Think of all the information streaming through your sensory channels at this very moment. Your eyes may be focused on this sentence, but you are also collecting data through your peripheral vision. You may be hearing noises (the hum of a fan), smelling odors (dinner cooking in the kitchen), tasting foods (if you are snacking), and even feeling things (your back pressed against a chair). Many of these sensory stimuli never catch your attention, but some are being registered in your sensory memory, the first stage of the information-processing model (Infographic 6.1).
LO 4 Describe sensory memory.
The bulk of information entering sensory memory comes and goes like the images on a movie screen. A few things catch your attention—the beautiful eyes of Mila Kunis, the sound of her voice, and perhaps the color of her shirt—but not much more before the frame switches and you’re looking at another image. Information floods our sensory memory through multiple channels—what we see enters through one channel, what we taste through another, and so on.
Interested in how the brain processes data entering the visual channel, Harvard graduate student George Sperling (1960) designed an experiment to determine how much information can be detected in a brief exposure to visual stimuli. Sperling set up a screen that flashed multiple rows of letters for one-twentieth of a second, and then asked participants to report what they saw. His first goal was to determine how many letters the participants could remember when an array of letters (for example, three rows of 4 letters) was flashed briefly; he found that, on average, the participants only reported 4 letters. But Sperling wasn’t sure if this meant they were only able to store one row at a time in their memory, or if they stored all the rows at once, but just not long enough to recite them before they were forgotten.
Sperling was convinced that “more is seen than can be remembered” (1960, p. 1), so he devised a clever method called partial report to provide evidence. As with the original experiment, he briefly flashed an array of letters (for example, three rows of 4 letters), with all rows visible. But instead of having the participants report what they remembered from all the rows, he asked them to report what they remembered from just one row at a time. Here’s how the study went: The array of letters was flashed, and once it disappeared, a tone was sounded. When participants heard a high-pitched tone, they were to report the letters in the top row; with a medium-pitched tone, the letters in the middle row; and with a low-pitched tone, the letters in the bottom row. The participants were only asked to give a partial report, that is, to report on just one of the rows, but they did not know which row ahead of time. In this version of the study, the participants performed very well, recalling approximately 76% of the letters. They doubled their performance with the partial report method, suggesting that more can be seen than is remembered—even though these memories last less than 1 second (Sperling, 1960). Sperling’s research suggests that the visual impressions in our sensory memory, also known as iconic memory, are photograph-like in their accuracy but dissolve in less than a second. Given the short duration of iconic memory, can you predict what would happen to the participants’ performance if there were a delay before they reported what they saw?
On your way to class, you notice a dog barking at a passing car. You see the car, smell its exhaust, hear the dog. All this information coming through your sensory systems registers in your sensory memory, the first in a series of stages in the information-processing model of memory.
But what happens to information once it enters your sensory memory? Sensory memory is difficult to study. Research such as George Sperling’s classic experiment involving iconic memory helps us understand how sensory memories are registered and processed.
Stare at the photo of the child laughing and then shut your eyes. Does an image of the child linger in your mind’s eye for just a moment? How long do you think this iconic memory lasts?
Perhaps you have heard friends talk about someone who claims to have a “photographic memory” that can record and store images with the accuracy of a camera: “My cousin can look at a textbook page, remember exactly what it says in a few seconds, and then recall the information days later, seeing the pages exactly as they were.” That may be what your cousin claims, but is there scientific evidence to back up such an assertion? We doubt it.
According to some reports, though, researchers have documented a phenomenon that comes fairly close to photographic memory. It’s called eidetic imagery (ī-′de-tik), and those who have this ability can “see” an image or object for as long as several minutes after it has been removed from sight, describing its parts with amazing specificity. However, the details they “see” are not always accurate, and thus their memories are not quite “photographic.” Eidetic imagery is rare and usually only occurs in young children (Searleman, 2007).
