habitual actions, and verb sequence, 584

handouts, for presentations, 282

hanged, hung, 575, 755

hardly, 753

hashtags, 289

hasty generalization, 152

have, forms of

as helping verbs, 534, 570

as irregular verbs, 575

strong verbs versus, 680–81

have, has, 590

he, him, 362, 538, 598–601

he, sexist use of, 361–63, 606


in APA style, 454

in Chicago style, 495

in CSE style, 518

design, 268

levels of, 268

in MLA style, 405

in online texts, 268

parallelism in, 268, 632

wording of, 268

help, acknowledging, 243

helping verb, 534, 569–73 A verb such as a form of be, do, or have or a modal combined with a main verb.

her, she, 362, 538, 598–601

herself, 538, 755

he/she, his/her, 755

hierarchical organization, 57

highlighting, of drafts, 69, 71

him, he, 362, 538, 598–601

himself, 538, 755

his/her, he/she, 755

hisself, 755

historical sources, 199, 201, 206

home page, for portfolio, 343

homonyms, 396–97

Quick Help, 397

spell checkers and, 4, 395

hook, in introduction, 81

hopefully, 755

however. See conjunctive adverb

humanities, 300–305. See also MLA style

Quick Help, 301

reading in, 300–301

sample student writing, 303–5

writing in, 301–3

hundred, hundreds, 739

hung, hanged, 575, 755

hyphens, 747–50

with compound words, 747–48

for dashes, 722–23

plurals and, 710

with prefixes and suffixes, 748–49

Quick Help, 747

Top Twenty, 10

unnecessary, 749


in the humanities, 300

in the natural and applied sciences, 315, 316

in the social sciences, 307

and working thesis, 195–96, 198, 251