Statistics is the science of data. Introduction to the Practice of Statistics (IPS) is an introductory text based on this principle. We present methods of basic statistics in a way that emphasizes working with data and mastering statistical reasoning. IPS is elementary in mathematical level but conceptually rich in statistical ideas. After completing a course based on our text, we would like students to be able to think objectively about conclusions drawn from data and use statistical methods in their own work.
In IPS, we combine attention to basic statistical concepts with a comprehensive presentation of the elementary statistical methods that students will find useful in their work. IPS has been successful for several reasons:
IPS examines the nature of modern statistical practice at a level suitable for beginners. We focus on the production and analysis of data as well as the traditional topics of probability and inference.
IPS has a logical overall progression, so data production and data analysis are a major focus, while inference is treated as a tool that helps us draw conclusions from data in an appropriate way.
IPS presents data analysis as more than a collection of techniques for exploring data. We emphasize systematic ways of thinking about data. Simple principles guide the analysis: always plot your data; look for overall patterns and deviations from them; when looking at the overall pattern of a distribution for one variable, consider shape, center, and spread; for relations between two variables, consider form, direction, and strength; always ask whether a relationship between variables is influenced by other variables lurking in the background. We warn students about pitfalls in clear cautionary discussions.
IPS uses real examples to drive the exposition. Students learn the technique of least-
IPS is aware of current developments both in statistical science and in teaching statistics. Brief, optional Beyond the Basics sections give quick overviews of topics such as density estimation, scatterplot smoothers, data mining, nonlinear regression, and meta-
The title of the book expresses our intent to introduce readers to statistics as it is used in practice. Statistics in practice is concerned with drawing conclusions from data. We focus on problem solving rather than on methods that may be useful in specific settings.
GAISE The College Report of the Guidelines for Assessment and Instruction in Statistics Education (GAISE) Project (
Teach statistical thinking. Through our experiences as applied statisticians, we are very familiar with the components that are needed for the appropriate use of statistical methods. We focus on formulating questions, collecting and finding data, evaluating the quality of data, exploring the relationships among variables, performing statistical analyses, and drawing conclusions. In examples and exercises throughout the text, we emphasize putting the analysis in the proper context and translating numerical and graphical summaries into conclusions.
Focus on conceptual understanding. With the software available today, it is very easy for almost anyone to apply a wide variety of statistical procedures, both simple and complex, to a set of data. Without a firm grasp of the concepts, such applications are frequently meaningless. By using the methods that we present on real sets of data, we believe that students will gain an excellent understanding of these concepts. Our emphasis is on the input (questions of interest, collecting or finding data, examining data) and the output (conclusions) for a statistical analysis. Formulas are given only where they will provide some insight into concepts.
Integrate real data with a context and a purpose. Many of the examples and exercises in IPS include data that we have obtained from collaborators or consulting clients. Other data sets have come from research related to these activities. We have also used the Internet as a data source, particularly for data related to social media and other topics of interest to undergraduates. Our emphasis on real data, rather than artificial data chosen to illustrate a calculation, serves to motivate students and help them see the usefulness of statistics in everyday life. We also frequently encounter interesting statistical issues that we explore. These include outliers and nonlinear relationships. All data sets are available from the text website.
Foster active learning in the classroom. As we mentioned earlier, we believe that statistics is exciting as something to do rather than something to talk about. Throughout the text, we provide exercises in Use Your Knowledge sections that ask the students to perform some relatively simple tasks that reinforce the material just presented. Other exercises are particularly suited to being worked on and discussed within a classroom setting.
Use technology for developing concepts and analyzing data. Technology has altered statistical practice in a fundamental way. In the past, some of the calculations that we performed were particularly difficult and tedious. In other words, they were not fun. Today, freed from the burden of computation by software, we can concentrate our efforts on the big picture: what questions are we trying to address with a study and what can we conclude from our analysis?