Exact copies of the sounds we hear linger longer than visual impressions; echoic memory (ə-kō-ik) can last from about 1 to 10 seconds (Lu, Williamson, & Kaufman, 1992; Peterson, Meagher, & Ellsbury, 1970), and it can capture very subtle changes in sound. Research has shown that the introduction of a single tone played for 300 milliseconds initiates changes in cortical activity (Inui et al., 2010). Even if you are not aware of it, your auditory system is picking up slight changes in stimuli and storing them in echoic memory for a brief moment, so you don’t have to pay attention to every incoming bit of auditory information. Perhaps you have had the following experience: During class, your instructor notices a classmate daydreaming and tries to bring him back to reality: “Eddy, could you please restate the question for us?” His mind was indeed wandering, but amazingly he could recall your instructor’s last sentence, responding, “You asked us if brain scans should be allowed as evidence in courtrooms.” For this, he can thank his echoic memory.
In Chapter 3, we described sensory adaptation, the process by which we become less aware of constant stimuli. This allows us to focus on changes in our environment, an ability invaluable to survival. Humans are exquisitely sensitive to even the slightest changes in auditory stimuli, and our echoic memory allows us to store and follow changes in sounds.
Although brief, sensory memory is critical to the creation of memories. Without it, how would information enter the memory system in the first place? We have discussed iconic and echoic memory, which register sights and sounds, but memories can also be rich in smells, tastes, and touch. Remember, data received from all the senses are held momentarily in sensory memory. And although the bulk of research has focused on iconic and echoic memories, psychologists propose that we also have similar sensory stores for the other senses.
Now that we have examined the initial sensory and perceptual experiences captured in sensory memory, let’s move to the next stage of the information-processing model: short-term memory.
LO 5 Summarize short-term memory.
When information enters your sensory memory, it does not linger. So where does it go next? If not lost in the overwhelming array of sensory stimuli, the data proceed to short-term memory, the second stage in the information-processing model proposed by Atkinson and Shiffrin (1968). The amount of time information is maintained and processed in short-term memory depends on whether you are distracted by other cognitive activities, but the duration can be about 30 seconds (Atkinson & Shiffrin, 1968).
In a classic study examining the duration of short-term memory, an experimenter recited a three-letter combination, followed by a number. Participants were then asked to begin counting backward by 3 from the number given (if the experimenter said, “CHG 300,” then participants would respond, “300, 297, 294…”) until they saw a red light flash, which signaled them to repeat the three-letter combination. After 3 seconds of counting backward, participants could only recall the correct letter combinations approximately 50% of the time (Figure 6.3). Most of the participants were unable to recall the letter combination beyond 18 seconds (Peterson & Peterson, 1959). Why do you think it was so hard for them to remember? Think about what you normally do if you’re trying to remember something; you probably say it over and over in your head (CHG, CHG, CHG…). But the participants were not able to do this because they had to count backward by 3s, which interfered with their natural inclination to mentally repeat the letter combinations.
What this experiment reveals is that short-term memory has a limited capacity. At any given moment, you can only concentrate on a tiny percentage of the data flooding your sensory memory. Items that capture your attention can move into your short-term memory, but most everything else disappears faster than you can say the word “memory.” Please remember this when you are texting during class or watching TV while studying; if your goal is to remember what you should be concentrating on, you need to give it your full attention.
Here, we see how memory is related to attention. In Chapter 4, we talked about the limited capacity of human attention. At any given point in time, there are only so many items you can attend to and thus move into your memory system.
Multitasking and Memory
It’s Sunday evening, and you need to catch up on the reading for your psychology class. You sit down in a quiet place and open your textbook. But just as you are getting into the psychology groove, a little “bloop bloop” jolts you out of the mental flow. A text bubble appears in the corner of the screen: OMG…blah blah blah…LOL! You begin an instant messaging (IM) conversation that continues on-and-off throughout your study session, periodically taking away your attention from psychology. By the evening’s end, you do manage to finish a chapter, but how do you think your digital chitchat affected your memory of its material?
