Question 1

Compare the structure of IPTG shown in Figure 11-7 with the structure of galactose shown in Figure 11-5. Why is IPTG bound by the Lac repressor but not broken down by β-galactosidase?

Question 2

Looking at Figure 11-9, why were partial diploids essential for establishing the trans-acting nature of the Lac repressor? Could one distinguish cis-acting from trans-acting genes in haploids?

Question 3

Why do promoter mutations cluster at positions −10 and −35 as shown in Figure 11-11? Which protein-DNA interaction is disrupted by these mutations?

Question 4

Looking at Figure 11-16, note the large overlap between the operator and the region of the lac operon that is transcribed. Which protein binds specifically to this overlapping sequence, and what effect does it have on transcription?

Question 5

Examining Figure 11-21, what effect do you predict trpA mutations will have on tryptophan levels?

Question 6

Examining Figure 11-21, what effect do you predict trpA mutations will have on trp mRNA expression?


Question 7

Which of the following molecules is an inducer of the lac operon:

  1. Galactose

  2. Glucose

  3. Allolactose

  4. Isothiocyanate

  5. cAMP

  6. Lactose

Question 8

Explain why I alleles in the lac system are normally recessive to I+ alleles and why I+ alleles are recessive to IS alleles.

Question 9

What do we mean when we say that OC mutations in the lac system are cis-acting?

Unpacking the Problem

Question 10

The symbols a, b, and c in the table below represent the E. coli lac system genes for the repressor (I), the operator (O) region, and the β-galactosidase (Z), although not necessarily in that order. Furthermore, the order in which the symbols are written in the genotypes is not necessarily the actual sequence in the lac operon.

Activity (+) or inactivity (−) of Z gene


Inducer absent

Inducer present

a b+ c+



a+ b+ c



a+ b c

a+ b c+/a b+ c



a+ b+ c+/a b c


a+ b+ c/a b c+


a b+ c+/a+ b c



  1. Which symbol (a, b, or c) represents each of the lac genes I, O, and Z?

  2. In the table, a superscript minus sign on a gene symbol merely indicates a mutant, but some mutant behaviors in this system are given special mutant designations. Using the conventional gene symbols for the lac operon, designate each genotype in the table.

Question 11

The map of the lac operon is


The promoter (P) region is the start site of transcription through the binding of the RNA polymerase molecule before actual mRNA production. Mutationally altered promoters (P) apparently cannot bind the RNA polymerase molecule. Certain predictions can be made about the effect of P mutations. Use your predictions and your knowledge of the lactose system to complete the following table. Insert a “+” where an enzyme is produced and a “−” where no enzyme is produced. The first one has been done as an example.





No lactose


No lactose


I+ P+ O+ Z+ Y+/I+ P+ O+ Z+ Y+

a. I P+ OC Z+ Y/I+ P+ O+ Z Y+

b. I+ P OC Z Y+/I P+ OC Z+ Y

c. IS P+ O+ Z+ Y/I+ P+ O+ Z Y+

d. IS P+ O+ Z+ Y+/I P+ O+ Z+ Y+

e. I P+ OC Z+ Y/I P+ O+ Z Y+

f. I P O+ Z+ Y+/I P+ OC Z+ Y

g. I+ P+ O+ Z Y+/I P+ O+ Z+ Y



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Question 12

Explain the fundamental differences between negative control and positive control of transcription in prokaryotes. Cite two examples of each control mechanism.

Question 13

Mutants that are lacY retain the capacity to synthesize β-galactosidase. However, even though the lacI gene is still intact, β-galactosidase can no longer be induced by adding lactose to the medium. Explain.

Question 14

What are the analogies between the mechanisms controlling the lac operon and those controlling phage λ genetic switches?

Question 15

Compare the arrangement of cis-acting sites in the control regions of the lac operon and phage λ.

Question 16

Which regulatory protein induces the lytic phase genes of the phage λ life cycle?

  1. cI

  2. Cro

  3. Lac repressor

  4. Lactose

Question 17

Predict the effect of a mutation that eliminates the DNA-binding activity of the σE protein on spore formation in Bacillus subtilis.


