Remixing Information from Your Research

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In this chapter, you saw how writing in one genre (the summary, for example) could be remixed to become part of a writing project in another genre (the annotated bibliography or report). This writing could also be remixed in another medium: It could be delivered in a PowerPoint or Prezi presentation. Or it could be remixed with a persuasive purpose to become a position argument or a proposal. Maya Gomez decided to remix information she learned while conducting research for her report, presenting that information as a timeline to provide interested readers with a history of kidney transplatation they could understand at a glance.

In the next section of this chapter, we ask you to craft one or more of the genres in this chapter—a summary, annotated bibliography, report, or analysis. Once you have composed a text, consider remixing it in another genre or medium, with another purpose, or for another audience.


Purpose: The purpose of your report is to inform readers about a controversial topic, and the purpose of your analysis was to help readers understand opposing views on the topic. What would your purpose be if you were to remix your report or analysis in another genre or medium? Would you want to persuade readers instead of informing them, for example?

Audience: The audience for your report or analysis is your instructor and other students in your class. Who would be the audience if you were to remix your report or analysis in another genre or medium? (For example, you could take a position on the debate and write an op-ed for your school’s online newspaper, so members of your school community would be your audience.)

Genre and medium: In this chapter, you may create a report or analysis essay. Both genres are academic and for each the medium is textual, delivered either in print or online. If you remix your project, what genre or medium would best help you achieve your purpose and reach your new audience?