Psychologists from Central Connecticut State University wondered the same thing, so they did what any good researchers would do: They designed an experiment to find answers. The participants in their study were people very much like you—college students ranging from ages 17 to 46 who had enrolled in a general psychology course. All 89 students were asked to read a passage from a psychology textbook; some were allowed to read undisturbed, while others had to carry on IM conversations at the same time. Once the students had completed the assignment, the researchers quizzed them on their knowledge of the material (Bowman, Levine, Waite, & Gendron, 2010).
Here’s what they found: The students who IMed during the reading task performed at roughly the same level as their non-IMing peers, but they needed much more time to read the passage: about 22–59% longer, and that’s not including the time they spent reading and writing instant messages (Bowman et al., 2010). Thus, in order to achieve the same level of understanding, the IMers had to spend a lot more time making their way through the text. What does this mean for you? IMing might be seriously slowing the rate at which you learn. Spend enough time bouncing text bubbles back-and-forth, and you might even see your grades head south; there is some evidence that college students who spend a lot of time IMing may have lower grade point averages than those who do not (Fox, Rosen, & Crawford, 2009). And it’s not just IMing. Another large study found that students who frequently text and use Facebook while studying have lower GPAs than those who do not (Junco & Cotten, 2012).
In Chapter 1, we discussed correlations, or relationships between two variables. Here, we note a negative correlation: As time spent using communication technologies goes up, GPA goes down. But correlation does not prove causation; perhaps people with lower GPAs have less interest in studying, and thus more time to socialize. Or, maybe there is a third factor, such as the ability to manage time effectively, influencing both variables.
Multitasking, whether texting, using Facebook, or IMing, inevitably involves a shift in attention, and this is hard work for the brain, which has to engage and disengage different networks (Clapp, Rubens, Sabharwal, & Gazzaley, 2011). Keep this in mind the next time you consider texting while driving. Texting at the wheel increases the likelihood of crashing or coming close to crashing by 23 times (Olson, Hanowski, Hickman, & Bocanegra, 2009), and studies show that using a cell phone impairs driving to the same degree as drunkenness (Strayer & Watson, 2012).
Now that we have established how important attention is for your success and safety, let’s return to the memory stage to which it is so intimately tied: short-term memory. We mentioned that people frequently try to remember numbers and letters by repeating them over and over in their minds. Mental rehearsal is useful, but how many digits can we realistically hold in our short-term memory at one time? Using a task called the Digit Span test (Figure 6.4), cognitive psychologist George Miller (1956) determined that most people can retain only five to nine digits: He called this the “magical number seven, plus or minus two.”
LO 6 Give examples of how we can use chunking to improve our memory span.
Indeed, most people can only attend to about five to nine items at one time (Cowan, Chen, & Rouder, 2004; Cowan, Nugent, & Elliott, 2000; Miller, 1956), but what if those “items” are not numbers made up of single digits? Is it possible to expand short-term memory by packing more information into the items we need to remember?
Consider this example: Your friend has just gotten a new phone number, and she tells it to you as the elevator is closing between you. How are you going to remember her number long enough to create a new entry in your cell phone’s address book? You could try memorizing all 10 digits in a row (8935550172), but a better strategy is to break the number into more manageable pieces (893-555-0172). Here, we have an example of chunking, Miller’s name for grouping numbers, letters, or other items into meaningful subsets, or “chunks.” Can you think of situations in which you might chunk information to help you remember it more easily?
Short-term memory can only hold so much, but we can increase its storage potential by chunking. The fact that short-term memory is actively processing information and is flexible in this regard suggests that it may be more than just a stage in which information is briefly stored. Indeed, many psychologists believe that short-term memory is more than an inactive storage facility.
LO 7 Explain working memory and how it compares with short-term memory.
More recent conceptualizations of the information-processing model include a concept known as working memory (Baddeley & Hitch, 1974), which refers to what is going on in short-term memory. Working memory is the active processing through which we maintain and manipulate information in the memory system. Let’s use an analogy of a “bakery” and what goes on inside it. Think of short-term memory as the bakery, that is, the place that hosts your current thoughts and whatever your brain is working on at this very moment. According to this conceptualization, working memory is analogous to the making of bread inside the bakery.