Use assessments to improve and evaluate student learning. Our goal for students who complete a course based on IPS is that they are able to design and carry out a statistical study for a project in their capstone course or other setting. Our exercises are oriented toward this goal. Many ask about the design of a statistical study and the collection of data. Others ask for a paragraph summarizing the results of an analysis. This recommendation includes the use of projects, oral presentations, article critiques, and written reports. We believe that students using this text will be well prepared to undertake these kinds of activities. Furthermore, we view these activities not only as assessments but also as valuable tools for learning statistics.
Teaching Recommendations We have used IPS in courses taught to a variety of student audiences. For general undergraduates from mixed disciplines, we recommend covering Chapters 1 through 8 and Chapters 9, 10, or 12. For a quantitatively strong audience—
The Ninth Edition: What’s New?
• Chapter 1 now begins with a short section giving an overview of data.
• “Toward Statistical Inference” (previously Section 3.3), which introduces the concepts of statistical inference and sampling distributions, has been moved to Section 5.1 to better assist with the transition from a single data set to sampling distributions.
• Coverage of mosaic plots as a visual tool for relationships between two categorical variables has been added to Chapters 2 and 9.
• Chapter 3 now begins with a short section giving a basic overview of data sources.
• Coverage of equivalence testing has been added to Chapter 7.
• There is a greater emphasis on sample size determination using software in Chapters 7 and 8.
• “Inference for Categorical Data” is the new title for Chapter 9, which includes goodness of fit as well as inference for two-
• There are more JMP screenshots and updated screenshots of Minitab, Excel, and SPSS outputs.
• Design A new design incorporates colorful, revised figures throughout to aid the students’ understanding of text material. Photographs related to chapter examples and exercises make connections to real-
• Exercises and Examples More than 30% of the exercises are new or revised, and there are more than 1700 exercises total. Exercise sets have been added at the end of sections in Chapters 9 through 12. To maintain the attractiveness of the examples to students, we have replaced or updated a large number of them. More than 30% of the 430 examples are new or revised. A list of exercises and examples categorized by application area is provided on the inside of the front cover.
In addition to the new ninth edition enhancements, IPS has retained the successful pedagogical features from previous editions:
• Look Back At key points in the text, Look Back margin notes direct the reader to the first explanation of a topic, providing page numbers for easy reference.
• Caution Warnings in the text, signaled by a caution icon, help students avoid common errors and misconceptions.
• Challenge Exercises More challenging exercises are signaled with an icon. Challenge exercises are varied: some are mathematical, some require open-
• Applets Applet icons are used throughout the text to signal where related interactive statistical applets can be found on the IPS website and in LaunchPad.
• Use Your Knowledge Exercises We have found these exercises to be a very useful learning tool. They appear throughout each section and are listed, with page numbers, before the section-
• Technology output screenshots Most statistical analyses rely heavily on statistical software. In this book, we discuss the use of Excel 2013, JMP 12, Minitab 17, SPSS 23, CrunchIt, R, and a TI-
Even though basic guidance is provided in the book, it should be emphasized that IPS is not bound to any of these programs. Computer output from statistical packages is very similar, so you can feel quite comfortable using any one these packages.
