Name | File | Manuscript |
Working with Evidence: Representations of the Buddha | workingwithevidenceap_ch1_1.html | 5703ce6c757a2e3572000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch1_1_dlap.xml | 5703ce6c757a2e3572000000 |
1.1 Understanding Creation | workingwithevidenceap_ch1_2.html | 5703ce6c757a2e3572000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch1_2_dlap.xml | 5703ce6c757a2e3572000000 |
1.2 Understanding the Significance of Animals | workingwithevidenceap_ch1_3.html | 5703ce6c757a2e3572000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch1_3_dlap.xml | 5703ce6c757a2e3572000000 |
1.3 Understanding Men and Women | workingwithevidenceap_ch1_4.html | 5703ce6c757a2e3572000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch1_4_dlap.xml | 5703ce6c757a2e3572000000 |
1.4 Understanding Death | workingwithevidenceap_ch1_5.html | 5703ce6c757a2e3572000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch1_5_dlap.xml | 5703ce6c757a2e3572000000 |
Doing History: Stories of the Australian Dreamtime | workingwithevidenceap_ch1_6.html | 5703ce6c757a2e3572000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch1_6_dlap.xml | 5703ce6c757a2e3572000000 |
Quiz for Working with Evidence: Stories of the Australian Dreamtime | workingwithevidenceap_ch1_7.html | 5703ce6c757a2e3572000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch1_7_dlap.xml | 5703ce6c757a2e3572000000 |
Working with Evidence: Indus Valley Civilization | workingwithevidenceap_ch2_1.html | 5703d2ab757a2e6b75000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch2_1_dlap.xml | 5703d2ab757a2e6b75000000 |
2.1 A Seal from the Indus Valley | workingwithevidenceap_ch2_2.html | 5703d2ab757a2e6b75000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch2_2_dlap.xml | 5703d2ab757a2e6b75000000 |
2.2 Man from Mohenjo Daro | workingwithevidenceap_ch2_3.html | 5703d2ab757a2e6b75000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch2_3_dlap.xml | 5703d2ab757a2e6b75000000 |
2.3 Dancing Girl | workingwithevidenceap_ch2_4.html | 5703d2ab757a2e6b75000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch2_4_dlap.xml | 5703d2ab757a2e6b75000000 |
Doing History: Indus Valley Civilization | workingwithevidenceap_ch2_5.html | 5703d2ab757a2e6b75000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch2_5_dlap.xml | 5703d2ab757a2e6b75000000 |
Quiz for Working with Evidence: Indus Valley Civilization | workingwithevidenceap_ch2_6.html | 5703d2ab757a2e6b75000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch2_6_dlap.xml | 5703d2ab757a2e6b75000000 |
Working with Evidence: Perceptions of Outsiders in the Ancient World | workingwithevidenceap_ch3_1.html | 5703d65d757a2e7a75000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch3_1_dlap.xml | 5703d65d757a2e7a75000000 |
3.1 A Greek Historian on Persia and Egypt | workingwithevidenceap_ch3_2.html | 5703d65d757a2e7a75000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch3_2_dlap.xml | 5703d65d757a2e7a75000000 |
3.2 A Roman Historian on the Germans | workingwithevidenceap_ch3_3.html | 5703d65d757a2e7a75000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch3_3_dlap.xml | 5703d65d757a2e7a75000000 |
3.3 A Chinese Historian on the Xiongnu | workingwithevidenceap_ch3_4.html | 5703d65d757a2e7a75000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch3_4_dlap.xml | 5703d65d757a2e7a75000000 |
Doing History: Perceptions of Outsiders in the Ancient World | workingwithevidenceap_ch3_5.html | 5703d65d757a2e7a75000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch3_5_dlap.xml | 5703d65d757a2e7a75000000 |
Quiz for Working with Evidence: Perceptions of Outsiders in the Ancient World | workingwithevidenceap_ch3_6.html | 5703d65d757a2e7a75000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch3_6_dlap.xml | 5703d65d757a2e7a75000000 |
Working with Evidence: Representations of the Buddha | workingwithevidenceap_ch4_1.html | 5703d9e5757a2e1278000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch4_1_dlap.xml | 5703d9e5757a2e1278000000 |
4.1 Footprints of the Buddha | workingwithevidenceap_ch4_2.html | 5703d9e5757a2e1278000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch4_2_dlap.xml | 5703d9e5757a2e1278000000 |