But not everyone agrees on the distinctions between short-term and working memory (Cowan, 2008; Rose, Myerson, Roediger, & Hale, 2010). Some psychologists do not differentiate between short-term and working memory, and use the terms interchangeably. For our purposes, we will identify “short-term memory” as a stage in the original information-processing model as well as the “location” where information is temporarily held, and “working memory” as the activities and processing occurring within. So, let’s take a closer look at the model of working memory originally proposed by psychologists Alan Baddeley and Graham Hitch (1974), which has been updated and revised throughout the years (Baddeley, 2002).
According to this model, the purpose of working memory is to actively maintain information, aiding the mind that is busily performing complex cognitive tasks. To accomplish this, working memory has four components with specific functions: the phonological loop, the visuospatial sketchpad, the central executive, and the episodic buffer (Baddeley, 2002; Figure 6.5).
The phonological loop is responsible for working with verbal information for brief periods of time; when exposed to verbal stimuli, we “hear” an immediate corollary in our mind. This component of working memory is what we use, for example, when we are reading, trying to solve problems, or learning new vocabulary. Most of us can only manipulate about 2 seconds’ worth of verbal material in this loop without actively trying to repeat it (Baddeley, 2000; Baddeley & Hitch, 1994). Imagine you are trying to remember the passcode for your debit card. You know it is somehow related to your first zip code, so you retrieve your zip code from long-term memory. You then “hear” the five numbers played in your phonological loop as you desperately try to remember your passcode (I remember it was 02138). Once you figure out your passcode, the numbers of your zip code are no longer needed, and they slip quietly back into your long-term memory.
The visuospatial sketchpad is where visual and spatial data are briefly stored and manipulated, including information about your surroundings, where things are in relation to each other and you. This working memory component allows you to close your eyes and reach for the coffee mug you just set down. We can also use information from long-term memory in our visuospatial sketchpad. Imagine you are standing at the entrance to the mall, determined to make your shopping excursion short and sweet. Thinking back to the last time you were there, you bring forth a mental image of how the stores are laid out. Excellent! You now have a map of the mall in your visuospatial sketchpad, which allows you to make more strategic decisions (Victoria’s Secret? No, JCPenney is closer). But as you start considering the items you need to buy, the memory of the mall layout begins to slide back into your long-term memory. Studies by Baddeley and colleagues show that we have difficulty trying to perform just two visuospatial tasks at the same time (Baddeley, 1999, 2006).
The central executive has responsibilities similar to those of the chief executive in any organization—it directs attention, makes plans, and coordinates activities (Baddeley, 2002). Part of its role is determining what information to attend to and what to ignore, helping with the juggling, organizing, focusing, and manipulating of consciousness. Why is it that we cannot actually text, eat, and safely drive all at once? Like a juggler, the central executive can only catch and toss one ball at a time. We may think we are doing all three tasks at once, but we are really just swapping the alternatives in and out at a fast pace.
The episodic buffer is the part of working memory where information from the phonological loop, visuospatial sketchpad, and long-term memory can all be brought together temporarily, under the direction of the central executive (Baddeley, 2000). The episodic buffer forms the bridge between memory and conscious awareness. It enables us to assign meaning to past events, to solve problems that we face, and to make plans for the future.
As you know, working memory is limited in its capacity and duration. So how do we maintain so much information over the years? What aspect of memory makes it possible to memorize thousands of vocabulary words, scores of names and facts, and lyrics to your favorite songs? Enter long-term memory.
LO 8 Define long-term memory.
Items that enter short-term memory have two possible fates: Either they fade away or they move into long-term memory (Figure 6.6). Think of how much information is stored in your long-term memory: funny jokes, passwords, images of faces, multiplication tables, and so many vocabulary words—between 30,000 (Lessmoellmann, 2006, October 4) and 60,000 words (Pinker, 1994) for the average English speaker. Could it be that long-term memory has an endless holding capacity? It may be impossible to answer this question, but for all practical purposes our long-term memory has no limits. And the memories stored there, such as street names from your childhood, may even last a lifetime (Schmidt, Peeck, Paas, & van Breukelen, 2000).
