gathering evidence, 50
general and specific language, 380–81
hasty, 152
as stereotypes, 360–66
genre A form of communication used for a particular purpose and incorporating certain conventional features. Some common examples include lab reports, researched essays, brochures, invitations, etc. See also academic writing; business writing; digital texts; public writing; and the directory of student writing on p. 816
adapting material for, 37
analyzing, 34–36
for arguments, 182–83
borrowing from, 244
for business writing, 322–30
previewing, 126
reflecting on, 66
for research projects, 191–92
geographic terms
abbreviating, 738–39
as stereotypes, 365
gerund, 553 A verbal form that ends in -ing and functions as a noun: Sleeping is a bore.
for multilingual writers, 554–55
possessive pronoun before, 601
gerund phrases, 553
global communication, 354–59
in academic writing, 298–99
assumptions, 354–55
design, 262–71
Quick Help, 355
varieties of English for, 370
goals. See purpose for writing
good and, 755
Google Drive, 119
Google searches, 207
government publications
Chicago style, 512
government terms, abbreviations for, 737–38
grammar. See sentence; Top Twenty
grant proposals, 317
Greek roots, 390–91
group projects. See collaboration
guilt by association, 150