Article in a newspaper (on the Web) (Chicago)
32. David Brown, “New Burden of Disease Study Shows World’s People Living Longer but with More Disability,” Washington Post, December 13, 2012, http://
Brown, David. “New Burden of Disease Study Shows World’s People Living Longer but with More Disability.” Washington Post, December 13, 2012. http://
- Cite as a print newspaper article, giving whatever information is available on the Web.
- Include the URL for the article; if the URL is very long, use the URL for the newspaper’s home page.
- Omit page numbers, even if the source provides them.
Note on breaking URLs and DOIs
- If you must break a URL or a DOI at the end of a line, break it after a colon or a double slash or before any other mark of punctuation.
- Do not add a hyphen.
- Do not put a period at the end of the entry.