Long-term memory can be described in a variety of ways, but psychologists often distinguish between two categories: explicit and implicit. Explicit memoryis the type of memory you are aware of having and can consciously express in words or declare: Roses are red, guacamole is made with avocados; I wore blue jeans yesterday. Tulving (1972) proposes two forms of explicit memory: semantic and episodic. Semantic memory pertains to general facts about the world (the sky is blue; the United States holds presidential elections every four years; Tulving, 1985). But there is also a type of memory you can call your own. This personal form is called episodic memory (e-pə-sä-dik). It is the record of the memorable experiences, or “episodes,” you have had, including when and where they occurred (Tulving, 1985).
Often our most vivid episodic memories are associated with intense emotion. Think about an emotionally charged experience from your past: receiving news that a loved one has died, getting engaged, or being the victim of an assault. If recollecting these events feels like watching a 4-D movie, you might be experiencing what psychologists call a flashbulb memory, a detailed account of circumstances surrounding an emotionally significant or shocking, sometimes historic, event (Brown & Kulik, 1977). Some people remember what they were doing when they heard about the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, or the horrific events that unfolded at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, on December 14, 2012. They recall where they were, who or what source relayed the news, how it made them feel, what they did next, and other random details about their experience (Brown & Kulik, 1977).
Because flashbulb memories seem so strong, vivid, and rich in detail, we often place great confidence in them, but research suggests that we should be cautious about doing this. Sometimes these flashbulb memories may include inaccuracies or lack some specific details (Neisser, 1991; Talarico & Rubin, 2003).
Unlike an explicit memory, which can easily flow into conscious thought, implicit memory is a memory of something you know or know how to do, but which might be automatic or unconscious. These types of memories are difficult to bring into awareness and express. Many of the physical activities we take for granted, such as playing an instrument, driving a car, and dribbling a basketball, use a special type of implicit memory called procedural memory, that is, the memory of how to carry out an activity without conscious control or attention. After his illness, Clive Wearing could still pick up a piece of music and play it on the piano. He had no recollection of learning to sight read or play, yet he could execute these skills like the professional he had always been (Vennard, 2011, November 20). Therefore, Clive’s procedural memory was still working.
Memories acquired through classical conditioning are also implicit. Let’s say you enjoy eating food at McDonald’s and the very sight of the golden arches makes you salivate like one of Pavlov’s dogs. Somewhere along the line, you formed an association, a memory linking that restaurant to juicy hamburgers and creamy shakes, but the association does not require your conscious awareness (Cowan, 1988). It is implicit.
In Chapter 5, we introduced the concept of classical conditioning, which occurs when an originally neutral stimulus is conditioned to elicit or induce an involuntary response, such as salivation, eye blinks, and other types of reflex reactions. Here we can see how closely linked learning and memory are.
Take 15 seconds and try to memorize these seven words in the order they appear.
puppy stop sing sadness soccer kick panic
Now close your eyes, and see how many you recall. How did you do?
You just completed a mini-version of “Random Words,” Dorothea’s favorite event in the World Memory Championships. Dorothea won a gold medal in this category, committing 244 words to memory in 15 minutes. What’s her secret? Dorothea uses mnemonic (nih-′män-ik) devices—techniques for improving memory. You have probably used several mnemonic techniques yourself, perhaps not even realizing a discussion of them belongs in an introductory psychology textbook. For example, have you ever used the first-letter technique, such as Every Good Boy Deserves Fudge, to learn the line notes of the treble clef scale? Or perhaps you have used an acronym, such as ROY G BIV, to remember the colors of the rainbow? (See Figure 6.7.) Chunking, which we discussed earlier, is also a mnemonic technique. As you’ll see in Infographic 6.2, mnemonic devices and other strategies can be used to improve retention when studying.
