Responding to an essay examination

Your goal in producing an essay examination answer is twofold: to demonstrate that you have mastered the course material and to communicate your ideas and information clearly, directly, and logically.

Drafting stage

During the drafting stage, use your outline to keep yourself on track: if you depart from it, you will lose time and perhaps have trouble returning to the main discussion. As a general rule, develop each of your major points into at least one paragraph. Be sure to make clear the connections among your main points by using transitions. The last element of the human personality, according to Freud, is the superego.

Besides referring to your outline for guidance, pause and read what you have written before going on to a new point. Rereading may remind you of other ideas while you still have time to include them and should also help you establish a clear connection with whatever follows. If you are asked to write your essay on paper, write neatly, skip lines, and leave ample margins so that you have space for changes or additions when you revise. If you are writing your essay exam online, use double spacing and paragraph indentations.

Revising and editing stage

Leave enough time (a minimum of five minutes) to read through your essay answer carefully. Consider the following questions: