name-year format, 519, 520


in arguments, 169–70

organizing with, 52, 53

for paragraph development, 100

narrowing a topic, 27, 47, 195

Native American, 363

natural and applied sciences. See sciences, natural and applied

N.B. (note well), 738

n.d. (no date),

in APA style, 457, 470, 476

in MLA style, 430–31, 432

necessary words, 6, 634, 656–57

negative space, in design, 266

negatives, multiple, 616

neither. See indefinite pronoun

neither . . . nor. See correlative conjunctions

neologisms (new words), 376

nevertheless. See conjunctive adverb

newsletter, sample, 350

newspapers. See periodical articles

no, know, 755

nobody. See indefinite pronoun

nominalization, 662–63

noncount noun, 535, 562 A noun referring to a collection of things or to an idea that cannot be directly counted: sand, rain, violence. Contrast with count noun.

articles with, 565–66

for multilingual writers, 564, 565–66

none. See indefinite pronoun

non-English words

bringing into writing, 38, 371–73

italics for, 744

nonjuried publications, 293

nonprint sources. See digital texts

nonrestrictive element, 6–7, 689–91 A word, phrase, or clause that provides more information about, but does not change, the essential meaning of a sentence. Nonrestrictive elements are set off from the rest of the sentence with commas: My instructor, who is perceptive, liked my introduction.

non sequitur, 151

nonstandard English, 367–71

nor. See coordinating conjunctions

nor, or, 756

normal, 354–55

not, as adverb, 541

NOT, in advanced searches, 204

notes. See also footnotes; note-taking

abbreviations in, 738

Chicago style, 495–96, 498–512

dictating, 198

MLA style, 403–4

speaking from, 278–79


for annotated bibliographies, 214–15

annotating sources, 128–32, 225–26, 230

for essay examinations, 331–36

in field research, 209, 210

in journals, 45

on media sources, 230

paraphrases, 227–29

for peer review, 68–69

Quick Help, 226, 227, 229

quotations, 226

while reading, 128–32

research logs, 197–98

sample notes, 129–32, 225, 229

summaries, 132–33, 229

nothing. See indefinite pronoun

not only . . . but also. See correlative conjunctions

noun, 536, 562–66 A word that names a person, place, thing, or idea.

abstract, 85, 380–81

collective, 535, 593, 605

common, 731–32

compound, 710, 747

count and noncount, 535, 562, 564, 565–66

determiners with, 563

gerund as, 553

after linking verb, 550

as modifier, 616

for multilingual writers, 562–66

object complement, 551

plural, 535, 709–10

possessive, 535, 709–10

proper, 5, 395, 731–32

sexist, 362

singular, 535

as subject, 548

wordiness and, 85, 662–63

noun clauses, 556–57

noun phrases, 552, 562–66, 691

N.p. (no publisher), 430–31, 432

n. pag. (no page numbers), 426, 428

number (singular or plural)

pronoun-antecedent agreement, 9, 604–6

shifts in, 627

subject-verb agreement, 590–91

number, amount, 752

number of, 593


abbreviations in, 737

as adjectives, 540

colons in, 725

commas in, 695

figures for, 740–41

hyphens in, 748

in parentheses, 721

plurals of, 711–12

Quick Help, 736

spelling out, 740–41

Talking the Talk, 740

used as numbers, 711–12, 744