One of the mnemonics Dorothea relies on most is the method of loci (lō-ˌsī, meaning “places”). Here’s how it works: When presented with a series of words to remember, Dorothea takes them on a mental journey through the place she knows best: her bedroom and bathroom. Walking through her room, she places the items to be remembered at predetermined spots along the way. Let’s say she is trying to remember the seven words from the beginning of this section. Dorothea visualizes herself entering her bedroom. The first thing she comes upon is the bed, so she might imagine a cute puppy playing with the pillow. Then she encounters a bedside table, which suddenly is a bus stop with a bus parked in front. She walks over to the sofa, climbs onto it, and begins to sing. The next object on her path is a box, but not an ordinary box, because it’s weeping tears of sadness. Next in her path is a mirror that she shatters to pieces with a soccer ball. When she gets to the sink, she kicks it with her foot. Finally, she imagines aliens climbing out of the toilet, causing her to panic. If she needs to remember the items, she retraces the journey, stopping at each point to observe the image she left there.
You can make use of the method of loci, too. Just pick a familiar route—through your favorite restaurant, the college campus, even your own body—and mentally place things you need to remember at points along the way. For remembering short lists, memory champion Dominic O’Brien suggests tagging items to preestablished points along the body (O’Brien, 2005). Suppose you need to pick up five items at the grocery: milk, eggs, olive oil, bananas, and cherries. Choose some body parts and then visually connect them to the items you need. For example, your hair is slicked back in olive oil; your nose is a big long banana; you can’t see because someone threw eggs in your eyes; cherries dangle from your ears like earrings; and you have a milk mustache.
Another way to boost your memory is to arrange the material you are trying to memorize into a hierarchy, or a system of meaningful classes and subclasses. In a classic study, researchers found that if participants were given a list of words that followed a hierarchical structure, they were better able to recall the words than participants who were learning the same words not organized in any meaningful way. In fact, the participants who had learned the words using the hierarchy were able to recall 3 times as many words as the other group (Bower, Clark, Lesgold, & Winzenz, 1969).
Suppose you are trying to remember the various divisions of the nervous system. Sketch a diagram like the one here (this is from Figure 2.2 from Chapter 2) showing the relationships among the concepts, starting with the most general and ending with the most specific.
While we’re on the topic of memory improvement, how does encoding, that is, the process of moving data into the memory system, play a role in information going from short-term memory to long-term memory? Let’s look at some of the different ways this can occur.
As you may recall from earlier in the chapter, the levels of processing framework suggests that stronger memories result when you think about information on a deep level. But some encoding of information occurs through automatic processing—that is, with little or no conscious effort, or awareness (Hartlage, Alloy, Vázquez, & Dykman, 1993; Hasher & Zacks, 1979). For example, when Dorothea walked into the conference room at the World Memory Championships, she processed all sorts of information without even trying—like the fact that most of the people milling around the room were men, and that the team from China was wearing matching orange-and-white tracksuits. She did not make an effort to pick up on these details, but she remembers them nevertheless. Her memory system absorbed the data automatically; hence, we call it automatic processing. But this is not the type of encoding Dorothea and her rivals came to the championships to do; they came expecting to use effortful processing. As the name implies, effortful processing is not only intentional but also requires work (Hartlage et al., 1993; Hasher & Zacks, 1979). Linking hundreds of elaborate images (like a puppy playing on a pillow, or aliens rising out of a toilet) on a mental journey is no easy task, especially when you only have 15 minutes to complete it. This effortful processing, using patterns and meaning to encode information, occurs at a deeper level, and as the levels of processing framework suggests, it results in more successful learning and retention of information.
In Chapter 4 we described automatic processing, the collection and retention (sometimes temporary) of information with little or no conscious effort. Automatic processing can also refer to the automatic cognitive activity that guides some behaviors, enabling us to act without focusing attention on what we are doing. Without our awareness, the brain determines what needs attention and what can be processed for later use.
