labels, in dictionary, 387

labels, for figures. See visuals and media, labeling

lab reports, 317–20

sample student writing, 318–20

language variety, 367–73. See also word choice

in academic writing, 367–78

building credibility with, 370

Considering Disabilities, 372

for multilingual writers, 370, 371, 398

nonstandard English, 367–78

other languages, 38, 371–73

Quick Help, 368

regionalisms, 369–71

rhetorical situation and, 37–38

spelling and, 398

standard English, 368

later, latter, 755–56

Latin abbreviations, 738

Latin roots, 390–91

latter, former, 754–55

latter, later, 755–56

lay, lie, 575, 577–78, 756

learner’s dictionaries, 389

LearningCurve adaptive quizzing. See the directory of online activities on p. 818

least, less, 614–15

leave, let, 756

lend, loan, 756


of assignments, 26, 36, 193

of paragraphs, 96, 107

of sentences, 83–84, 639, 672–73

less, fewer, 754

less, least, 614–15

let, leave, 756

letters of the alphabet, used as letters, 711–12, 744

letters (documents)

for global communication, 358–59

of inquiry, 325–26

for peer review, 71–76

sample student letter, 75–76

liable, likely, apt, 752

librarians, reference, 201–2

library research, 201–6. See also research (research projects)

lie, lay, 575, 577–78, 756

like, as if, as, 752

like, in similes, 382

likely, apt, liable, 752

likewise. See conjunctive adverb

limiting modifiers, 650

linear organization, 56

line graphs, 269. See also visuals and media

line spacing, 267–68

linking verb, 550 A verb that suggests a state of being, not an action.

adjective after, 612

subject-verb agreement, 595

links, in online texts

embedding, 287

evaluating sources and, 218–19

in portfolios, 340

listening, 19–20

list of references. See APA style; CSE style

list of works cited. See MLA style


colons before, 702, 724

email discussion, 21

parallelism in, 631

parentheses in, 720–21

literally, 756

literary analysis, 302–3

literary present tense, 580

literature, review of the, 308–13, 317–18

little, much, 563–64

loan, lend, 756

loans, interlibrary, 206

logos (logical appeals), 144–46, 168–75


editing (writing inventory), 11, 87

research, 197–98

vocabulary, 295, 394

long quotations. See quotations, long

looping, 41–42

loose, lose, 756

lots, lots of, 756

-ly adverbs, 540–41, 748