qtd. in, 408
question marks, 705
in advanced searches, 203
with parentheses, 721
with quotation marks, 718
questionnaires, as field research, 210–11
for analyzing arguments, 141–42
auxiliary verbs in, 569
commas in, 694
direct, 705
in essay examinations, 331–36
for exploring a topic, 45
for field research, 209
journalist’s, 46
subjects in, 549
tag, 694
who versus whom, 601–2
Quick Help
abbreviations, 736
adjectives and adverbs, 611–12
apostrophes, 709
capitalization, 731
citing digital sources
APA style, 470
MLA style, 426
citing sources without models
APA style, 459
Chicago style, 498
MLA style, 412
citing visuals (MLA style), 439
collaboration, 120
commas, 686
comma splices, 637
common errors (Top Twenty), 2
common ground, 361
conciseness, 661
consistency and completeness, 655
coordination, 666
dictionaries, 386–87
drafting, 58–59
-ed or -d endings, 573
email, 323
essay examinations, 332–33
formatting (MLA style), 424
fused (run-
generic he, his, or him, 606
gerunds and infinitives, 554–55
group projects, 120
homonyms, 397
humanities, 301
hyphens, 747
idioms, 621–22
infinitives and gerunds, 554–55
integrating sources, 232
interviews, 209
italics, 744
language variety, 368
memorable prose, 678–79
memos, 323
modifiers, misplaced or dangling, 649
multimodal writing, 286
numbers, 736
observations, 210
parallelism, 632
paraphrases, 227
peer review, 69–70
plagiarism, 242
prepositions, 621–22
pronoun case, 599
pronoun reference, 608
public writing, 345
questionnaires, 211
quotation marks, 713–14
quotations, 226
reading, 301
research projects, 258–59
revising, 258–59
semicolons, 701
sentence patterns, 548
sentence variety, 673
signal verbs, 235
spell checkers, 395
subordination, 666
summaries, 229
surveys, 211
tense, 583–84
transitions, 111
vocabulary, 389
word choice, 375
writing inventory, 11
writing to the world, 355
quotation, quote, 757
quotation marks
in advanced searches, 203
APA style, 458
Chicago style, 506
colons with, 718
CSE style, 520
dashes with, 718
for definitions, 715–16
exclamation points with, 718
footnote numbers with, 718
for irony and invented words, 716
MLA style, 412
periods with, 718
question marks with, 718
Quick Help, 713–14
single, 713
for titles of short works, 715–16
acknowledgment required for, 243
capitalization in, 730
colons before, 724
commas before, 696
citing in APA style, 456
citing in MLA style, 408
punctuating, 717
shifts to direct, 627–28
plagiarism in, 245–46
of poetry, 714–15
quotation marks for, 713–15
within quotations, 713
signal phrases for, 234–35
synthesizing, 222–23
verb tenses with, 580
quote, quotation, 757
quoted in (MLA style), 408