File | Title | Manuscript Id |
38. Apostrophes | wia1elp_ch38_1.html | 53517dd4757a2e7c10000000 |
DLAP questions | wia1elp_ch38_1_dlap.xml | 53517dd4757a2e7c10000000 |
38a Signal possessive case. | wia1elp_ch38_2.html | 53517dd4757a2e7c10000000 |
DLAP questions | wia1elp_ch38_2_dlap.xml | 53517dd4757a2e7c10000000 |
Plural nouns. | wia1elp_ch38_3.html | 53517dd4757a2e7c10000000 |
DLAP questions | wia1elp_ch38_3_dlap.xml | 53517dd4757a2e7c10000000 |
Compound nouns. | wia1elp_ch38_4.html | 53517dd4757a2e7c10000000 |
DLAP questions | wia1elp_ch38_4_dlap.xml | 53517dd4757a2e7c10000000 |
Two or more nouns. | wia1elp_ch38_5.html | 53517dd4757a2e7c10000000 |
DLAP questions | wia1elp_ch38_5_dlap.xml | 53517dd4757a2e7c10000000 |
Exercise 38.1 | wia1elp_ch38_6.html | 53517dd4757a2e7c10000000 |
DLAP questions | wia1elp_ch38_6_dlap.xml | 53517dd4757a2e7c10000000 |
38b Signal contractions. | wia1elp_ch38_7.html | 53517dd4757a2e7c10000000 |
DLAP questions | wia1elp_ch38_7_dlap.xml | 53517dd4757a2e7c10000000 |
Distinguishing its and it’s. | wia1elp_ch38_8.html | 53517dd4757a2e7c10000000 |
DLAP questions | wia1elp_ch38_8_dlap.xml | 53517dd4757a2e7c10000000 |
38c Understand apostrophes and plural forms. | wia1elp_ch38_9.html | 53517dd4757a2e7c10000000 |
DLAP questions | wia1elp_ch38_9_dlap.xml | 53517dd4757a2e7c10000000 |
Exercises | wia1elp_ch38_10.html | 53517dd4757a2e7c10000000 |
DLAP questions | wia1elp_ch38_10_dlap.xml | 53517dd4757a2e7c10000000 |
Exercise 38.2 | wia1elp_ch38_11.html | 53517dd4757a2e7c10000000 |
DLAP questions | wia1elp_ch38_11_dlap.xml | 53517dd4757a2e7c10000000 |
Exercise 38.3: Thinking Critically | wia1elp_ch38_12.html | 53517dd4757a2e7c10000000 |
DLAP questions | wia1elp_ch38_12_dlap.xml | 53517dd4757a2e7c10000000 |
LearningCurve Activity: Apostrophes | wia1elp_ch38_13.html | 53517dd4757a2e7c10000000 |
DLAP questions | wia1elp_ch38_13_dlap.xml | 53517dd4757a2e7c10000000 |