1.2 Four Big Ideas in Psychology

LOQ 1-4 What four big ideas run throughout this book?

Woven throughout this book are four of psychology’s big ideas.

  1. Critical thinking The scientific attitude prepares us to think smarter—to examine assumptions, consider the source, uncover hidden values, weigh evidence, and test conclusions. Science-aided thinking is smart thinking.

  2. The biopsychosocial approach We can view human behavior from three levels—the biological, psychological, and social-cultural. We share a biologically rooted human nature. Yet cultural and psychological influences fine-tune our assumptions, values, and behaviors.

  3. The two-track mind Today’s psychological science explores our dual-processing capacity. Our perception, thinking, memory, and attitudes all operate on two levels: a conscious, aware track, and an unconscious, automatic, unaware track. It has been a surprise to learn how much information processing happens without our awareness.

  4. Exploring human strengths Psychology today focuses not only on understanding and offering relief from troublesome behaviors and emotions, but also on understanding and developing the emotions and traits that help us to thrive.

Let’s consider these four ideas, one by one.

PSYCHOLOGY: A SCIENCE AND A PROFESSION Psychologists experiment with, observe, test, and treat behavior. Here we see psychologists testing a child, measuring emotion-related physiology, and doing face-to-face therapy.
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Big Idea 1: Critical Thinking Is Smart Thinking


critical thinking thinking that does not blindly accept arguments and conclusions. Rather, it examines assumptions, uncovers hidden values, weighs evidence, and assesses conclusions.

Whether reading an online article or swapping ideas with others, critical thinkers ask questions. How do they know that? Who benefits from this? Is the conclusion based on a personal story and gut feelings, or on evidence? How do we know one event caused the other? How else could we explain things?

From a Twitter feed:

“The problem with quotes on the Internet is that you never know if they’re true.”

Abraham Lincoln

In psychology, critical thinking has led to some surprising findings. Believe it or not . . .

This same critical thinking has also debunked some popular beliefs. When we let the evidence speak for itself, we learn that . . .

In later chapters, you’ll see many more examples in which psychology’s critical thinking has challenged old beliefs and led us onto new paths.

Big Idea 2: Behavior Is a Biopsychosocial Event

Each of us is part of a larger social system—a family, a group, a society. But each of us is also made up of smaller systems, such as our nervous system and body organs, which are composed of still smaller systems—cells, molecules, and atoms.

biopsychosocial approach an approach that integrates different but complementary views from biological, psychological, and social-cultural viewpoints.

If we study this complexity with simple tools, we may end up with partial answers. Consider the many ways of explaining horrific school shootings. Is it because the shooters have brain disorders or genetic tendencies that cause them to be violent? Because they have observed brutality and mayhem in the media or played violent video games? Because they live in a gun-toting society? Each of these is a partial truth, but none is a full answer. For the best possible view, we need to use many levels of analysis. The biopsychosocial approach integrates three levels: biological, psychological, and social-cultural. Each level’s viewpoint gives us a valuable insight into a behavior or mental process. Each asks different questions and has limits, but together they offer the most complete picture.

A SMILE IS A SMILE THE WORLD AROUND Throughout this book, you will see examples not only of our cultural and gender diversity, but also of the similarities that define our shared human nature. People in different cultures vary in when and how often they smile, but a naturally happy smile means the same thing anywhere in the world.
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Antonia Brune

culture the enduring behaviors, ideas, attitudes, values, and traditions shared by a group of people and handed down from one generation to the next.

Suppose we wanted to study gender differences in a group of people. Gender is not the same as sex. Gender refers to the traits and behaviors we expect from a boy or girl, or a man or woman in a specific culture. Sex refers to the biological characteristics people inherit, thanks to their genes. To study gender similarities and differences, we would want to know about biological influences. But we would also want to understand how the group’s culturethe shared ideas and behaviors that one generation passes on to the next—views gender. Critical thinking has taught psychologists to be careful about making statements about people in general if the evidence comes from studies done in only one time and place. Participants in many studies have come from the “WEIRD” cultures—Western, Educated, Industrial, Rich, and Democratic (Henrich et al., 2010). We are also increasingly aware that the categories we use to divide people—including “gender” and “sex”—are socially constructed. As we will see in Chapter 4, many individuals’ gender identity differs from their biological sex.


CULTURE AND KISSING Kissing crosses cultures. Yet how we do it varies. Imagine yourself kissing someone on the lips. Do you tilt your head right or left? People in Western cultures read from left to right. About two-thirds of Western couples also kiss right, as in William and Kate’s famous kiss and in Auguste Rodin’s sculpture, The Kiss. People reading Hebrew and Arabic read from right to left, and in one study 77 percent of those readers kissed tilting left (Shaki, 2013).
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Even with this much information about people’s gender and culture, our view would be incomplete. We would also need some understanding of how the individuals in a group differ from one another because of their personal abilities and learning.