Question 18

An interesting mutation in lacI results in repressors with 110-fold increased binding to both operator and nonoperator DNA. These repressors display a “reverse” induction curve, allowing β-galactosidase synthesis in the absence of an inducer (IPTG) but partly repressing β-galactosidase expression in the presence of IPTG. How can you explain this? (Note that, when IPTG binds a repressor, it does not completely destroy operator affinity, but rather it reduces affinity 110-fold. Additionally, as cells divide and new operators are generated by the synthesis of daughter strands, the repressor must find the new operators by searching along the DNA, rapidly binding to nonoperator sequences and dissociating from them.)

Question 19

Certain lacI mutations eliminate operator binding by the Lac repressor but do not affect the aggregation of subunits to make a tetramer, the active form of the repressor. These mutations are partly dominant over wild type. Can you explain the partly dominant I phenotype of the I/I+ heterodiploids?

Question 20

You are examining the regulation of the lactose operon in the bacterium Escherichia coli. You isolate seven new independent mutant strains that lack the products of all three structural genes. You suspect that some of these mutations are lacIS mutations and that other mutations are alterations that prevent the binding of RNA polymerase to the promoter region. Using whatever haploid and partial diploid genotypes that you think are necessary, describe a set of genotypes that will permit you to distinguish between the lacI and lacP classes of uninducible mutations.

Question 21

You are studying the properties of a new kind of regulatory mutation of the lactose operon. This mutation, called S, leads to the complete repression of the lacZ, lacY, and lacA genes, regardless of whether lactose is present. The results of studies of this mutation in partial diploids demonstrate that this mutation is completely dominant over wild type. When you treat bacteria of the S mutant strain with a mutagen and select for mutant bacteria that can express the enzymes encoded by lacZ, lacY, and lacA genes in the presence of lactose, some of the mutations map to the lac operator region and others to the lac repressor gene. On the basis of your knowledge of the lactose operon, provide a molecular genetic explanation for all these properties of the S mutation. Include an explanation of the constitutive nature of the “reverse mutations.”

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Question 22

The trp operon in E. coli encodes enzymes essential for the biosynthesis of tryptophan. The general mechanism for controlling the trp operon is similar to that observed with the lac operon: when the repressor binds to the operator, transcription is prevented; when the repressor does not bind to (as in, to the operator), like phrase just before the operator, transcription proceeds. The regulation of the trp operon differs from the regulation of the lac operon in the following way: the enzymes encoded by the trp operon are not synthesized when tryptophan is present but rather when it is absent. In the trp operon, the repressor has two binding sites: one for DNA and the other for the effector molecule, tryptophan. The trp repressor must first bind to a molecule of tryptophan before it can bind effectively to the trp operator.

  1. Draw a map of the tryptophan operon, indicating the promoter (P), the operator (O), and the first structural gene of the tryptophan operon (trpA). In your drawing, indicate where on the DNA the repressor protein binds when it is bound to tryptophan.

  2. The trpR gene encodes the repressor; trpO is the operator; trpA encodes the enzyme tryptophan synthetase. A trpR repressor cannot bind tryptophan, a trpO operator cannot be bound by the repressor, and the enzyme encoded by a trpA mutant gene is completely inactive. Do you expect to find active tryptophan synthetase in each of the following mutant strains when the cells are grown in the presence of tryptophan? In its absence?

    1. R+ O+ A+ (wild type)

    2. R O+ A+/R+ O+ A

    3. R+ O A+/R+ O+ A

Question 23

The activity of the enzyme β-galactosidase produced by wild-type cells grown in media supplemented with different carbon sources is measured. In relative units, the following levels of activity are found:



Lactose + glucose




Predict the relative levels of β-galactosidase activity in cells grown under similar conditions when the cells are lacI, lacIS, lacO+, and crp.

Question 24

A bacteriophage λ is found that is able to lysogenize its E. coli host at 30°C but not at 42°C. What genes may be mutant in this phage?

Question 25

What would happen to the ability of bacteriophage λ to lyse a host cell if it acquired a mutation in the OR binding site for the Cro protein? Why?

Question 26

Contrast the effects of mutations in genes encoding sporulation-specific σ factors with mutations in the −35 and −10 regions of the promoters of genes in their regulons.

  1. Would functional mutations in the σ-factor genes or in the individual promoters have the greater effect on sporulation?

  2. On the basis of the sequences shown in Figure 11-31b, would you expect all point mutations in −35 or −10 regions to affect gene expression?

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