Print and digital books
1. One author
2. Multiple authors
3. Organization as author
4. Unknown author
5. Online book
6. Electronic book (e-book)
7. Edited book with no author
8. Edited book with author
9. Selection in an anthology or chapter in a book with an editor
10. Introduction, preface, foreword, or afterword
11. Translation
12. Edition other than the first
13. Multivolume work
14. Reference work
15. Work with a title within the title
16. Sacred text
17. Source quoted in another source
Print and digital periodicals
18. Article in a print journal
19. Article in an online journal
20. Journal article from a database
21. Article in a print magazine
22. Article in an online magazine
23. Magazine article from a database
24. Article in a newspaper
25. Article in an online newspaper
26. Newspaper article from a database
27. Book review
Other online sources
28. Website
29. Work from a website
30. Blog post
31. Email, Facebook, Twitter, and personal communications
32. Podcast
33. Online audio or video
Other sources
34. Published or broadcast interview
35. Video, DVD, or Blu-ray disc
36. Sound recording
37. Work of art
38. Pamphlet, report, or brochure
39. Government document