To learn about how Isabella Wright used the activities in the Analyze the Story section, turn to A Writer at Work.
USING THE WAYS IN ACTIVITIES in the Guide to Writing section Analyze the Story, Isabella Wright explored and wrote about how the doctor’s thoughts and actions in “The Use of Force” might be justified. We have not annotated or highlighted this essay, but you may want to do so as you read and as you respond to the Analyze & Write questions in the sections that follow. As you read, notice how Wright’s analysis differs from Lee’s. Consider which essay you find more convincing and why.
By any reasonable standards, the story of a doctor prying a little girl’s mouth open as she screams in pain and fear should leave readers feeling nothing but horror and disgust at the doctor’s actions. William Carlos Williams’s story “The Use of Force” is surprising in that it does not completely condemn the doctor for doing just that. Instead, through his actions and words (utterred or thought), readers are able to see the freeing, transformative power of breaking with social conventions. Thus, they are also encouraged to rethink what is acceptable and unacceptable in polite society.
Social conventions and proper conduct are prominent themes in Williams’s story, in which the mother and father of the sick little girl are fixated on acting and speaking within the boundaries of politeness. The parents demonstrate this tendency most obviously in how they go out of their way to be respectful to the doctor. Upon his arrival at their home, the mother preemptively says that “[he] must excuse [them]” for bringing him into the kitchen, where they are keeping the child warm (482). There, the father makes an effort to “get up” to greet the doctor (482). The parents’ efforts continue and take on even greater urgency when the child is uncooperative with the doctor as he tries to examine her throat. When she succeeds in knocking his glasses to the floor, her parents “almost [turn] themselves inside out in embarrassment and apology” (483). At certain moments, keeping up appearances seems to become disproportionately important, overshadowing their concern for their daughter’s well-
In contrast to the little girl’s parents, the doctor breaks social conventions in his interactions with the family and in doing so highlights the absurdity of these rules. From the beginning we see him as someone who pushes aside polite but pointless practices; for example, he “motion[s] for [the father] not to bother” standing for a greeting when it would have disturbed the child on his lap (482). The doctor’s disregard for social conventions applies most to his tendency to give voice to thoughts rather than to keep them to himself for fear of sounding rude or causing discomfort. When the mother scolds her daughter for knocking the glasses off the “nice man” (483), the doctor’s reaction borders on outright rudeness: “For heaven’s sake, I broke in. Don’t call me a nice man to her. I’m here to look at her throat on the chance that she might have diphtheria and possibly die of it” (483).
But is the doctor really giving voice to such reactions? The absence of quotation marks in the story leaves it uncertain which lines are and are not spoken aloud, creating a thought-
The doctor also breaks with social conventions by willingly engaging in a physical struggle with the little girl. This conflict might be interpreted as a process of reverse socialization or reverse civilization, a transformation that, surprisingly, the story presents as a potentially positive change. While the doctor stoops to the primitive tactics of the little girl, he does not view her in a negative light. To the contrary, from the beginning, he — and, through him, readers — sees the little girl as “unusually attractive” and “strong,” with “magnificent blonde hair” (482). This description of her seems almost angelic. Through the doctor’s conflict with her, his admiration grows. He comes to respect, even “love,” the girl for her raw spirit that allows her to “[rise] to magnificent heights” in her struggle against him (483). Such worshipful language — note the repetition of the word “magnificent,” for example — leads readers to understand the girl and her strength as something closer to glory and divinity than to savagery. The doctor’s entering a similar state might thus be read as his reeducation into a finer, truer self. Indeed, it is at these points in the story when he uses the most sophisticated language and the most involved metaphors. Thus, the story demonstrates, through the doctor’s transformation, that the casting off of social conventions might lead not to a reduced state of humanity but to a purer, more admirable state of being.
In a story where politeness is made to seem absurd, the doctor’s tactless words and his inappropriate use of force actually have the potential to be improvements on his character. By tossing aside social conventions, he brings himself closer to the glorious heights of the little girl, who, from the story’s beginning, is magnificent and strong in her stubbornness. In the characters of the mother and father, readers come to understand also that politeness can stand in the way of accomplishing a task or communicating a clear meaning, and thus the doctor’s actions are in the service of honesty and efficiency. Thus framed, the story leads readers to a point where they cannot fully condemn the doctor’s outwardly abhorrent actions and instead must reconsider their own metric of what is and is not socially appropriate.
Work Cited
Williams, William Carlos. “The Use of Force.” The St. Martin’s Guide to Writing, by Rise B. Axelrod and Charles R. Cooper, 11th ed., Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2016, pp. 482-
Use the basic features.
Earlier, we discussed how the thesis of a literary analysis can contradict or complicate a surface reading of a work. After asserting her thesis about how “The Use of Force” helps readers see the “freeing, transformative power of breaking with social conventions,” Wright supports her thesis with examples from the text and with her own analysis. Often, she returns to a key term from her thesis: “social conventions.”
Write a paragraph or two about how well Wright gets below the surface in her reading of “The Use of Force.”
Reread the thesis statement, and highlight the term “social conventions” whenever it appears later in the essay, paying attention to what Wright says about it in each instance.
Do you think Wright’s thesis accurately forecasts the argument she develops in the rest of her essay? If not, what changes to the thesis might you suggest?
In her discussion of how the doctor breaks with social conventions, do you think Wright makes an adequate case for the “freeing, transformative power” of his thoughts and actions? Why or why not?
As we have noted, an essay about a short story relies primarily on textual evidence — gleaned from a close reading of the story — to support the argument. We have also discussed how simply quoting, summarizing, or paraphrasing passages from the text is not enough; instead, effective writing about a literary work must use such evidence in support of an analysis: the writer’s original, thoughtful examination of the text. Earlier, we looked at Lee’s analysis of militaristic diction in “The Use of Force,” an analysis that drew on quotations from the story. Now let’s turn to Wright’s essay.
Write a paragraph or two about how well Wright uses textual evidence and analysis:
Focus on quotations, highlighting the one in the title as well as those in paragraphs 2–5. Consider how — and how well — these quotations support Wright’s argument.
What improvements might you suggest to the choice of quotations? For example, in paragraph 5, Wright refers to the “most involved metaphors” of the story but does not quote any of them. Which metaphors, if any, might she have quoted? Or is summarizing these parts of the story sufficient to support her analysis?
What improvements might you suggest to Wright’s analysis of textual evidence? For example, in paragraph 2, Wright discusses how the parents of the sick child go out of their way to be polite and respectful to the doctor. However, read paragraph 3 of the story (p. 482), and consider in what ways this part of the story might complicate Wright’s analysis of the parents’ behavior.
As we have seen, writers try to help readers follow their argument by making their plan or organization clear to readers. For example, topic sentences that repeat key terms from the thesis statement help readers connect individual paragraphs to the larger argument the writer is making.
Write a paragraph or two about Wright’s use of key words in topic sentences :
Underline the topic sentences of paragraphs 2, 3, and 5, and circle any key terms that are repeated in these sentences.
Pay special attention to the key terms, noting the way they are used in each topic sentence and built upon in the paragraph. Assess how well each topic sentence helps you follow the argument as it is developed in these paragraphs.