Short work from a website (Chicago)



44. Alexios Mantzarlis, “How TV Fact-Checked Spain’s Final Debate,” Poynter, last modified December 15, 2015,


Mantzarlis, Alexios. “How TV Fact-Checked Spain’s Final Debate.” Poynter, last modified December 15, 2015.


  • Begin with the author, if the short work has one.
  • Give the title of the short work, in quotation marks.
  • Add the sponsor of the site, the date of publication or the modified (update) date, and the complete URL for the work.
  • Do not italicize a website title unless the site is an online book or periodical or a blog.
  • If a site does not have a date of publication or a modified date, give the date you accessed the site (“accessed January 3, 2014”).

Note on breaking URLs and DOIs

  • If you must break a URL or a DOI at the end of a line, break it after a colon or a double slash or before any other mark of punctuation.
  • Do not add a hyphen.
  • Do not put a period at the end of the entry.

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Citation at a glance: Primary source from a website

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First and later (shortened) notes for a source