A NATURE-MADE NATURE–NURTURE EXPERIMENT Identical twins (left) have the same genes. This makes them ideal participants in studies designed to shed light on hereditary and environmental influences on personality, intelligence, and other traits. Fraternal twins (right) have different genes but often share the same environment. Twin studies provide a wealth of findings—described in later chapters—showing the importance of both nature and nurture.
© Big Cheese Photo LLC/Alamy

Studying all these influences in various people around the world, researchers have found some gender differences—in what we dream, in how we express and detect emotion, and in our risk for alcohol use disorder, eating disorders, and depression. Psychologically as well as biologically, we differ. But research shows we are also alike. Whether female or male, we learn to walk at about the same age. We experience the same sensations of light and sound. We remember vivid emotional events and forget everyday details. We feel the same pangs of hunger, desire, and fear. We exhibit similar overall intelligence and well-being.

nature–nurture issue the age-old controversy over the relative influence of genes and experience in the development of psychological traits and behaviors. Today’s psychological science sees traits and behaviors arising from the interaction of nature and nurture.

Psychologists have used the biopsychosocial approach to study many of the field’s big questions. One of the biggest and most persistent is the nature–nurture issue: How do we judge the contributions of nature (biology) and nurture (experience)? Today’s psychologists explore this age-old question by asking, for example:

In most cases, nurture works on what nature provides. Our species has been graced with a great biological gift: an enormous ability to learn and adapt. Moreover (and you will read this over and over in the pages that follow), every psychological event—every thought, every emotion—is also a biological event. Thus, depression can be both a brain disorder and a thought disorder. (You’ll learn more about this in Chapter 13.)

Big Idea 3: We Operate With a Two-Track Mind (Dual Processing)

dual processing the principle that our mind processes information at the same time on separate conscious and unconscious tracks.

Mountains of new research reveal that our brain works on two tracks. Our conscious mind feels like our body’s chief executive, and in fact we do process much information on our brain’s conscious track, with full awareness. But at the same time, a surprisingly large unconscious, automatic track is processing information outside of our awareness. Thinking, memory, perception, language, and attitudes all operate on these two tracks. Today’s researchers call it dual processing. We know more than we know we know.

Vision is a great example of our dual processing. As science often reveals, truth can be stranger than fiction.

During a stay at Scotland’s University of St. Andrews, I [DM] came to know research psychologists Melvyn Goodale and David Milner (2004, 2006). A local woman, whom they studied and call D. F., was overcome by carbon monoxide one day. The resulting brain damage left her unable to consciously perceive objects. Yet she acted as if she could see them. Slip a postcard into a mail slot? She could do so without error. Report the width of a block in front of her? No, but she could grasp it with just the right finger-thumb distance. How could a woman who is perceptually blind grasp and guide objects accurately? A scan of D. F.’s brain revealed the answer.

The eye sends information to different brain areas, and each of these areas has a different task. A scan of D. F.’s brain revealed normal activity in an area concerned with reaching for and grasping objects, but not in another area concerned with consciously recognizing objects. A few other patients have a reverse pattern of damage. As you might expect, their symptoms are the reverse of D. F.’s. They can see and recognize objects, but they have difficulty pointing toward or grasping them.

We think of our vision as one system: We look. We see. We respond to what we see. Actually, vision is a two-track system. Our visual perception track enables us to think about the world—to recognize things and to plan future actions. Our visual action track guides our moment-to-moment actions.

This big idea—that much of our everyday thinking, feeling, sensing, and acting operates outside our awareness—may be a strange new idea for you. It was for me [DM]. I long believed that my own intentions and deliberate choices ruled my life. In many ways they do. But as you will see in later chapters, there is much, much more to being human.

Big Idea 4: Psychology Explores Human Strengths as Well as Challenges

positive psychology the scientific study of human functioning, with the goals of discovering and promoting strengths and virtues that help individuals and communities to thrive.

Psychology’s first hundred years focused on understanding and treating troubles, such as abuse and anxiety, depression and disease, prejudice and poverty. Much of today’s psychology continues the exploration of such challenges. Without slighting the need to repair damage and cure disease, Martin Seligman and others (2002, 2005, 2011) have called for more research on human flourishing. These psychologists call their approach positive psychology. They believe that happiness is a by-product of a pleasant, engaged, and meaningful life. Thus, positive psychology focuses on building a “good life” that engages our skills, and a “meaningful life” that points beyond ourselves. Positive psychology uses scientific methods to explore

Will psychology have a more positive mission in this century? Can it help us all to flourish? An increasing number of scientists worldwide believe it can.