Name | File | Manuscript |
Learning by Doing: Analyzing Audience | concisebedguide1ebim_ch1_1.html | 523db6de757a2e2934000071 |
DLAP questions | concisebedguide1ebim_ch1_1_dlap.xml | 523db6de757a2e2934000071 |
Learning by Doing: Reading Online | concisebedguide1ebim_ch2_1.html | 523db83a757a2e4c2f00007d |
DLAP questions | concisebedguide1ebim_ch2_1_dlap.xml | 523db83a757a2e4c2f00007d |
Learning by Doing: Analyzing Logic | concisebedguide1ebim_ch3_1.html | 523db9d1757a2e3839000000 |
DLAP questions | concisebedguide1ebim_ch3_1_dlap.xml | 523db9d1757a2e3839000000 |
Learning from Other Writers: The Game Ain’t Over Til the Fatso Man Sings | concisebedguide1ebim_ch4_1.html | 523dba76757a2e272f000006 |
DLAP questions | concisebedguide1ebim_ch4_1_dlap.xml | 523dba76757a2e272f000006 |
Learning by Doing: Recalling from Photographs | concisebedguide1ebim_ch4_2.html | 523dba76757a2e272f000006 |
DLAP questions | concisebedguide1ebim_ch4_2_dlap.xml | 523dba76757a2e272f000006 |
Learning from Other Writers: Observing the Titanic: Past and Present | concisebedguide1ebim_ch5_1.html | 52407a32757a2e6373000000 |
DLAP questions | concisebedguide1ebim_ch5_1_dlap.xml | 52407a32757a2e6373000000 |
Learning by Doing: Scenes from the News | concisebedguide1ebim_ch5_2.html | 52407a32757a2e6373000000 |
DLAP questions | concisebedguide1ebim_ch5_2_dlap.xml | 52407a32757a2e6373000000 |
Learning from Other Writers: Hurricane Katrina Pictures: Then & Now, Ruin & Rebirth | concisebedguide1ebim_ch6_1.html | 52408266757a2ee475000001 |
DLAP questions | concisebedguide1ebim_ch6_1_dlap.xml | 52408266757a2ee475000001 |
Learning by Doing: Comparing and Contrasting Experience of a Major Event | concisebedguide1ebim_ch6_2.html | 52408266757a2ee475000001 |
DLAP questions | concisebedguide1ebim_ch6_2_dlap.xml | 52408266757a2ee475000001 |
Learning from Other Writers: Dirty Water Campaign | concisebedguide1ebim_ch7_1.html | 5240842f757a2ee975000000 |
DLAP questions | concisebedguide1ebim_ch7_1_dlap.xml | 5240842f757a2ee975000000 |
Learning by Doing: Writing Your Representative | concisebedguide1ebim_ch7_2.html | 5240842f757a2ee975000000 |
DLAP questions | concisebedguide1ebim_ch7_2_dlap.xml | 5240842f757a2ee975000000 |
Learning from Other Writers: Best Buttermilk Pancakes | concisebedguide1ebim_ch8_1.html | 52408500757a2e747300000a |
DLAP questions | concisebedguide1ebim_ch8_1_dlap.xml | 52408500757a2e747300000a |
Learning by Doing: Evaluating Film | concisebedguide1ebim_ch8_2.html | 52408500757a2e747300000a |
DLAP questions | concisebedguide1ebim_ch8_2_dlap.xml | 52408500757a2e747300000a |
Learning from Other Writers: Why am I Obsessed with Celebrity Gossip? | concisebedguide1ebim_ch9_1.html | 5240864f757a2e3a78000000 |
DLAP questions | concisebedguide1ebim_ch9_1_dlap.xml | 5240864f757a2e3a78000000 |
Learning from Other Writers: Celebrity Relationships: Why Do We Care? | concisebedguide1ebim_ch9_2.html | 5240864f757a2e3a78000000 |
DLAP questions | concisebedguide1ebim_ch9_2_dlap.xml | 5240864f757a2e3a78000000 |
Learning from Other Writers: The Strange Power of Celebrity | concisebedguide1ebim_ch9_3.html | 5240864f757a2e3a78000000 |
DLAP questions | concisebedguide1ebim_ch9_3_dlap.xml | 5240864f757a2e3a78000000 |
Learning from Other Writers: Dead Men Do Tell Tales | concisebedguide1ebim_ch9_4.html | 5240864f757a2e3a78000000 |
DLAP questions | concisebedguide1ebim_ch9_4_dlap.xml | 5240864f757a2e3a78000000 |
