Basic format
Figure 24.1 shows you where to find the source information you will need to create a works-
Anthology or edited collection If you are referring to the anthology as a whole, put the editor’s name first.
Work in an anthology or edited collection If you’re referring to a selection in an anthology, begin the entry with the name of the selection’s author. Include specific page references, and preface them with p. or pp.
If you cite more than one selection from an anthology or collection, you may create an entry for the collection as a whole (see the model above) and then cross-
Introduction, preface, foreword, or afterword
Graphic narrative If the graphic narrative was a collaboration between a writer and an illustrator, begin your entry with the name of the person on whose work your research project focuses. If the author also created the illustrations, then follow the basic model for a book with one author (p. 652).
Religious work Include an entry in the list of works cited only if you cite a specific edition of a sacred text.
Multivolume work If you use only one volume from a multivolume work, indicate the volume number after the title, using the abbreviation vol. If you use more than one volume, indicate the total number of volumes at the end of the entry.
Later edition of a book Include the edition name (such as Revised) or number following the title.
Republished book Provide the original year of publication (followed by a period) after the title of the book, followed by publication information for the edition you are using.
Title within a title When a title that is normally italicized appears within a book title, do not italicize it. If the title within the title would normally be enclosed in quotation marks, include the quotation marks and also set the title in italics.
Book in a series Include the series title (without italics) and number (if any) at the end of the entry, after a period (never a comma). This information will appear on the title page or on the page facing the title page.
Dictionary entry or article in another reference book If no author is listed, begin with the entry’s title. (But check for initials following the entry or article and a list of authors in the front of the book.) If the reference work is familiar, omit the publication information.
Government document If no author is named, begin with the government and agency that issued the document. If the work does have an author, begin with this information and place the government information after the source's title. In the United States, the publication information for most official government documents is Government Printing Office, both in print and online.
Published proceedings of a conference If the name of the conference is part of the title of the publication, it need not be repeated. If it isn’t part of the title, insert the name of the conference following the title. Use the format for a work in an anthology to cite an individual presentation. Include the location (city) where the conference took place after its date. Separate conference information from publication information with a period.
Pamphlet or brochure
Doctoral dissertation Cite a published dissertation as you would a book, but add pertinent dissertation information before the publication data. Enclose the title of an unpublished dissertation in quotation marks.