4-1 Ancient astronomers invented geocentric models to explain planetary motions

Since the dawn of civilization, scholars have attempted to explain the nature of the universe. The ancient Greeks were the first to use the principle that still guides scientists today: The universe can be described and understood logically. For example, more than 2500 years ago Pythagoras and his followers put forth the idea that nature can be described with mathematics. About 200 years later, Aristotle asserted that the universe is governed by physical laws. One of the most important tasks before the scholars of ancient Greece was to create a model (see Section 1-1) to explain the motions of objects in the heavens.

The Greek Geocentric Model

The scholars of ancient Greece imagined that the planets follow an ornate combination of circular paths

Most Greek scholars thought that the Sun, the Moon, the stars, and the planets revolve about a stationary Earth. A model of this kind, in which Earth is at the center of the universe, is called a geocentric model. Similar ideas were held by the scholars of ancient China.

Today we recognize that the stars are not merely points of light on an immense celestial sphere. But in fact this is how the ancient Greeks regarded the stars in their geocentric model of the universe. To explain the diurnal motions of the stars, they assumed that the celestial sphere was real, and that it rotated around the stationary Earth once a day.

The Sun and Moon both participated in this daily rotation of the sky, which explained their rising and setting motions. To explain why the Sun and Moon both move slowly with respect to the stars, the ancient Greeks imagined that both of these objects orbit around Earth.


Imagine a merry-go-round that rotates clockwise as seen from above, as in Figure 4-1a. As it rotates, two children walk slowly counterclockwise at different speeds around the merry-go-round’s platform. Thus, the children rotate along with the merry-go-round and also change their positions with respect to the merry-go-round’s wooden horses. This scene is analogous to the way the ancient Greeks pictured the motions of the stars, the Sun, and the Moon. In their model, the celestial sphere rotated to the west around a stationary Earth (Figure 4-1b). The stars rotate along with the celestial sphere just as the wooden horses rotate along with the merry-go-round in Figure 4-1a. The Sun and Moon are analogous to the two children; they both turn westward with the celestial sphere, making one complete turn each day, and also move slowly eastward at different speeds with respect to the stars.

Figure 4-1: A Merry-Go-Round Analogy (a) Two children walk at different speeds around a rotating merry-go-round with its wooden horses. (b) In an analogous way, the ancient Greeks imagined that the Sun and Moon move around the rotating celestial sphere with its fixed stars. Thus, the Sun and Moon move from east to west across the sky every day and also move slowly eastward from one night to the next relative to the background of stars.

The geocentric model of the heavens also had to explain the motions of the planets. The ancient Greeks and other cultures of that time knew of five planets: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, each of which is a bright object in the night sky. For example, when Venus is at its maximum brilliancy, it is 16 times brighter than the brightest star. (By contrast, Uranus and Neptune are quite dim and were not discovered until after the invention of the telescope.)

Like the Sun and Moon, all of the planets rise in the east and set in the west once a day. And like the Sun and Moon, from night to night the planets slowly move on the celestial sphere, that is, with respect to the background of stars. However, the character of this motion on the celestial sphere is quite different for the planets. Both the Sun and the Moon always move from west to east on the celestial sphere, that is, opposite the direction in which the celestial sphere appears to rotate. The Sun follows the path called the ecliptic (see Section 2-5), while the Moon follows a path that is slightly inclined to the ecliptic (see Section 3-3). Furthermore, the Sun and the Moon each move at relatively constant speeds around the celestial sphere. (The Moon’s speed is faster than that of the Sun: It travels all the way around the celestial sphere in about a month while the Sun takes an entire year.) The planets, too, appear to move along paths that are close to the ecliptic. The difference is that each of the planets appears to wander back and forth on the celestial sphere with varying speed. As an example, Figure 4-2 shows the wandering motion of Mars with respect to the background of stars during 2016. (This figure shows that the name planet is well deserved; it comes from a Greek word meaning “wanderer.”)

Figure 4-2: The Path of Mars in 2016 From January 2016 through September 2016, Mars traverses zodiacal constellations from Virgo to Ophiuchus. Mars’s motion is direct (from west to east, or from right to left in this figure) most of the time but is retrograde (from east to west, or from left to right in this figure) during May to July 2016. Notice that the speed of Mars relative to the stars is not constant: The planet travels farther across the sky from January 1 to March 1 than it does from March 1 to May 1.



On a map of Earth with north at the top, west is to the left and east is to the right. Why, then, is east on the left and west on the right in Figure 4-2? The answer is that a map of Earth is a view looking downward at the ground from above, while a star map like Figure 4-2 is a view looking upward at the sky. You can see how east and west are flipped if you first draw a set of north-south and east-west axes on paper, and then hold the paper up against the sky.

