Thinking in adulthood differs from earlier thinking in three major ways: It is more practical, more flexible, and more dialectical—
The idea that emerging adulthood is pivotal for a process of developing morals that continues through middle age has been supported by research over the past decades. Children combine the values of their parents, their culture, and their peers with their own sensibilities as they mature. Dramatic and extensive changes occur in young adulthood in the basic problem-
In some nations, more than half of 25-
College improves verbal and quantitative abilities, adds knowledge of specific subject areas, teaches skills in various professions, and fosters reasoning and reflection. Many of these abilities characterize postformal thinking.
What did you learn today?
When I asked my young children this question, I sometimes heard their excitement about new discoveries (that the sun does not really move in the sky) but also about things of no interest to me (like how a bunny eats a carrot). When I asked my adolescents this same question, I sometimes heard emotional truths (did you know that slaves were not counted as whole people in the Constitution?), but often I got silence. The children gave details; the adolescents might say “Nothing.”
How would you answer if someone asked you now? You might respond with ideas or information, something thoughtful, new to me as well as to you. In adulthood, cognition changes in quality, quantity, speed, efficiency, and depth, reflecting values, interests, and skills, as well as an awareness of what other people know. When and how these changes take place is explained in each of this book’s three chapters on adult cognition, Chapters 18, 21, and 24.
Cognitive development has been studied using many approaches:
All three approaches provide valuable insights into the complex patterns of adult cognition. Yet, as emphasized in Chapter 17, chronological age is an imperfect boundary in adulthood. This chapter focuses on postformal thought, Chapter 21 on psychometrics, and Chapter 24 on information processing. For all three, some examples extend beyond chronological age boundaries.
Each cognitive chapter also includes age-