object, 547–48, 550–51, 599–600 A noun or pronoun receiving the action of a verb (We mixed paints) or following a preposition (on the road).

object complements

in compound structures, 603

in predicates, 551

punctuation with, 698, 725

objective case, 598, 599–600

objective pronouns, 601–2


acknowledgment required for, 242

as field research, 209–10

Quick Help, 210

in the social sciences, 307

occupational language, 375–78

off of, 756

OK, O.K., okay, 756


apostrophes for, 711

ellipses for, 235–36, 726–27

on, in, at, 620–22

on account of, 756

one. See indefinite pronoun

one another, each other, 754

one of the, 594–95

online courses, 68

online texts. See digital texts; Web sites

only one of the, 594–95

opening paragraphs, 112–14. See also introductions

openings, sentence

emphatic, 679

varying, 84, 673–75

open source movement, 248

opinion, personal. See stance

opinion surveys, 210–11, 242

opportunity, in rhetorical situation, 24–25

opposing points of view, 167, 179–82, 222

or. See coordinating conjunctions

OR, in advanced searches, 204

or, nor, 756

oral presentations. See presentations


of academic writing, 18

of arguments, 179–82

in the disciplines, 297–98

of essay examinations, 333–34

of global communication, 357–58

of group projects, 119

headings for, 268

informal, 55

for multilingual writers, 54

of multimodal texts, 286

in natural and applied sciences, 317

of online texts, 286

outlines for, 55–56, 253–54

in paragraphs, 82, 108–9

patterns of, 50–54, 100–106

planning, 54–57

of portfolios, 338, 340

of presentations, 275–76

of research projects, 252–54

reviewing, 66

revising, 80

storyboards, 56–57, 286

subject groupings, 252

of Web-based texts, 286, 289

originality, 239, 355


for essay examinations, 333–34

parallelism in, 632

for peer review, 70–71

planning with, 55–56, 253

for research projects, 253, 256–57

outside of, 755

oversimplification, 152

owing to the fact that, 756