Article in an online journal or magazine (CSE)

Citation-sequence and citation-name

18. Leslie M. The power of one. Science. 2011 Jan 7 [accessed 2011 Feb 3];331(6013):24-26. doi:10.1126/science.331.6013.24-a.

18. Matson J. Twisted light could enable black hole detection. Sci Am. 2011 Feb 14 [accessed 2011 Feb 28].


  • Provide whatever publication information is available, as for a print journal or magazine.
  • After the date of publication or the copyright date, include in brackets the date you accessed the article.
  • End with the URL and the DOI (if the article has one).
  • Make the first line of the entry flush with the left margin. Indent any additional lines in the entry one-quarter inch.


Leslie M. 2011 Jan 7. The power of one. Science. [accessed 2011 Feb 3];331(6013):24-26. doi:10.1126/science.331.6013.24-a.

Matson J. 2011 Feb 14. Twisted light could enable black hole detection. Sci Am. [accessed 2011 Feb 28].


  • Provide whatever publication information is available, as for a print journal or magazine.
  • Give the date of publication or copyright date after the author's name.
  • Include your access date in brackets after the journal or magazine title.
  • End with the URL and the DOI (if the article has one).
  • Make the first line of the entry flush with the left margin. Indent any additional lines in the entry one-quarter inch.

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