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Early and Middle Adulthood

This three-chapter book part spans the time from high school graduation (at roughly age 18) until society labels us as senior citizens (in our mid-sixties)—a lifespan chunk that covers almost 50 years!

Chapter 10Constructing an Adult Life tackles the challenges of making it to full adulthood—a process that often takes a decade after we reach age 18. In this chapter, among other topics, I’ll tackle the challenges of college, choosing a career, and finding a mate—including paying special attention to the on-line revolution in romance. If you are a traditional college student or a twenty-something young adult, this chapter is about your life.

Chapter 11Relationships and Roles continues this focus on work and love by exploring marriage, parenthood, and careers. In the marriage section, you will get insights into how different societies view this core relationship, how marriages change over time and, especially, learn the latest research relating to having enduring, satisfying love. In the parenthood section, you’ll find out how becoming parents changes a marriage and learn what twenty-first-century motherhood and fatherhood is really like. The last section of the chapter addresses work: How have our career lives been changing? What makes for happiness in this vital role? Do men’s and women’s career attitudes and pathways differ today?

Chapter 12Midlife. In much of this chapter, my focus is, “How do people change over the adult years?” Once again, as I survey the research on personality and intellectual change, you’ll be getting a wealth of insights into what makes for a fulfilling adult life. The last sections of this chapter cover topics specific to middle age: grandparenthood, caring for elderly parents, and age-related changes in sexuality.