CSE citation-sequence system

In the citation-sequence system, each source is given a superscript number the first time it appears in the paper. Any subsequent references to that source are marked with the same number. At the end of the paper, a list of references provides full publication information for each numbered source.

Entries in the reference list are numbered in the order in which they are mentioned in the paper.

In-text citation

Theoretically, plants of a particular species may be aggregated (clumped), random, or uniformly distributed in space.1 The distribution type may be determined by many factors, such as availability of nutrients, competition, distance of seed dispersal, and mode of reproduction.2

Entries in the reference list

1. Ketchum J. Lab manual for Botany 100; 2005.

2. Kershaw KA, Looney JHH. Quantitative and dynamic plant ecology. 3rd ed. London: Edward Arnold; 1985.

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CSE in-text citations

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