch3_23_dlap.xml | 51311238b11c0f3b72000000 |
Using the Evidence: Political Authority in Second-Wave Civilizations | strayer2e_ch3_24.html | 51311238b11c0f3b72000000 |
DLAP questions | strayer2e_ch3_24_dlap.xml | 51311238b11c0f3b72000000 |
Chapter 3: Considering the Evidence Documents Quiz | strayer2e_ch3_25.html | 51311238b11c0f3b72000000 |
DLAP questions | strayer2e_ch3_25_dlap.xml | 51311238b11c0f3b72000000 |
Visual Sources: Considering the Evidence: Representing Political Authority | strayer2e_ch3_26.html | 51311238b11c0f3b72000000 |
DLAP questions | strayer2e_ch3_26_dlap.xml | 51311238b11c0f3b72000000 |
Visual Source 3.1: Bihustun Inscription | strayer2e_ch3_27.html | 51311238b11c0f3b72000000 |
DLAP questions | strayer2e_ch3_27_dlap.xml | 51311238b11c0f3b72000000 |
Visual Source 3.2: Harmodius and Aristogeiton | strayer2e_ch3_28.html | 51311238b11c0f3b72000000 |
DLAP questions | strayer2e_ch3_28_dlap.xml | 51311238b11c0f3b72000000 |
Visual Source 3.3: Qin Shihuangdi Funerary Complex | strayer2e_ch3_29.html | 51311238b11c0f3b72000000 |
DLAP questions | strayer2e_ch3_29_dlap.xml | 51311238b11c0f3b72000000 |
Visual Source 3.4: Augustus | strayer2e_ch3_30.html | 51311238b11c0f3b72000000 |
DLAP questions | strayer2e_ch3_30_dlap.xml | 51311238b11c0f3b72000000 |
Using the Evidence: Representing Political Authority | strayer2e_ch3_31.html | 51311238b11c0f3b72000000 |
DLAP questions | strayer2e_ch3_31_dlap.xml | 51311238b11c0f3b72000000 |
Chapter 3: Considering the Evidence Visual Sources Quiz | strayer2e_ch3_32.html | 51311238b11c0f3b72000000 |
DLAP questions | strayer2e_ch3_32_dlap.xml | 51311238b11c0f3b72000000 |
Chapter 3 Summative Quiz | strayer2e_ch3_33.html | 51311238b11c0f3b72000000 |
DLAP questions | strayer2e_ch3_33_dlap.xml | 51311238b11c0f3b72000000 |
Chapter 3 Wrap Up | strayer2e_ch3_34.html | 51311238b11c0f3b72000000 |
DLAP questions | strayer2e_ch3_34_dlap.xml | 51311238b11c0f3b72000000 |
STEP ONE | strayer2e_ch3_35.html | 51311238b11c0f3b72000000 |
DLAP questions | strayer2e_ch3_35_dlap.xml | 51311238b11c0f3b72000000 |
STEP TWO | strayer2e_ch3_36.html | 51311238b11c0f3b72000000 |
DLAP questions | strayer2e_ch3_36_dlap.xml | 51311238b11c0f3b72000000 |
STEP THREE | strayer2e_ch3_37.html | 51311238b11c0f3b72000000 |
DLAP questions | strayer2e_ch3_37_dlap.xml | 51311238b11c0f3b72000000 |