DLAP questions | universe10e_ch15_1_dlap.xml | 5348809f757a2e0b6d000000 |
15-1 A search for a planet between Mars and Jupiter led to the discovery of asteroids
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15-2 Jupiterâs gravity helped shape the asteroid belt
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15-3 Astronomers use a variety of techniques to study asteroids
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DLAP questions | universe10e_ch15_4_dlap.xml | 5348809f757a2e0b6d000000 |
15-4 Asteroids are found outside the asteroid beltâand have struck Earth
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15-5 Meteorites are classified as stones, stony irons, or irons, depending on their composition
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DLAP questions | universe10e_ch15_6_dlap.xml | 5348809f757a2e0b6d000000 |
15-6 Some meteorites retain traces of the early solar system
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15-7 A comet is a chunk of ice and dust that partially vaporizes as it passes near the Sun
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DLAP questions | universe10e_ch15_8_dlap.xml | 5348809f757a2e0b6d000000 |
15-8 Comets originate either from the Kuiper belt or from the Oort cloud
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DLAP questions | universe10e_ch15_9_dlap.xml | 5348809f757a2e0b6d000000 |
DLAP questions | universe10e_ch15_10_dlap.xml | 5348809f757a2e0b6d000000 |
DLAP questions | universe10e_ch15_11_dlap.xml | 5348809f757a2e0b6d000000 |
DLAP questions | universe10e_ch15_12_dlap.xml | 5348809f757a2e0b6d000000 |
DLAP questions | universe10e_ch15_13_dlap.xml | 5348809f757a2e0b6d000000 |
DLAP questions | universe10e_ch15_14_dlap.xml | 5348809f757a2e0b6d000000 |
Pluto and the Kuiper Belt | universe10e_ch15_15.html | 5348809f757a2e0b6d000000 |
DLAP questions | universe10e_ch15_15_dlap.xml | 5348809f757a2e0b6d000000 |