Most of the time planets move slowly eastward relative to the stars, just as the Sun and Moon do. This eastward progress is called direct motion. For example, Figure 4-2 shows that Mars will be in direct motion from January through April 2016 and from July through September 2016. Occasionally, however, the planet seems to stop and then back up for several weeks or months. This occasional westward movement is called retrograde motion. Mars will undergo retrograde motion from May to July 2016 (see Figure 4-2), and will do so again about every 22½ months. All the other planets go through retrograde motion, but at different intervals. In the language of the merry-go-round analogy in Figure 4-1, the Greeks imagined the planets as children walking around the rotating merry-go-round but who keep changing their minds about which direction to walk!


Whether a planet is in direct or retrograde motion, over the course of a single night you will see it rise in the east and set in the west. That is because both direct and retrograde motions are much slower than the apparent daily rotation of the sky. Hence, they are best detected by mapping the position of a planet against the background stars from night to night over a long period. Figure 4-2 is a map of just this sort.


If Mars is moving retrograde, will it rise above the eastern horizon or above the western horizon?


How fast is Earth spinning on its axis in the Greek geocentric model?

The Ptolemaic System

Figure 4-3: A Geocentric Explanation of Retrograde Motion (a) The ancient Greeks imagined that each planet moves along an epicycle, which in turn moves along a deferent centered approximately on Earth. The planet moves along the epicycle more rapidly than the epicycle moves along the deferent. (b) At most times the eastward motion of the planet on the epicycle adds to the eastward motion of the epicycle on the deferent. Then the planet moves eastward in direct motion as seen from Earth. (c) When the planet is on the inside of the deferent, its motion along the epicycle is westward. Because this motion is faster than the eastward motion of the epicycle on the deferent, the planet appears from Earth to be moving westward in retrograde motion

Explaining the nonuniform motions of the five planets was one of the main challenges facing the astronomers of antiquity. The Greeks developed many theories to account for retrograde motion and the loops that the planets trace out against the background stars. One of the most successful and enduring models was originated by Apollonius of Perga and by Hipparchus in the second century b.c.e. and expanded upon by Ptolemy, the last of the great Greek astronomers, during the second century c.e. Figure 4-3a sketches the basic concept, usually called the Ptolemaic system. Each planet is assumed to move in a small circle called an epicycle, whose center in turn moves in a larger circle, called a deferent, which is centered approximately on Earth. Both the epicycle and deferent rotate in the same direction, shown as counterclockwise in Figure 4-3a.


As viewed from Earth, the epicycle moves eastward along the deferent. Most of the time the eastward motion of the planet on its epicycle adds to the eastward motion of the epicycle on the deferent (Figure 4-3b). Then the planet is seen to be in direct (eastward) motion against the background stars. However, when the planet is on the part of its epicycle nearest Earth, the motion of the planet along the epicycle is opposite to the motion of the epicycle along the deferent. The planet therefore appears to slow down and halt its usual eastward movement among the constellations, and actually goes backward in retrograde (westward) motion for a few weeks or months (Figure 4-3c). Thus, the concept of epicycles and deferents enabled Greek astronomers to explain the retrograde loops of the planets.

Using the wealth of astronomical data in the library at Alexandria, including records of planetary positions for hundreds of years, Ptolemy deduced the sizes and rotation rates of the epicycles and deferents needed to reproduce the recorded paths of the planets. After years of tedious work, Ptolemy assembled his calculations into 13 volumes, collectively called the Almagest. His work was used to predict the positions and paths of the Sun, Moon, and planets with unprecedented accuracy. In fact, the Almagest was so successful that it became the astronomer’s bible, and for more than 1000 years, the Ptolemaic system endured as a useful description of the workings of the heavens.

A major problem posed by the Ptolemaic system was a philosophical one: It treated each planet independent of the others. There was no rule in the Almagest that related the size and rotation speed of one planet’s epicycle and deferent to the corresponding sizes and speeds for other planets. This problem made the Ptolemaic system very unsatisfying to many Islamic and European astronomers of the Middle Ages. They thought that a correct model of the universe should be based on a simple set of underlying principles that applied to all of the planets.

With only limited observational data, the astronomers of the Middle Ages needed a way to judge if a scientific model might be correct. To help in this assessment, a guiding principle called Occam’s razor is often used to judge between competing scientific models. Named after the fourteenth-century English philosopher William of Occam, the principle states: When two hypotheses can explain the available data, the hypothesis requiring the fewest new assumptions should be favored. (The “razor” refers to shaving extraneous details or assumptions from an explanation.) In other words, the simplest explanation consistent with available data is most likely to be correct. The geocentric model required many parameters (or new assumptions) to characterize its epicycles and deferents, leaving open the possibility of a more simple theory. In the centuries that followed, Occam’s razor would help motivate a simpler yet revolutionary view of the universe.



Do the planets actually stop and change their direction of motion in the Ptolemaic model?