There are different forms of effortful processing, some useful for extending the amount of time you can hold onto information in short-term memory, others for implanting information firmly into long-term storage. Short-term memory normally lasts between 20 and 30 seconds, but you can stretch it further and, theoretically, hold information there as long as desired using maintenance rehearsal, a technique of repeating what you want to remember over and over in your mind. Maintenance rehearsal comes in particularly handy when you need to remember a series of numbers or letters (for example, phone numbers or zip codes). Imagine this: While strolling down the street, you witness a hit-and-run accident; a truck runs a red light, smashes into a car, and then pulls away without the driver even stopping to assess the damage. As the truck races away, you manage to catch a glimpse of the license plate number, “PRZ-7659,” but how will you remember it long enough before reaching the 911 operator? If you’re like most people, you will say the plate number to yourself over and over, either aloud or in your mind, using maintenance rehearsal. But what if you want to do more than just maintain information in your short-term memory?
If your goal is to hold onto information for the long term, you might try elaborative rehearsal, the method of connecting incoming information to knowledge in long-term memory. Here, we can see that the level of processing occurs at a deep level, which suggests the encoding of information will be more successful. Dorothea’s mental walks involve this type of deeper processing (elaborative rehearsal) because she takes new information and puts it in the familiar framework of her home. By picturing the journey and the objects-to-be-remembered in her mind’s eye, she is taking advantage of visualization, another effective encoding strategy. People tend to remember verbal information better when it’s accompanied by vivid imagery. Some research suggests, for example, that children recall news stories better when they see them presented on television, as opposed to reading about them in a printed article (Walma van der Molen & van der Voort, 2000).
You may never need to memorize the order of 2,808 playing cards as memory champion Dominic O’Brien did. But you do need to be able to understand and recall hundreds of details when your teacher hands you an exam. Luckily, research shows that certain strategies and memory techniques will help you retain information when you study.
What other strategies, besides elaborative rehearsal and visualization, might improve encoding and help you move information into long-term memory? You’ve probably heard this before, but it couldn’t be truer: Avoid cramming for long periods of time without breaks (also referred to as massed practice). Research dating back to the 1800s show that distributed practice—spreading out study sessions, with breaks in between—is much more effective than packing information into your brain all at once (Ebbinghaus, 1885/1913; Rohrer & Taylor, 2006). Separating study sessions is also an important factor, with breaks facilitating better retention. When researchers asked students to learn a new mathematical skill, they found that the participants who practiced the new skill in two sessions (separated by a week) did better on a practice test (4 weeks later) than those who spent the same amount of time practicing in one session (Pashler, Rohrer, Cepeda, & Carpenter, 2007).
Surprisingly, how students apply distributed practice to studying may be associated with their culture and beliefs. In one intriguing study, researchers uncovered significant differences between European American students and Asian American students in their beliefs about studying and learning. Compared to the Asian Americans, the European Americans were more likely to think that learning takes more time and that knowledge is more complex. Students who believed that learning could happen quickly were more likely to choose strategies such as speeding through homework and tests—approaches that might make identifying the main points more difficult (Schommer-Aikins & Easter, 2008).
In Chapter 1, we presented the sociocultural perspective of psychology, which suggests that we should examine the influences of social interactions and culture to understand behavior. Here, we see how culture can influence decisions about the way to study.
We should point out that this study merely found evidence of cultural trends. When it comes to studying the psychology of groups, there are no hard-and-fast rules that apply to every member. Each individual should be viewed as such—as an individual. Keep this in mind as you read on.
Memory and Culture
Ask a person from the United States and a person from China to recount some life memories, and you may detect some interesting cultural themes in their reports. Research suggests that Chinese people are more likely than Americans to remember social and historical occurrences and focus their memories on other people. Americans, on the other hand, tend to recall events as they relate to their individual actions and emotions (Wang & Conway, 2004). Why is this so?
