Figure false: William Perugini/Shutterstock
- Build positive relationships with your college instructors
- Understand the role that college friendships and romantic relationships play in your life
- Learn strategies to manage family relationships while in college
- Become skilled at using digital communication properly
- Get ideas for getting involved on campus
Figure false: Blend Images-Andersen Ross/Getty Images
- Learn how to thrive in diverse environments
- Develop an awareness of the many kinds of diversity within the college environment and the value of gaining knowledge about various groups of people
- Understand how to identify and overcome discrimination, prejudice, and insensitivity on campus
Figure false: PhotoAlto/Sandro Di Carlo Darsa/Getty Images
- Manage the various aspects of wellness, including stress management, nutrition, exercise, weight management, sleep, and emotional health
- Maintain sexual health and protect yourself against sexual assault and violence
- Gain strategies for making good decisions about alcohol and other substances
Figure false: Image Source/Getty Images
- Create a budget and learn how to live within it
- Distinguish between different types of financial aid and understand how to qualify for and keep it
- Learn how to achieve a balance between working and borrowing
- Get strategies for using and managing credit wisely
- Know why you should plan for your financial future