DLAP questions | universe10e_ch11_1_dlap.xml | 534878e9757a2e0c6a000000 |
11-1 Mercury, Venus, and Mars can all be seen with the naked eye
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11-2 While Mars rotates much like Earth, Mercuryâs rotation is coupled to its orbital motion and Venusâs rotation is slow and retrograde
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11-3 Mercury is cratered like the Moon but has a surprising magnetic field
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11-4 The first missions to Venus and Mars demolished decades of speculations about those planets
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11-5 Both Venus and Mars have volcanoesâand Mars has signs of ancient plate tectonics
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11-6 The dense atmosphere of Venus and the thin Martian atmosphere are dramatically different but have similar chemical compositions
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11-7 The atmospheres of Venus and Mars were very different billions of years ago
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11-8 Rovers have found evidence of ancient Martian water
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11-9 The two Martian moons resemble asteroids
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DLAP questions | universe10e_ch11_10_dlap.xml | 534878e9757a2e0c6a000000 |
DLAP questions | universe10e_ch11_11_dlap.xml | 534878e9757a2e0c6a000000 |
DLAP questions | universe10e_ch11_12_dlap.xml | 534878e9757a2e0c6a000000 |
DLAP questions | universe10e_ch11_13_dlap.xml | 534878e9757a2e0c6a000000 |
DLAP questions | universe10e_ch11_14_dlap.xml | 534878e9757a2e0c6a000000 |
DLAP questions | universe10e_ch11_15_dlap.xml | 534878e9757a2e0c6a000000 |
DLAP questions | universe10e_ch11_16_dlap.xml | 534878e9757a2e0c6a000000 |