Draw Conclusions from the Evidence for Thinking through Sources 1


This exercise asks you to assess the relationship between conclusions and evidence. Identify which of the following conclusions are supported by the specific piece of evidence. Click yes for those pieces of evidence that support the conclusion and no for those that do not.

Conclusion A

Paleolithic peoples gathered and hunted, while Neolithic peoples farmed and raised domesticated animals even if at times they supplemented these food sources with gathering and hunting.

  1. Question 1.31

    Evidence 1: “We are people who live in the bush, and who belong in the bush. We are not village people. I have no goats. I have no cattle. I am a person who owns nothing.” — Source 1.1: A Gathering and Hunting Woman in the Twentieth Century

    Evidence 1: “We are people who live in the bush, and who belong in the bush. We are not village people. I have no goats. I have no cattle. I am a person who owns nothing.” — Source 1.1: A Gathering and Hunting Woman in the Twentieth Century


  2. Question 1.32

    Evidence 2: The contents of Source 1.4: Otzi the Ice Man’s stomach

    Evidence 2: The contents of Source 1.4: Otzi the Ice Man’s stomach


  3. Question 1.33

    Evidence 3: The full-figured female figure in Source 1.3: Female Figurine from Çatalhüyük

    Evidence 3: The full-figured female figure in Source 1.3: Female Figurine from Çatalhüyük


  4. Question 1.34

    Evidence 4: The scene depicted in Source 1.2: Lascaux Rock Art

    Evidence 4: The scene depicted in Source 1.2: Lascaux Rock Art


Conclusion B

Both Paleolithic and Neolithic cultures possess spiritual, religious, or supernatural dimensions.

  1. Question 1.35

    Evidence 1: The items found with Source 1.4: Otzi the Ice Man

    Evidence 1: The items found with Source 1.4: Otzi the Ice Man


  2. Question 1.36

    Evidence 2: “That’s the way it is. God is the one who destroys. It isn’t people who do it. It is God himself.” — Source 1.1: A Gathering and Hunting Woman in the Twentieth Century

    Evidence 2: “That’s the way it is. God is the one who destroys. It isn’t people who do it. It is God himself.” — Source 1.1: A Gathering and Hunting Woman in the Twentieth Century


  3. Question 1.37

    Evidence 3: Source 1.5: Stonehenge

    Evidence 3: Source 1.5: Stonehenge


  4. Question 1.38

    Evidence 4: The figurine depicted in Source 1.3: Female Figurine from Çatalhüyük

    Evidence 4: The figurine depicted in Source 1.3: Female Figurine from Çatalhüyük
