Posting to an online discussion list (MLA)

Works cited entry


Robin, Griffith. “Write for the Reading Teacher.” Developing Digital Literacies, NCTE, 23 Oct. 2015,


  • Begin with the writer’s name. Give the writer’s screen name if that is what appears in the source, followed by the writer’s real name in parentheses, if it is known.
  • Give the title or subject line, in quotation marks. If the posting has no title, use the label “Online posting” (without quotation marks).
  • Then proceed as for a short work from a website, giving the discussion list name in italics, the sponsor of the list, the date of posting, and the URL of the posting.
  • When possible, cite archived versions of postings.
  • If you cannot locate an archived version, keep a copy of the posting for your records.

NOTE: When a URL must be divided at the end of a line, break it before a period or a hyphen or after any other mark of punctuation. Do not insert a hyphen at the end of the line.

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