4.2 A Gandhara Buddha | workingwithevidenceap_ch4_3.html | 5703d9e5757a2e1278000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch4_3_dlap.xml | 5703d9e5757a2e1278000000 |
4.3 A Bodhisattva of Compassion: Avalokitesvara with a Thousand Arms | workingwithevidenceap_ch4_4.html | 5703d9e5757a2e1278000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch4_4_dlap.xml | 5703d9e5757a2e1278000000 |
4.4 The Chinese Maitreya Buddha | workingwithevidenceap_ch4_5.html | 5703d9e5757a2e1278000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch4_5_dlap.xml | 5703d9e5757a2e1278000000 |
Doing History: Representations of the Buddha | workingwithevidenceap_ch4_6.html | 5703d9e5757a2e1278000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch4_6_dlap.xml | 5703d9e5757a2e1278000000 |
Quiz for Working with Evidence: Representations of the Buddha | workingwithevidenceap_ch4_7.html | 5703d9e5757a2e1278000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch4_7_dlap.xml | 5703d9e5757a2e1278000000 |
Working with Evidence: Pompeii as a Window on the Roman World | workingwithevidenceap_ch5_1.html | 5703ddad757a2e9d6f000001 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch5_1_dlap.xml | 5703ddad757a2e9d6f000001 |
5.1 Terentius Neo and His Wife | workingwithevidenceap_ch5_2.html | 5703ddad757a2e9d6f000001 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch5_2_dlap.xml | 5703ddad757a2e9d6f000001 |
5.2 A Pompeii Banquet | workingwithevidenceap_ch5_3.html | 5703ddad757a2e9d6f000001 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch5_3_dlap.xml | 5703ddad757a2e9d6f000001 |
5.3 Scenes in a Pompeii Tavern | workingwithevidenceap_ch5_4.html | 5703ddad757a2e9d6f000001 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch5_4_dlap.xml | 5703ddad757a2e9d6f000001 |
5.4 A Domestic Shrine | workingwithevidenceap_ch5_5.html | 5703ddad757a2e9d6f000001 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch5_5_dlap.xml | 5703ddad757a2e9d6f000001 |
5.5 Mystery Religions: The Cult of Dionysus | workingwithevidenceap_ch5_6.html | 5703ddad757a2e9d6f000001 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch5_6_dlap.xml | 5703ddad757a2e9d6f000001 |
Doing History: Pompeii as a Window on the Roman World | workingwithevidenceap_ch5_7.html | 5703ddad757a2e9d6f000001 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch5_7_dlap.xml | 5703ddad757a2e9d6f000001 |
Quiz for Working with Evidence: Pompeii as a Window on the Roman World | workingwithevidenceap_ch5_8.html | 5703ddad757a2e9d6f000001 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch5_8_dlap.xml | 5703ddad757a2e9d6f000001 |
Working with Evidence: Axum and the World | workingwithevidenceap_ch6_1.html | 5703e90e757a2e2478000001 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch6_1_dlap.xml | 5703e90e757a2e2478000001 |
6.1 A Guidebook to the World of Indian Ocean Commerce: The Periplus of the Erythraean Sea, First Century C.E. | workingwithevidenceap_ch6_2.html | 5703e90e757a2e2478000001 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch6_2_dlap.xml | 5703e90e757a2e2478000001 |
6.2 The Making of an Axumite Empire: Inscription on a Stone Throne, Second or Third Century C.E. | workingwithevidenceap_ch6_3.html | 5703e90e757a2e2478000001 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch6_3_dlap.xml | 5703e90e757a2e2478000001 |
6.3 The Coming of Christianity to Axum: Rufinus, On the Evangelization of Abyssinia Late Fourth Century C.E. | workingwithevidenceap_ch6_4.html | 5703e90e757a2e2478000001 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch6_4_dlap.xml | 5703e90e757a2e2478000001 |
6.4 Axum and the Gold Trade: Cosmas, The Christian Topography, Sixth Century C.E. | workingwithevidenceap_ch6_5.html | 5703e90e757a2e2478000001 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch6_5_dlap.xml | 5703e90e757a2e2478000001 |
Doing History: Indus Valley Civilization | workingwithevidenceap_ch6_6.html | 5703e90e757a2e2478000001 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch6_6_dlap.xml | 5703e90e757a2e2478000001 |
Quiz for Working with Evidence: Axum and the World | workingwithevidenceap_ch6_7.html | 5703e90e757a2e2478000001 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch6_7_dlap.xml | 5703e90e757a2e2478000001 |
Working with Evidence: Travelers’ Tales and Observations | workingwithevidenceap_ch7_1.html | 5703eba6757a2e6501000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch7_1_dlap.xml | 5703eba6757a2e6501000000 |
7.1 A Chinese Buddhist in India, A Biography of the Tripitaka Master, Seventh Century C.E. | workingwithevidenceap_ch7_2.html | 5703eba6757a2e6501000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch7_2_dlap.xml | 5703eba6757a2e6501000000 |
7.2 A European Christian in China: Marco Polo, The Travels of Marco Polo, 1299 | workingwithevidenceap_ch7_3.html | 5703eba6757a2e6501000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch7_3_dlap.xml | 5703eba6757a2e6501000000 |
7.3 A Moroccan Diplomat in West Africa: Leo Africanus, The History and Description of Africa, 1526 | workingwithevidenceap_ch7_4.html | 5703eba6757a2e6501000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch7_4_dlap.xml | 5703eba6757a2e6501000000 |
Doing History: Indus Valley Civilization | workingwithevidenceap_ch7_5.html | 5703eba6757a2e6501000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch7_5_dlap.xml | 5703eba6757a2e6501000000 |
Quiz for Working with Evidence: Travelers’ Tales and Observations | workingwithevidenceap_ch7_6.html | 5703eba6757a2e6501000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch7_6_dlap.xml | 5703eba6757a2e6501000000 |
Working with Evidence: The Leisure Life of China’s Elites | workingwithevidenceap_ch8_1.html | 5703fbcd757a2e7d07000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch8_1_dlap.xml | 5703fbcd757a2e7d07000000 |
8.1 A Banquet with the Emperor | workingwithevidenceap_ch8_2.html | 5703fbcd757a2e7d07000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch8_2_dlap.xml | 5703fbcd757a2e7d07000000 |
8.2 At Table with the Empress | workingwithevidenceap_ch8_3.html | 5703fbcd757a2e7d07000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch8_3_dlap.xml | 5703fbcd757a2e7d07000000 |
8.3 A Literary Gathering | workingwithevidenceap_ch8_4.html | 5703fbcd757a2e7d07000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch8_4_dlap.xml | 5703fbcd757a2e7d07000000 |
8.4 An Elite Night Party | workingwithevidenceap_ch8_5.html | 5703fbcd757a2e7d07000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch8_5_dlap.xml | 5703fbcd757a2e7d07000000 |
Doing History: The Leisure Life of China’s Elites | workingwithevidenceap_ch8_6.html | 5703fbcd757a2e7d07000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch8_6_dlap.xml | 5703fbcd757a2e7d07000000 |
Quiz for Working with Evidence: The Leisure Life of China’s Elites | workingwithevidenceap_ch8_7.html | 5703fbcd757a2e7d07000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch8_7_dlap.xml | 5703fbcd757a2e7d07000000 |
Working with Evidence: The Life of the Prophet | workingwithevidenceap_ch9_1.html | 5703fe9f757a2e7b08000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch9_1_dlap.xml | 5703fe9f757a2e7b08000000 |
9.1 Muhammad and the Archangel Gabriel | workingwithevidenceap_ch9_2.html | 5703fe9f757a2e7b08000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch9_2_dlap.xml | 5703fe9f757a2e7b08000000 |
9.2 The Night Journey of Muhammad | workingwithevidenceap_ch9_3.html | 5703fe9f757a2e7b08000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch9_3_dlap.xml | 5703fe9f757a2e7b08000000 |
9.3 The Battle at Badr | workingwithevidenceap_ch9_4.html | 5703fe9f757a2e7b08000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch9_4_dlap.xml | 5703fe9f757a2e7b08000000 |
9.4 The Destruction of the Idols | workingwithevidenceap_ch9_5.html | 5703fe9f757a2e7b08000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch9_5_dlap.xml | 5703fe9f757a2e7b08000000 |
Doing History: The Life of the Prophet | workingwithevidenceap_ch9_6.html | 5703fe9f757a2e7b08000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch9_6_dlap.xml | 5703fe9f757a2e7b08000000 |
Quiz for Working with Evidence: The Life of the Prophet | workingwithevidenceap_ch9_7.html | 5703fe9f757a2e7b08000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch9_7_dlap.xml | 5703fe9f757a2e7b08000000 |
Working with Evidence: The Making of Christian Europe | workingwithevidenceap_ch10_1.html | 57041d31757a2e1418000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch10_1_dlap.xml | 57041d31757a2e1418000000 |
10.1 The Conversion of Clovis: Gregory of Tours, History of the Franks, Late Sixth Century | workingwithevidenceap_ch10_2.html | 57041d31757a2e1418000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch10_2_dlap.xml | 57041d31757a2e1418000000 |
10.2 Advice on Dealing with “Pagansâ€Â: Pope Gregory, Advice to the English Church, 601 | workingwithevidenceap_ch10_3.html | 57041d31757a2e1418000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch10_3_dlap.xml | 57041d31757a2e1418000000 |
10.3 Charlemagne and the Saxons: Charlemagne, Capitulary on Saxony, 785 | workingwithevidenceap_ch10_4.html | 57041d31757a2e1418000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch10_4_dlap.xml | 57041d31757a2e1418000000 |
10.4 and 10.5 The Persistence of Tradition: Willibald, Life of Boniface, ca. 760 C.E., and Leechbook, Tenth Century | workingwithevidenceap_ch10_5.html | 57041d31757a2e1418000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch10_5_dlap.xml | 57041d31757a2e1418000000 |
Doing History: The Making of Christian Europe | workingwithevidenceap_ch10_6.html | 57041d31757a2e1418000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch10_6_dlap.xml | 57041d31757a2e1418000000 |
Quiz for Working with Evidence: The Making of Christian Europe | workingwithevidenceap_ch10_7.html | 57041d31757a2e1418000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch10_7_dlap.xml | 57041d31757a2e1418000000 |
Working with Evidence: Perspectives on the Mongols | workingwithevidenceap_ch11_1.html | 57041dce757a2e1518000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch11_1_dlap.xml | 57041dce757a2e1518000000 |
11.1 Mongol History from a Mongol Source: The Secret History of the Mongols, ca. 1240 | workingwithevidenceap_ch11_2.html | 57041dce757a2e1518000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch11_2_dlap.xml | 57041dce757a2e1518000000 |
11.2 Chinggis Khan and Changchun: Chinggis Khan, Letter to Changchun, 1219 | workingwithevidenceap_ch11_3.html | 57041dce757a2e1518000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch11_3_dlap.xml | 57041dce757a2e1518000000 |
11.3 The Conquest of Bukhara: A Persian View: Juvaini, The History of the World Conqueror, 1219 | workingwithevidenceap_ch11_4.html | 57041dce757a2e1518000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch11_4_dlap.xml | 57041dce757a2e1518000000 |
11.4 A Russian View of the Mongols: The Chronicle of Novgorod, 1238 | workingwithevidenceap_ch11_5.html | 57041dce757a2e1518000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch11_5_dlap.xml | 57041dce757a2e1518000000 |
11.5 Mongol Women through European Eyes: William of Rubruck, Journey to the Land of the Mongols, ca. 1255 | workingwithevidenceap_ch11_6.html | 57041dce757a2e1518000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch11_6_dlap.xml | 57041dce757a2e1518000000 |
Doing History: Perspectives on the Mongols | workingwithevidenceap_ch11_7.html | 57041dce757a2e1518000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch11_7_dlap.xml | 57041dce757a2e1518000000 |
Quiz for Working with Evidence: Perspectives on the Mongols | workingwithevidenceap_ch11_8.html | 57041dce757a2e1518000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch11_8_dlap.xml | 57041dce757a2e1518000000 |
Working with Evidence: Islam and Renaissance Europe | workingwithevidenceap_ch12_1.html | 57041e49757a2e1518000001 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch12_1_dlap.xml | 57041e49757a2e1518000001 |
12.1 Gentile Bellini, Portrait of Mehmed II | workingwithevidenceap_ch12_2.html | 57041e49757a2e1518000001 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch12_2_dlap.xml | 57041e49757a2e1518000001 |
12.2 The Venetian Ambassador Visits Damascus | workingwithevidenceap_ch12_3.html | 57041e49757a2e1518000001 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch12_3_dlap.xml | 57041e49757a2e1518000001 |
12.3 Aristotle and Averroes | workingwithevidenceap_ch12_4.html | 57041e49757a2e1518000001 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch12_4_dlap.xml | 57041e49757a2e1518000001 |
12.4 Saint George Baptizes the Pagans of Jerusalem | workingwithevidenceap_ch12_5.html | 57041e49757a2e1518000001 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch12_5_dlap.xml | 57041e49757a2e1518000001 |
12.5 Giovanni da Modena, Muhammad in Hell | workingwithevidenceap_ch12_6.html | 57041e49757a2e1518000001 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch12_6_dlap.xml | 57041e49757a2e1518000001 |
Doing History: Islam and Renaissance Europe | workingwithevidenceap_ch12_7.html | 57041e49757a2e1518000001 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch12_7_dlap.xml | 57041e49757a2e1518000001 |
Quiz for Working with Evidence: Islam and Renaissance Europe | workingwithevidenceap_ch12_8.html | 57041e49757a2e1518000001 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch12_8_dlap.xml | 57041e49757a2e1518000001 |
Working with Evidence: State Building in the Early Modern Era | workingwithevidenceap_ch13_1.html | 57041fdf757a2e6518000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch13_1_dlap.xml | 57041fdf757a2e6518000000 |
13.1 The Memoirs of Emperor Jahangir: Jahangir, Memoirs, 1605–1627 | workingwithevidenceap_ch13_2.html | 57041fdf757a2e6518000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch13_2_dlap.xml | 57041fdf757a2e6518000000 |
13.2 An Outsider’s View of the Ottoman Empire: Ogier Ghiselin de Busbecq, The Turkish Letters, 1555–1562 | workingwithevidenceap_ch13_3.html | 57041fdf757a2e6518000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch13_3_dlap.xml | 57041fdf757a2e6518000000 |
13.3 French State Building and Louis XIV: Louis XIV, Memoirs, 1670 | workingwithevidenceap_ch13_4.html | 57041fdf757a2e6518000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch13_4_dlap.xml | 57041fdf757a2e6518000000 |
13.4 An Outsider’s View of the Inca Empire: Pedro de Cieza de León, Chronicles of the Incas, ca. 1550 | workingwithevidenceap_ch13_5.html | 57041fdf757a2e6518000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch13_5_dlap.xml | 57041fdf757a2e6518000000 |
Doing History: State Building in the Early Modern Era | workingwithevidenceap_ch13_6.html | 57041fdf757a2e6518000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch13_6_dlap.xml | 57041fdf757a2e6518000000 |
Quiz for Working with Evidence: State Building in the Early Modern Era | workingwithevidenceap_ch13_7.html | 57041fdf757a2e6518000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch13_7_dlap.xml | 57041fdf757a2e6518000000 |
Working with Sources: Exchange and Status in the Early Modern World | workingwithevidenceap_ch14_1.html | 57042259757a2e4e15000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch14_1_dlap.xml | 57042259757a2e4e15000000 |
14.1 Tea and Porcelain in Europe | workingwithevidenceap_ch14_2.html | 57042259757a2e4e15000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch14_2_dlap.xml | 57042259757a2e4e15000000 |
14.2 A Chocolate Party in Spain | workingwithevidenceap_ch14_3.html | 57042259757a2e4e15000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch14_3_dlap.xml | 57042259757a2e4e15000000 |
14.3 An Ottoman Coffeehouse | workingwithevidenceap_ch14_4.html | 57042259757a2e4e15000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch14_4_dlap.xml | 57042259757a2e4e15000000 |
14.4 Clothing and Status in Colonial Mexico | workingwithevidenceap_ch14_5.html | 57042259757a2e4e15000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch14_5_dlap.xml | 57042259757a2e4e15000000 |
Doing History: Exchange and Status in the Early Modern World | workingwithevidenceap_ch14_6.html | 57042259757a2e4e15000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch14_6_dlap.xml | 57042259757a2e4e15000000 |
Quiz for Working with Evidence: Exchange and Status in the Early Modern World | workingwithevidenceap_ch14_7.html | 57042259757a2e4e15000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch14_7_dlap.xml | 57042259757a2e4e15000000 |
