Organize the Evidence for Thinking through Sources 16

The following exercises provide an opportunity to use the sources collectively to respond to a guiding question.

Guiding Question

In what different ways does the idea of “rights” find expression in these sources?


Below are five topics that might find a place in organizing an essay responding to the guiding question. This exercise asks you to identify which sources would provide relevant evidence for that topic. Select the best answers for each question. Choose ALL that apply.

Click the “submit” button for each question to turn in your work.

  1. Question 16.29

    Which sources focus on the expansion of rights to specific subgroups within a wider society?
    A. Source 16.1: The French Revolution and the “Rights of Man”
    B. Source 16.2: Representing the Declaration
    C. Source 16.3: Rights and National Independence
    D. Source 16.4: Rights and Slavery: “Reason and Nature”
    E. Source 16.6: The Rights of Women: “Frenchwomen Freed”
    F. Source 16.7: The Rights of Women: An American Feminist Voice
    Correct: Source 16.3: Bolívar seeks rights for American-born people of European descent. Source 16.4: This source focuses on rights for people of color. Source 16.6: This source focuses on rights for women. Source 16.7: Stanton speaks primarily about the rights of women. Source 16.1: The Declaration seeks to comprehensively chart the rights of all citizens, although who was a citizen proved a topic of debate. Source 16.2: This source depicts the Declaration as freeing all of France through the declaration of rights and freedoms.
    Incorrect: Source 16.3: Bolívar seeks rights for American-born people of European descent. Source 16.4: This source focuses on rights for people of color. Source 16.6: This source focuses on rights for women. Source 16.7: Stanton speaks primarily about the rights of women. Source 16.1: The Declaration seeks to comprehensively chart the rights of all citizens, although who was a citizen proved a topic of debate. Source 16.2: This source depicts the Declaration as freeing all of France through the declaration of rights and freedoms.
  2. Question 16.30

    Which sources provide evidence of efforts to comprehensively chart the rights of all full participants in society?
    A. Source 16.1: The French Revolution and the “Rights of Man”
    B. Source 16.2: Representing the Declaration
    C. Source 16.3: Rights and National Independence
    D. Source 16.4: Rights and Slavery: “Reason and Nature”
    E. Source 16.5: Rights and Slavery: An African American Voice
    F. Source 16.6: The Rights of Women: “Frenchwomen Freed”
    Correct: Source 16.1: The Declaration seeks to comprehensively chart the rights of citizens through both general assertions of inalienable rights and clauses that explicitly grant more specific rights. Source 16.2: This source depicts the Declaration as freeing all of France through the declaration of rights and freedoms. Source 16.3: Bolívar seeks rights for American-born people of European descent. Source 16.4: This source focuses on rights for people of color. Source 16.5: Douglass speaks primarily about the rights of slaves. Source 16.6: This source focuses on rights for women.
    Incorrect: Source 16.1: The Declaration seeks to comprehensively chart the rights of citizens through both general assertions of inalienable rights and clauses that explicitly grant more specific rights. Source 16.2: This source depicts the Declaration as freeing all of France through the declaration of rights and freedoms. Source 16.3: Bolívar seeks rights for American-born people of European descent. Source 16.4: This source focuses on rights for people of color. Source 16.5: Douglass speaks primarily about the rights of slaves. Source 16.6: This source focuses on rights for women.
  3. Question 16.31

    Which sources explicitly assert that inalienable rights should extend to women?
    A. Source 16.1: The French Revolution and the “Rights of Man”
    B. Source 16.2: Representing the Declaration
    C. Source 16.3: Rights and National Independence
    D. Source 16.5: Rights and Slavery: An African American Voice
    E. Source 16.6: The Rights of Women: “Frenchwomen Freed”
    F. Source 16.7: The Rights of Women: An American Feminist Voice
    Correct: Source 16.6: The inscriptions on the pike and waistband of the woman in this image assert that women should fight for their freedoms. Source 16.7: Stanton argues that women should have equal rights to men. Source 16.1: The Declaration explicitly refers only to men. Source 16.2: Despite the female allegorical figures, the text of this document refers only to men. Source 16.3: Bolívar makes no mention of women in this document. Source 16.5: Douglass refers to slaves but never to their gender.
    Incorrect: Source 16.6: The inscriptions on the pike and waistband of the woman in this image assert that women should fight for their freedoms. Source 16.7: Stanton argues that women should have equal rights to men. Source 16.1: The Declaration explicitly refers only to men. Source 16.2: Despite the female allegorical figures, the text of this document refers only to men. Source 16.3: Bolívar makes no mention of women in this document. Source 16.5: Douglass refers to slaves but never to their gender.
  4. Question 16.32

    Which sources provide evidence concerning the role of statements of rights, like the United States Declaration of Independence or the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen, in defining human rights?
    A. Source 16.2: Representing the Declaration
    B. Source 16.3: Rights and National Independence
    C. Source 16.4: Rights and Slavery: “Reason and Nature”
    D. Source 16.5: Rights and Slavery: An African American Voice
    E. Source 16.6: The Rights of Women: “Frenchwomen Freed”
    F. Source 16.7: The Rights of Women: An American Feminist Voice
    Correct: Source 16.2: This source reveals how authorities sought to advertise new rights by displaying the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen. Source 16.4: A figure in this image holds a copy of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen in his hand. Source 16.5: Douglass refers to the failure of Americans to live up to the principles declared in the Declaration of Independence. Source 16.3: Bolívar refers to what he views as injustices, but does not do so with reference to statements of rights. Source 16.6: This image makes no direct reference to statements of rights. Source 16.7: Instead of appealing to statements of rights, Stanton argues that it is necessary for women to have “self-sovereignty” in order to live in society.
    Incorrect: Source 16.2: This source reveals how authorities sought to advertise new rights by displaying the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen. Source 16.4: A figure in this image holds a copy of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen in his hand. Source 16.5: Douglass refers to the failure of Americans to live up to the principles declared in the Declaration of Independence. Source 16.3: Bolívar refers to what he views as injustices, but does not do so with reference to statements of rights. Source 16.6: This image makes no direct reference to statements of rights. Source 16.7: Instead of appealing to statements of rights, Stanton argues that it is necessary for women to have “self-sovereignty” in order to live in society.
  5. Question 16.33

    Which sources provide evidence of the creation of new laws or the direct appeal to government authorities to secure inalienable rights?
    A. Source 16.1: The French Revolution and the “Rights of Man”
    B. Source 16.3: Rights and National Independence
    C. Source 16.4: Rights and Slavery: “Reason and Nature”
    D. Source 16.5: Rights and Slavery: An African American Voice
    E. Source 16.6: The Rights of Women: “Frenchwomen Freed”
    F. Source 16.7: The Rights of Women: An American Feminist Voice
    Correct: Source 16.1: This source is a set of political principles and laws. Source 16.3: Bolívar’s letter is addressed to the Spanish government. Source 16.4: This image celebrates the passing of the May 15 law granting equal rights to free people of color and the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen. Source 16.7: Stanton addresses her comments to a congressional committee. Source 16.5: Douglass addresses an abolitionist meeting, not the government, and does not discuss new laws. Source 16.6: This image makes no reference to new laws or the government.
    Incorrect: Source 16.1: This source is a set of political principles and laws. Source 16.3: Bolívar’s letter is addressed to the Spanish government. Source 16.4: This image celebrates the passing of the May 15 law granting equal rights to free people of color and the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen. Source 16.7: Stanton addresses her comments to a congressional committee. Source 16.5: Douglass addresses an abolitionist meeting, not the government, and does not discuss new laws. Source 16.6: This image makes no reference to new laws or the government.