The social context, especially supportive adults who do not blame the child, is crucial. In general, a child’s interpretation of a family situation determines how it affects him or her. Religious faith can be crucial in helping children cope because it provides hope and meaning.
The legal status of the parents is not the most important factor. Instead, it is the stability that parents can provide that is critical. Marriage should be entered into slowly and carefully, and couples need to work to keep their relationship strong. If a divorce is the only solution to a troubled marriage, parents need to minimize transitions and strive to maintain the child’s relationship with each parent.
Most victimized children find ways to halt ongoing bullying, by ignoring, retaliating, defusing, or avoiding. Friends can defend each other and restore self-
When child culture conflicts with adult morality, children often align themselves with peers. Peer values may outweigh adult values. There are three moral imperatives in middle childhood: Protect your friends; don’t tell adults what is happening; conform to peer standards of dress, talk, and behavior.
“But Dad, that’s not fair! Why does Keaton get to kill zombies and I can’t?”
“Well, because you are too young to kill zombies. Your cousin Keaton is older than you, so that’s why he can do it. You’ll get nightmares.”
“That’s soooo not fair.”
“Next year, after your birthday, I’ll let you kill zombies.”
[adapted from Asma, 2013]
This conversation between a professor and his 8-