Key Chapter-by-Chapter Revisions

In addition to new features that appear across all chapters of the book, each chapter also features key new and updated content:

Chapter 1, Why Go to College?, includes an In the Media feature that looks at a 2012 study from the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce about the benefits of a college education. The chapter also includes a new box on office hours to encourage students to build relationships with their instructors from the get-go as well as answers to questions that commonly are on students’ minds like “Why Should I Take This Course?” and “Hasn’t This All Been Covered Already in High School?”

Extensive revisions to Chapter 2, Time Management, address the tools today’s students use to stay organized. This chapter includes new research on procrastination including a tool for students to measure how much they procrastinate; an activity to increase awareness about distractions; and a wealth of new information about digital tools to get organized and clear strategies to manage time.

The organization of Chapter 3, Emotional Intelligence, has been improved, and the chapter includes a brand-new student profile and a new Tech Tip “Say Yes to Twitter” that includes a new diagram of a Tweet.

In Chapter 4, How You Learn, wording in the VARK questionnaire and scoring instructions and the MBTI content have all been simplified.


Chapter 5, Critical Thinking, features new content and a visual on Bloom’s Taxonomy, streamlined coverage of logical fallacies, and a new scenario on vending machines in schools. Students can use this scenario to practice their critical thinking and argument skills.

Chapter 6, Reading to Learn, has been moved in the sequence from Chapter 7. In this edition, the chapter’s strategies are presented in bulleted lists so that students read and understand them easily.

Chapter 7, Getting the Most Out of Class, has been retooled to focus on how students can get the most out of class through listening, participating, and note-taking.

Chapter 8, Studying, includes a new tool for students to use to consider changes they are willing to make so that study time is more efficient, a new Tech Tip feature on using cloud storage sites like Dropbox; and an In the Media feature using the film Good Will Hunting that asks students to consider strategies to improve their memory.

The test-taking strategies in Chapter 9 are delivered in a more streamlined fashion, and a new test anxiety quiz allows students to evaluate how serious an issue this is for them and create a plan to overcome it. The content on cheating has been expanded, while the coverage of plagiarism has been moved into Chapter 10.

A new Chapter 10, Information Literacy and Communication, connects writing and speaking to research and combines content from chapters 10 and 11 in the previous edition. This chapter covers topics such as effective use of the library; working with librarians; choosing, narrowing and researching topics for writing assignments, using keywords, and finding and evaluating both traditional and electronic sources; expanded coverage on plagiarism; and streamlined coverage of moving from research to writing and speaking.

Chapter 11, Relationships, (formerly Chapter 14) is now the first chapter in Part III, Preparing for Life, and opens with a new quiz that addresses the key themes of the part. More content on managing family relationships while in college with consideration for families of different cultural backgrounds, and the importance of establishing collaborative relationships with instructors has been added to the chapter. The Tech Tip about managing your online identity and image has been revised and a new In the Media feature about the portrayal of community colleges in the television series, Community, has been added.

Chapter 12, Diversity, (formerly Chapter 15) features a rewritten section on gender, a rewritten section on sexuality, and a new section on economic status. A new Is This You? feature that poses challenges for a student who has recently come to the U. S. from another country has been added.

Chapter 13, Wellness, (formerly Chapter 16) has streamlined content of nutrition and weight management, STIs, alcohol and alcohol abuse and has deleted coverage of prescription drug abuse and addiction. The table on caffeine content has been expanded and updated.


Chapter 14, Money, (formerly Chapter 13) features simplified information on budgeting and an In the Media feature directing students to free online budgeting tools.

A greatly expanded Chapter 15, Majors and Careers, (formerly Chapter 12) serves as a step-by-step guide to selecting a major and exploring careers. This chapter offers a cutting-edge evaluation of the new economy before moving into clear strategies for career planning, enhancing marketability, developing the right mindset for creating a strong future, conducting industry and company research, gaining experience while in college, and job searching.

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