Case 20: Choosing a Medium for Presenting Instructions | techcomm11e_ch20_1.html | 5429a7b1757a2e6609000000 |
DLAP questions | techcomm11e_ch20_1_dlap.xml | 5429a7b1757a2e6609000000 |
Hybrids Under the Hood (Part 2),, Union of Concerned Scientists | techcomm11e_ch20_2.html | 5429a7b1757a2e6609000000 |
DLAP questions | techcomm11e_ch20_2_dlap.xml | 5429a7b1757a2e6609000000 |
Diverging Diamond Interchange Visualization (2:52), North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) | techcomm11e_ch20_3.html | 5429a7b1757a2e6609000000 |
DLAP questions | techcomm11e_ch20_3_dlap.xml | 5429a7b1757a2e6609000000 |
Dryer Repair—Replacing the High Limit Thermostat (3:16), Part Select | techcomm11e_ch20_4.html | 5429a7b1757a2e6609000000 |
DLAP questions | techcomm11e_ch20_4_dlap.xml | 5429a7b1757a2e6609000000 |
Jing Learning Center: Capture a Video (2:25), TechSmith | techcomm11e_ch20_5.html | 5429a7b1757a2e6609000000 |
DLAP questions | techcomm11e_ch20_5_dlap.xml | 5429a7b1757a2e6609000000 |
Recording Audio in the Field Using an iTalk (3:00), Texas Tech University Multiple Literacy Lab (MuLL) | techcomm11e_ch20_6.html | 5429a7b1757a2e6609000000 |
DLAP questions | techcomm11e_ch20_6_dlap.xml | 5429a7b1757a2e6609000000 |
What is the “Cloudâ€�, Joanna Stern/ABC News | techcomm11e_ch20_7.html | 5429a7b1757a2e6609000000 |
DLAP questions | techcomm11e_ch20_7_dlap.xml | 5429a7b1757a2e6609000000 |