GT.4 Imaging Earth

Discuss how technologies such as satellite sensors and radar are used to study and portray Earth systems and processes.

Remote sensing technologies, such as satellites and radar, collect data from a distance. Remote sensing is an important means of acquiring data to study the physical Earth. Passive remote sensing refers to the process of receiving information from Earth’s surface using sensors, much as our eyes receive information about our surroundings. In active remote sensing, a signal is sent using a transmitter. The signal bounces off a surface and returns to the sender, where a receiver detects the reflected signal.

Satellite Imagery

Satellite remote sensing is one of the most important means of acquiring data used to monitor Earth’s physical systems. Satellites have revolutionized our ability to monitor Earth’s rapidly changing surface. No other generation has had so much Earth science data so freely available, and satellite remote sensing is largely the reason.

remote sensing

Data collection from a distance.

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Just as a digital camera creates images using electronic sensors rather than photographic film, satellites often use passive electronic sensors to create digital images of Earth’s surface. The sensors on satellites, however, are far more advanced in their capabilities. Personal digital cameras can sense only visible light, which is light that we can see with our eyes. Sensors on orbiting satellites are also able to sense other forms of energy that are invisible to us, such as heat radiation from Earth’s surface. Satellite remote sensing provides many of the images used in this book. Figure GT.26 provides examples of some of the applications of satellite remote sensing.

Satellite remote sensing. Satellite remote sensing is allowing scientists to monitor and study Earth’s physical systems in new ways. (A) This image shows the unusual weather in an eight-day period during March 2012. Summerlike ground surface temperatures replaced normally cold weather for much of the United States and Canada, and temperature records were broken at over 1,000 locations. Temperatures are given as anomalies above or below the average for the same eight-day period of March between 2000 and 2011. (B) This image shows dense smoke from fires pouring from the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico, and into the Gulf of Mexico, April 24, 2000.
(A. NASA; B. SeaWiFS/DigitalGlobe/NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, and Digital Globe)


Remote sensing

Radar and Sonar

Radar (short for radio detection and ranging) is an important active remote sensing technology. Doppler radar is an active remote sensing technology widely used in the study of the atmosphere. Doppler radar uses microwave energy to measure the velocity and direction of movement of particles of precipitation within a cloud. Figure GT.27 provides a Doppler radar image of Hurricane Irene (2011) as an example.

Doppler radar

An active remote sensing technology that uses microwave energy to measure the velocity and direction of movement of particles of precipitation within a cloud.

Doppler radar. (A) Doppler radar works by beaming microwaves, which reflect off falling precipitation (rain, snow, hail, and sleet) in the sky. An image is developed based on the reflected energy. (B) Hurricane Irene’s spiral structure is clearly visible in this August 27, 2011, Doppler radar image of the U.S. East Coast centered on Virginia and North Carolina. Reds and yellows indicate heavy rainfall; greens and blues show regions of relatively less rainfall.
(B. National Weather Service)


Earth heat balance

Radar is also used to image the surface of Earth. Radar technology provides detailed images of surface relief that cannot be easily detected using photography or satellite imagery. Radar transmitters mounted on airplanes send a pulse of radio waves at an angle and receive the return signal reflecting off Earth’s surface. LIDAR (light detection and ranging) is a relatively new type of remote sensing that uses light, rather than radio waves or microwaves, to image Earth’s surface.

Question 901.15

How do we know mountains are hidden deep in the ocean?

Sonar mapping allows scientists to image the seafloor by sensing reflected sound waves.

Another active remote sensing technique is sonar (sound navigation and ranging). Sonar has been invaluable in mapping features of the seafloor. Sonar works by sending a pulse of sound from a transmitter aboard a ship. The sound pulse reflects off the seafloor and back to a receiver on the ship. The reflected echoes are received and used to create a map of the seafloor (Figure GT.28).

Sonar mapping. The world’s ocean basins have been mapped with sonar, revealing the world’s longest mountain ranges and deepest valleys hidden beneath the sea. Transmitters aboard ships send and receive sonar pulses to create an image (inset). This image shows details of the underwater topography of the Hawaiian Islands. Purple and blue areas are over 5,000 m (16,400 ft) deep. Contour lines are also shown for elevation both above and below sea level.
(Left, Courtesy of Anthony Koppers, Seamount Catalog,

The remote sensing technologies described above can be used to create a digital elevation model (DEM). A DEM is a digital representation of land surface or underwater topography. DEMs are particularly effective at portraying Earth’s surface relief (Figure GT.29).

digital elevation model (DEM)

A digital representation of land surface or underwater topography.

A digital elevation model. This global digital elevation model was made from many different types of remotely sensed data. It effectively shows Earth’s surface topography. Red areas are regions with the highest elevation; green and blue areas have the lowest elevation. Earth’s highest regions are the Tibetan Plateau, the Andes, and the Antarctic ice sheet.
(U.S. Geological Survey)
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Geographic Information Systems

Once spatial data are acquired through remote sensing or other means, they can be manipulated using a geographic information system (GIS). A GIS uses computers to capture, store, analyze, and display spatial data. Unlike traditional maps, which display all layers of information at once and are static (unchanging) once they are made, GIS maps are interactive, and layers of information can be chosen for display. Map users can interact with the spatial data within the database and can continually refine the map to explore different questions. Like maps, a GIS provides visual tools to help users gain a better understanding of the spatial relationships among various phenomena.

geographic information system (GIS)

A system that uses computers to capture, store, analyze, and display spatial data.

Unlike maps, a GIS integrates stacked layers of spatial data into a single dynamic unit. Each layer has a specific purpose and makes a specific contribution to helping the analyst achieve his or her goals.

California is prone to many natural hazards, particularly fires. The areas at greatest risk of fire can be precisely located using a GIS by spatially relating factors such as soil moisture, vegetation, and degree of urbanization (Figure GT.30).

Fire map from GIS. This fire threat map of California is useful for fire management and prevention. Areas shown in orange and red are at high risk of fire.
(Department of Forestry and FireProtection)

Once these areas are identified, homeowners, forest managers, and restoration ecologists, for example, can identify high-risk areas and use this information to guide decisions. As new data become available, map layers can be updated or substituted, which will change the final GIS product.

GIS is one of the fastest growing fields in geography, and the field of GIS is rapidly developing in many public and private sectors of society as well. Landscape management, species conservation, water quality monitoring, fire management, and natural hazard zoning are just a few of the many applications of GIS. Many students who study geography and gain GIS skills are well prepared to go on to a career in a GIS-related field.

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