Article from a database (CSE)
Citation-sequence and citation-name
19. Logan CA. A review of ocean acidification and America’s response. BioScience. 2010 [accessed 2011 Jun 17];60(10):819-828. General OneFile. http://
- CSE does not provide guidelines for an article accessed through a database service. The guidelines presented here are based on CSE’s models for an article in an online periodical and for a complete database.
- Provide whatever publication information is available, as for an online journal or magazine article. Include your date of access after the date of publication of the article.
- Follow with the name of the database and the URL for the database.
- Include an article or document number, if the database assigns one, after the URL.
- Make the first line of the entry flush with the left margin. Indent any additional lines in the entry one-quarter inch.
Logan CA. 2010. A review of ocean acidification and America’s response. BioScience. [accessed 2011 Jun 17];60(10): 819-828. General OneFile. http://
- CSE does not provide guidelines for an article accessed through a database service. The guidelines presented here are based on CSE’s models for an article in an online periodical and for a complete database.
- Provide whatever publication information is available, as for an online journal or magazine article.
- Give the publication date for the article after the author's name. Include your date of access after the journal or magazine title.
- Follow with the name of the database and the URL for the database.
- Include an article or document number, if the database assigns one, after the URL.
- Make the first line of the entry flush with the left margin. Indent any additional lines in the entry one-quarter inch.
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