We are pleased that the first eight editions of Introduction to the Practice of Statistics have helped to move the teaching of introductory statistics in a direction supported by most statisticians. We are grateful to the many colleagues and students who have provided helpful comments, and we hope that they will find this new edition another step forward. In particular, we would like to thank the following colleagues who offered specific comments on the new edition:
Ali Arab, Georgetown University
Tessema Astatkie, Dalhousie University
Fouzia Baki, McMaster University
Lynda Ballou, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
Sanjib Basu, Northern Illinois University
David Bosworth, Hutchinson Community College
Max Buot, Xavier University
Nadjib Bouzar, University of Indianapolis
Matt Carlton, California Polytechnic State University–
Gustavo Cepparo, Austin Community College
Pinyuen Chen, Syracuse University
Dennis L. Clason, University of Cincinnati–
Tadd Colver, Purdue University
Chris Edwards, University of Wisconsin–
Irina Gaynanova, Texas A&M University
Brian T. Gill, Seattle Pacific University
Mary Gray, American University
Gary E. Haefner, University of Cincinnati
Susan Herring, Sonoma State University
Lifang Hsu, Le Moyne College
Tiffany Kolba, Valparaiso University
Lia Liu, University of Illinois at Chicago
Xuewen Lu, University of Calgary
Antoinette Marquard, Cleveland State University
Frederick G. Schmitt, College of Marin
James D. Stamey, Baylor University
Engin Sungur, University of Minnesota–
Anatoliy Swishchuk, University of Calgary
Richard Tardanico, Florida International University
Melanee Thomas, University of Calgary
Terri Torres, Oregon Institute of Technology
Mahbobeh Vezvaei, Kent State University
Yishi Wang, University of North Carolina–
John Ward, Jefferson Community and Technical College
Debra Wiens, Rocky Mountain College
Victor Williams, Paine College
Christopher Wilson, Butler University
Anne Yust, Birmingham-
Biao Zhang, The University of Toledo
Michael L. Zwilling, University of Mount Union
The professionals at Macmillan, in particular, Terri Ward, Karen Carson, Jorge Amaral, Emily Tenenbaum, Ed Dionne, Blake Logan, and Susan Wein, have contributed greatly to the success of IPS. In addition, we would like to thank Tadd Colver at Purdue University for his valuable contributions to the ninth edition, including authoring the back-
Most of all, we are grateful to the many friends and collaborators whose data and research questions have enabled us to gain a deeper understanding of the science of data. Finally, we would like to acknowledge the contributions of John W. Tukey, whose contributions to data analysis have had such a great influence on us as well as a whole generation of applied statisticians.
Media and Supplements
LaunchPad, our online course space, combines an interactive e-
Assets integrated into LaunchPad include:
Interactive e-
LearningCurve provides students and instructors with powerful adaptive quizzing, a game-
JMP Student Edition (developed by SAS) is easy to learn and contains all the capabilities required for introductory statistics. JMP is the leading commercial data analysis software of choice for scientists, engineers, and analysts at companies throughout the world (for Windows and Mac). Register inside LaunchPad at no additional cost.
CrunchIt!® is a Web-
StatBoards Videos are brief whiteboard videos that illustrate difficult topics through additional examples, written and explained by a select group of statistics educators.
Stepped Tutorials are centered on algorithmically generated quizzing with step-
Statistical Video Series consists of StatClips, StatClips Examples, and Statistically Speaking “Snapshots.” View animated lecture videos, whiteboard lessons, and documentary-
Video Technology Manuals, available for TI-
StatTutor Tutorials offer multimedia tutorials that explore important concepts and procedures in a presentation that combines video, audio, and interactive features. The newly revised format includes built-
Statistical Applets give students hands-
Stats@Work Simulations put students in the role of the statistical consultant, helping them better understand statistics interactively within the context of real-
EESEE Case Studies (Electronic Encyclopedia of Statistical Examples and Exercises), developed by The Ohio State University Statistics Department, teach students to apply their statistical skills by exploring actual case studies using real data.
SolutionMaster offers an easy-
Data files are available in JMP, ASCII, Excel, TI, Minitab, SPSS (an IBM Company)*, R, and CSV formats.
Student Solutions Manual provides solutions to the odd-
Instructor’s Guide with Full Solutions includes teaching suggestions, chapter comments, and detailed solutions to all exercises and is available electronically in LaunchPad.
Test Bank offers hundreds of multiple-
Lecture Slides offer a customizable, detailed lecture presentation of statistical concepts covered in each chapter of IPS 9e. Image slides contain all textbook figure and tables. Lecture slides and images slides are available in LaunchPad.
WebAssign offers algorithmic questions from IPS, 9e, in a powerful online instructional system. WebAssign lets you easily create assignments, grade homework, and give your students instant feedback. Along with flexible features, class and question-
SPSS was acquired by IBM in October 2009
Additional Resources Available with IPS, 9e
Special Software Package A student version of JMP is available for packaging with the printed text. JMP is also available inside LaunchPad at no additional cost.