Quick help: Run-on sentences

Need help recognizing run-on sentences in your writing? For more help, follow the links.

Incorrect example sentence: The human body makes white blood cells very quickly these cells generally have a short life.

Correct example sentence: The human body makes white blood cells very quickly, but these cells generally have a short life.

Get help revising with a comma and a coordinating conjunction.

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Incorrect example sentence: The human body makes white blood cells very quickly, these cells generally have a short life.

Correct example sentence: The human body makes white blood cells very quickly; these cells generally have a short life.

Correct example sentence: The human body makes white blood cells very quickly; however, these cells generally have a short life.

Get help revising with a semicolon.

Get general advice about revising run-ons.

Incorrect example sentence: The human body makes white blood cells very quickly these cells generally have a short life.

Correct example sentence: The human body makes white blood cells very quickly. These cells generally have a short life.

Get help revising with separate sentences.

Get general advice about revising run-ons.

Incorrect example sentence: The human body makes white blood cells very quickly these cells generally have a short life.

Correct example sentence: Although the human body makes white blood cells very quickly, these cells generally have a short life.

Get help revising by restructuring the sentence.

Get general advice about revising run-ons.

Exercise: Run-on sentences 1

Exercise: Run-on sentences 2

Exercise: Run-on sentences 3

Exercise: Run-on sentences 4

Exercise: Run-on sentences 5

Exercise: Run-on sentences 6