Instructor's Notes

The Instructor's Resource Manual, which includes tips and special challenges for teaching this chapter, is available through the “Resources” panel.

Tutorials and LearningCurve activities on documentation and working with sources are available at the end of this chapter.

Introduction to Chapter 23


Using Sources to Support Your Ideas

Writing a college research project requires you to

Synthesizing Sources

Synthesizing means making connections among information and ideas from texts and from your own experience. Once you have analyzed a number of sources on your topic, consider questions like the following to help you synthesize ideas and information:

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Sentence strategies like the following can help you clarify where you differ from or agree with the sources you have read:

To learn more about synthesis, see Chapters 5 and 12.

The report by Maya Gomez and the synthesis chart she created (p. 202) show how ideas and information from sources can be synthesized.