Television or radio episode (on the air) (APA)


Reference list entry

Harleston, R. (Host). (2012, December 1). Federal role in support of autism [Television series episode]. In Washington journal. Washington, DC: C-SPAN.


  • Begin with the director, producer, and other relevant contributors, adding a title in parentheses following each name.
  • Give the date on which the episode was aired.
  • Add the title of the episode, neither italicized nor in quotation marks. Follow the title with “Television series episode” or “Radio series episode” in brackets.
  • Give the name of the program, italicized, and the city and network or station.
  • If the program has a producer, director, or other relevant contributor, add that person’s name and title before the program title. See Television or radio episode (on the web) for an example.

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