Learning by Doing: Finding Credible Sources | concisebedguide1ebim_ch9_5.html | 5240864f757a2e3a78000000 |
DLAP questions | concisebedguide1ebim_ch9_5_dlap.xml | 5240864f757a2e3a78000000 |
Learning from Other Writers: Charlie Living with Autism | concisebedguide1ebim_ch10_1.html | 524088e9757a2e5278000000 |
DLAP questions | concisebedguide1ebim_ch10_1_dlap.xml | 524088e9757a2e5278000000 |
Learning by Doing: Analyzing Your College or University’s Web Site | concisebedguide1ebim_ch10_2.html | 524088e9757a2e5278000000 |
DLAP questions | concisebedguide1ebim_ch10_2_dlap.xml | 524088e9757a2e5278000000 |
Learning from Other Writers: Sample E-mail to an Instructor | concisebedguide1ebim_ch11_1.html | 52408ceb757a2eea75000000 |
DLAP questions | concisebedguide1ebim_ch11_1_dlap.xml | 52408ceb757a2eea75000000 |
Learning by Doing: Tracking Your Time Online | concisebedguide1ebim_ch11_2.html | 52408ceb757a2eea75000000 |
DLAP questions | concisebedguide1ebim_ch11_2_dlap.xml | 52408ceb757a2eea75000000 |
Learning by Doing: Exploring Your Course or Learning Management System (CMS or LMS) | concisebedguide1ebim_ch11_3.html | 52408ceb757a2eea75000000 |
DLAP questions | concisebedguide1ebim_ch11_3_dlap.xml | 52408ceb757a2eea75000000 |
Learning by Doing: Brainstorming from a Video | concisebedguide1ebim_ch12_1.html | 52408da4757a2eea7a000000 |
DLAP questions | concisebedguide1ebim_ch12_1_dlap.xml | 52408da4757a2eea7a000000 |
Learning by Doing: Analyzing a Thesis | concisebedguide1ebim_ch13_1.html | 52408e04757a2e3978000000 |
DLAP questions | concisebedguide1ebim_ch13_1_dlap.xml | 52408e04757a2e3978000000 |
Learning by Doing: Identifying Topic Sentences | concisebedguide1ebim_ch14_1.html | 52408ebf757a2eb37a000000 |
DLAP questions | concisebedguide1ebim_ch14_1_dlap.xml | 52408ebf757a2eb37a000000 |
Learning by Doing: Identifying Transitions | concisebedguide1ebim_ch14_2.html | 52408ebf757a2eb37a000000 |
DLAP questions | concisebedguide1ebim_ch14_2_dlap.xml | 52408ebf757a2eb37a000000 |
Learning by Doing: Editing Sentences | concisebedguide1ebim_ch15_1.html | 52408f4c757a2ebe7a000000 |
DLAP questions | concisebedguide1ebim_ch15_1_dlap.xml | 52408f4c757a2ebe7a000000 |
Learning by Doing: Narrowing Online Research | concisebedguide1ebim_ch16_1.html | 524090d7757a2ee77a000000 |
DLAP questions | concisebedguide1ebim_ch16_1_dlap.xml | 524090d7757a2ee77a000000 |
Learning by Doing: Practicing with Online Sources | concisebedguide1ebim_ch17_1.html | 524092cf757a2e3978000004 |
DLAP questions | concisebedguide1ebim_ch17_1_dlap.xml | 524092cf757a2e3978000004 |
Learning by Doing: Comparing Google and Database Searches | concisebedguide1ebim_ch18_1.html | 52409334757a2ebe7a000004 |
DLAP questions | concisebedguide1ebim_ch18_1_dlap.xml | 52409334757a2ebe7a000004 |
Learning by Doing: Evaluating Online Sources | concisebedguide1ebim_ch19_1.html | 524093c7757a2e6373000009 |
DLAP questions | concisebedguide1ebim_ch19_1_dlap.xml | 524093c7757a2e6373000009 |
Learning by Doing: Quoting and Paraphrasing Accurately | concisebedguide1ebim_ch20_1.html | 52409550757a2ee47a000000 |
DLAP questions | concisebedguide1ebim_ch20_1_dlap.xml | 52409550757a2ee47a000000 |
Introduction: Reading to Write | concisebedguide1ebim_che0_1.html | 52409887757a2e717d000000 |
DLAP questions | concisebedguide1ebim_che0_1_dlap.xml | 52409887757a2e717d000000 |
Mother Tongue | concisebedguide1ebim_che1_1.html | 52409b09757a2ee47f000000 |
DLAP questions | concisebedguide1ebim_che1_1_dlap.xml | 52409b09757a2ee47f000000 |
