Chapter 87. Exercise W5-4

87.1 Section Title

You must read each slide, and complete any questions on the slide, in sequence.
Exercise W5-4
Misused words

Click on the word in the parentheses that is used correctly.

Click Submit after each question to see feedback and to record your answer. After you have finished every question, your answers will be submitted to your instructor’s gradebook. You may review your answers by returning to the exercise at any time. (An exercise reports to the gradebook only if your instructor has assigned it.)


1 of 10

Correct. Implied means “suggested indirectly.” To infer something is to draw a conclusion from evidence. For more help, see section W5-c.
Sorry. The correct word is implied, meaning “suggested indirectly.” To infer something is to draw a conclusion from evidence. For more help, see section W5-c.

2 of 10

Correct. An illusion is a false belief. An allusion is a reference to something. For more help, see section W5-c.
Sorry. The correct word is illusion, meaning “a false belief.” An allusion is a reference to something. For more help, see section W5-c.

3 of 10

Correct. The noun effect means “a result.” Affect is usually a verb meaning “to influence”: The Internet has affected us greatly. For more help, see section W5-c.
Sorry. The correct word is the noun effect, meaning “a result.” Affect is usually a verb meaning “to influence”: The Internet has affected us greatly. For more help, see section W5-c.

4 of 10

Correct. It is the church’s poor acoustics that make it difficult to hear. Agnostics are people who believe that the existence of God can be neither proved nor disproved. For more help, see section W5-c.
Sorry. It is the church’s poor acoustics (design for carrying sound) that make it difficult to hear. Agnostics are people who believe that the existence of God can be neither proved nor disproved. For more help, see section W5-c.

5 of 10

Correct. The noun significance can serve as the subject of the sentence. The adjective significant cannot. For more help, see section W5-c.
Sorry. The correct word is the noun significance. An adjective such as significant cannot serve as the subject of the sentence. For more help, see section W5-c.

6 of 10

Correct. The word aesthetic means “artistically pleasing.” The adjective ascetic describes a person who has renounced material comforts. For more help, see section W5-c.
Sorry. The correct word is aesthetic, meaning “artistically pleasing.” The adjective ascetic describes a person who has renounced material comforts. For more help, see section W5-c.

7 of 10

Correct. The adjective conscious means “mentally alert.” Conscience is a noun meaning “the sense of moral correctness.” For more help, see section W5-c.
Sorry. The correct word is the adjective conscious, meaning “mentally alert.” Conscience is a noun meaning “the sense of moral correctness.” For more help, see section W5-c.

8 of 10

Correct. The word presumptuous means “excessively forward or pushy.” The word presumptive means “probable.” For more help, see section W5-c.
Sorry. The correct word is presumptuous, meaning “excessively forward or pushy.” The word presumptive means “probable.” For more help, see section W5-c.

9 of 10

Correct. The word credible means “believable.” Credulous is an adjective meaning “gullible.” For more help, see section W5-c.
Sorry. The correct word is credible, meaning “believable.” Credulous is an adjective meaning “gullible.” For more help, see section W5-c.

10 of 10

Correct. An epitaph is an inscription on a tombstone. An epigraph is a motto. For more help, see section W5-c.
Sorry. The correct word is epitaph, an inscription on a tombstone. An epigraph is a motto. For more help, see section W5-c.