It may have something to do with the fact that China—like many countries in East Asia, Africa, and Latin America—has a collectivist culture, whereas the United States is more individualistic. People in collectivist societies tend to prioritize the needs of family and community over those of the individual. Individualistic cultures are more “me” oriented, or focused on autonomy and independence. Thus, it would make sense that participants from China, a collectivist culture, would have more community-oriented memories than their American counterparts.
Think about how culture might shape your own childhood memories. Family members help you create memories of your past by telling you stories of events you may not be able to recall on your own (or that never even happened, a topic we will discuss later). Depending on your cultural background, those memories may have a collectivist or individualistic slant. Whichever way they lean, they are uniquely yours.
The memories you carry serve as reminders of your cultural and family identity. Who would you be without them? Put yourself in the shoes of Clive Wearing. Although Clive retained a strong sense of “self” (personal identity), his illness stamped out decades of episodic memories (D. Wearing, personal communication, June 10, 2013). This loss and the evident distress had a profound impact on him. For 6½ years following his illness, Clive lived on a psychiatric ward, often under the influence of potent prescription tranquilizers. He was not suffering from a mental disorder—if he had, you might expect the drugs to have been effective, but they were not. No, Clive was reacting to his condition in a very human way. As Deborah put it, “His behavioural problems were a rational response to his terrifying amnesia” (D. Wearing, personal communication, June 25, 2013).
In Chapter 4, we discussed how sleep and dreams relate to memory. For example, researchers suspect that sleep spindles are associated with memory consolidation, and some theorists emphasize the importance of REM sleep in this process.
We have touched on many strategies for boosting memory, from chunking to visualization to distributed practice. If we could leave you with one final piece of advice, it would be the following: SLEEP. Exactly how sleep promotes memory is still not completely understood, but there is no question that good sleep makes for better processing of memories (Born, Rasch, & Gais, 2006; Diekelmann & Born, 2010; Marshall & Born, 2007). Even periods of “wakeful resting” following the learning of new material can increase the retention of that information. Participants who experienced a 15-minute period of wakeful resting (that is, they sat in a darkened quiet room) displayed better retention of newly learned material than did participants who played a game for 15 minutes. Wakeful resting seems to allow newly learned material to be encoded better, and thus retained in memory longer (Dewar, Alber, Butler, Cowan, & Della Sala, 2012). What might this mean for you? Make sure you allow yourself some quiet time following the learning of new material. Don’t end your study sessions with an activity that might interfere with your encoding of the information. Of course, it takes more than good sleep to succeed in college; you need to be able to analyze, apply, and synthesize material, not just remember it (TABLE 6.1).
“Wow, that’s a lot to remember,” you may be saying. Hopefully, you can retain it with the help of some of the mnemonic devices we have presented thus far. You might also take a wakeful resting break in preparation for the next section, which focuses on the topic of memory retrieval.
1. Your best friend tells you to close your eyes because she has a present for you. Just after you close your eyes, you momentarily “see” an image of her face. This is an example of:
b. iconic memory.
2. According to the information-processing model, our short-term memory can hold onto information for up to about __________ if we are not distracted by something else.
b. 30 seconds
3. As you enter the airport, you try to remember the location of the baggage claim area. You remember the last time you picked up your friend at this airport, and using your visuospatial sketchpad, realize the area is to your left. This ability demonstrates the use of your:
b. working memory.
4. __________ memory is the type of memory you are aware of having and can consciously declare, whereas __________ memory is a memory of something you know how to do, but which might be automatic or unconscious.
Explicit; implicit
5. On 9/11 Tanya was watching television when a news bulletin announced the terrorist attacks. She has vivid memories of that moment, including what she was doing, the friends she was with, and many details of her surroundings. This type of memory is known as a(n):
d. flashbulb memory.
6. Develop a mnemonic device to help you memorize the following terms from this section: explicit memory, semantic memory, episodic memory, flashbulb memory, implicit memory, and procedural memory.
Answers will vary. Exquisitely Serious Episodes Flashed Impossible Proteins
Explicit memory, Semantic memory, Episodic memory, Flash-bulb memory, Implicit memory, Procedural memory