Public and Private Language | concisebedguide1ebim_che1_2.html | 52409b09757a2ee47f000000 |
DLAP questions | concisebedguide1ebim_che1_2_dlap.xml | 52409b09757a2ee47f000000 |
Once a Mother, Always a Mother | concisebedguide1ebim_che1_3.html | 52409b09757a2ee47f000000 |
DLAP questions | concisebedguide1ebim_che1_3_dlap.xml | 52409b09757a2ee47f000000 |
Paternity Leave Around the World | concisebedguide1ebim_che1_4.html | 52409b09757a2ee47f000000 |
DLAP questions | concisebedguide1ebim_che1_4_dlap.xml | 52409b09757a2ee47f000000 |
The High Cost of Manliness | concisebedguide1ebim_che2_1.html | 5241d4e0757a2eca6d000002 |
DLAP questions | concisebedguide1ebim_che2_1_dlap.xml | 5241d4e0757a2eca6d000002 |
Guys Suffer from Oppressive Gender Roles Too | concisebedguide1ebim_che2_2.html | 5241d4e0757a2eca6d000002 |
DLAP questions | concisebedguide1ebim_che2_2_dlap.xml | 5241d4e0757a2eca6d000002 |
Who Does the Talking Here? | concisebedguide1ebim_che2_3.html | 5241d4e0757a2eca6d000002 |
DLAP questions | concisebedguide1ebim_che2_3_dlap.xml | 5241d4e0757a2eca6d000002 |
Boxing Beauties | concisebedguide1ebim_che2_4.html | 5241d4e0757a2eca6d000002 |
DLAP questions | concisebedguide1ebim_che2_4_dlap.xml | 5241d4e0757a2eca6d000002 |
Why We Crave Horror Movies | concisebedguide1ebim_che3_1.html | 5241e224757a2ea972000001 |
DLAP questions | concisebedguide1ebim_che3_1_dlap.xml | 5241e224757a2ea972000001 |
Violent Media Is Good for Kids | concisebedguide1ebim_che3_2.html | 5241e224757a2ea972000001 |
DLAP questions | concisebedguide1ebim_che3_2_dlap.xml | 5241e224757a2ea972000001 |
My Zombie, Myself: Why Modern Life Feels Rather Undead | concisebedguide1ebim_che3_3.html | 5241e224757a2ea972000001 |
DLAP questions | concisebedguide1ebim_che3_3_dlap.xml | 5241e224757a2ea972000001 |
‘Harlem Shake’ vs. History: Is the YouTube Novelty-Hits Era That Novel? | concisebedguide1ebim_che3_4.html | 5241e224757a2ea972000001 |
DLAP questions | concisebedguide1ebim_che3_4_dlap.xml | 5241e224757a2ea972000001 |
Grief in the Age of Facebook | concisebedguide1ebim_che4_1.html | 5241e9d4757a2ed672000002 |
DLAP questions | concisebedguide1ebim_che4_1_dlap.xml | 5241e9d4757a2ed672000002 |
Is Facebook Making Us Sad? | concisebedguide1ebim_che4_2.html | 5241e9d4757a2ed672000002 |
DLAP questions | concisebedguide1ebim_che4_2_dlap.xml | 5241e9d4757a2ed672000002 |
How Computers Change the Way We Think | concisebedguide1ebim_che4_3.html | 5241e9d4757a2ed672000002 |
DLAP questions | concisebedguide1ebim_che4_3_dlap.xml | 5241e9d4757a2ed672000002 |
Generative Art — Computers, Data, and Humanity | concisebedguide1ebim_che4_4.html | 5241e9d4757a2ed672000002 |
DLAP questions | concisebedguide1ebim_che4_4_dlap.xml | 5241e9d4757a2ed672000002 |
The Creation of Discontent | concisebedguide1ebim_che5_1.html | 52433766757a2ebc6d000000 |
DLAP questions | concisebedguide1ebim_che5_1_dlap.xml | 52433766757a2ebc6d000000 |
In Defense of Consumerism | concisebedguide1ebim_che5_2.html | 52433766757a2ebc6d000000 |
DLAP questions | concisebedguide1ebim_che5_2_dlap.xml | 52433766757a2ebc6d000000 |
Be Cool to the Pizza Dude | concisebedguide1ebim_che5_3.html | 52433766757a2ebc6d000000 |
DLAP questions | concisebedguide1ebim_che5_3_dlap.xml | 52433766757a2ebc6d000000 |
Highway Angel | concisebedguide1ebim_che5_4.html | 52433766757a2ebc6d000000 |
DLAP questions | concisebedguide1ebim_che5_4_dlap.xml | 52433766757a2ebc6d000000 |