Introduction to the Documents | henrettasources_ch10_1.html | 530a2647757a2e6975000001 |
DLAP questions | henrettasources_ch10_1_dlap.xml | 530a2647757a2e6975000001 |
Document 10-1: Martin Van Buren, The Autobiography of Martin Van Buren (1854) | henrettasources_ch10_2.html | 530a2647757a2e6975000001 |
DLAP questions | henrettasources_ch10_2_dlap.xml | 530a2647757a2e6975000001 |
Document 10-2: Fitzwilliam Byrdsall, The History of the Loco-Foco or Equal Rights Party (1842) | henrettasources_ch10_3.html | 530a2647757a2e6975000001 |
DLAP questions | henrettasources_ch10_3_dlap.xml | 530a2647757a2e6975000001 |
Document 10-3: andrew Jackson, Veto Message Regarding the Bank of the United States (1832) | henrettasources_ch10_4.html | 530a2647757a2e6975000001 |
DLAP questions | henrettasources_ch10_4_dlap.xml | 530a2647757a2e6975000001 |
Document 10-4: Henry Carey, The Harmony of Interests (1851) | henrettasources_ch10_5.html | 530a2647757a2e6975000001 |
DLAP questions | henrettasources_ch10_5_dlap.xml | 530a2647757a2e6975000001 |
Document 10-5: King Andrew the First (c. 1833) | henrettasources_ch10_6.html | 530a2647757a2e6975000001 |
DLAP questions | henrettasources_ch10_6_dlap.xml | 530a2647757a2e6975000001 |
Document 10-6: Cherokee Women, Petition (1821 [1831?]) | henrettasources_ch10_7.html | 530a2647757a2e6975000001 |
DLAP questions | henrettasources_ch10_7_dlap.xml | 530a2647757a2e6975000001 |
Comparative Questions | henrettasources_ch10_8.html | 530a2647757a2e6975000001 |
DLAP questions | henrettasources_ch10_8_dlap.xml | 530a2647757a2e6975000001 |
Quiz for Sources for Americaâs History, Chapter 10 | henrettasources_ch10_9.html | 530a2647757a2e6975000001 |
DLAP questions | henrettasources_ch10_9_dlap.xml | 530a2647757a2e6975000001 |