Working with Evidence: Global Christianity in the Early Modern Era | workingwithevidenceap_ch15_1.html | 57042406757a2e4f1b000001 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch15_1_dlap.xml | 57042406757a2e4f1b000001 |
15.1 Interior of a Dutch Reformed Church | workingwithevidenceap_ch15_2.html | 57042406757a2e4f1b000001 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch15_2_dlap.xml | 57042406757a2e4f1b000001 |
15.2 Catholic Baroque, Interior of Pilgrimage Church, Mariazell, Austria | workingwithevidenceap_ch15_3.html | 57042406757a2e4f1b000001 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch15_3_dlap.xml | 57042406757a2e4f1b000001 |
15.3 Cultural Blending in Andean Christianity | workingwithevidenceap_ch15_4.html | 57042406757a2e4f1b000001 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch15_4_dlap.xml | 57042406757a2e4f1b000001 |
15.4 Making Christianity Chinese | workingwithevidenceap_ch15_5.html | 57042406757a2e4f1b000001 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch15_5_dlap.xml | 57042406757a2e4f1b000001 |
15.5 Christian Art at the Mughal Court | workingwithevidenceap_ch15_6.html | 57042406757a2e4f1b000001 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch15_6_dlap.xml | 57042406757a2e4f1b000001 |
Doing History: Global Christianity in the Early Modern Era | workingwithevidenceap_ch15_7.html | 57042406757a2e4f1b000001 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch15_7_dlap.xml | 57042406757a2e4f1b000001 |
Quiz for Working with Evidence: Global Christianity in the Early Modern Era | workingwithevidenceap_ch15_8.html | 57042406757a2e4f1b000001 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch15_8_dlap.xml | 57042406757a2e4f1b000001 |
Working with Evidence: Representing the French Revolution | workingwithevidenceap_ch16_1.html | 570425ef757a2e4f1b000002 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch16_1_dlap.xml | 570425ef757a2e4f1b000002 |
16.1 The Patriotic Snack, Reunion of the Three Estates, August 4, 1789 | workingwithevidenceap_ch16_2.html | 570425ef757a2e4f1b000002 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch16_2_dlap.xml | 570425ef757a2e4f1b000002 |
16.2 A Reversal of Roles: The Three Estates of Revolutionary France | workingwithevidenceap_ch16_3.html | 570425ef757a2e4f1b000002 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch16_3_dlap.xml | 570425ef757a2e4f1b000002 |
16.3 Revolution and Religion: “Patience, Monsignor, your turn will come.†| workingwithevidenceap_ch16_4.html | 570425ef757a2e4f1b000002 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch16_4_dlap.xml | 570425ef757a2e4f1b000002 |
16.4 An English Response to Revolution: “Hell Broke Loose or The Murder of Louis†| workingwithevidenceap_ch16_5.html | 570425ef757a2e4f1b000002 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch16_5_dlap.xml | 570425ef757a2e4f1b000002 |
Doing History: Representing the French Revolution | workingwithevidenceap_ch16_6.html | 570425ef757a2e4f1b000002 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch16_6_dlap.xml | 570425ef757a2e4f1b000002 |
Quiz for Working with Evidence: Representing the French Revolution | workingwithevidenceap_ch16_7.html | 570425ef757a2e4f1b000002 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch16_7_dlap.xml | 570425ef757a2e4f1b000002 |
Working with Evidence: Voices of European Socialism | workingwithevidenceap_ch17_1.html | 57042689757a2e5c1b000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch17_1_dlap.xml | 57042689757a2e5c1b000000 |
17.1 Socialism According to Marx: Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto, 1848 | workingwithevidenceap_ch17_2.html | 57042689757a2e5c1b000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch17_2_dlap.xml | 57042689757a2e5c1b000000 |
17.2 Socialism without Revolution: Eduard Bernstein, Evolutionary Socialism, 1899 | workingwithevidenceap_ch17_3.html | 57042689757a2e5c1b000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch17_3_dlap.xml | 57042689757a2e5c1b000000 |
17.3 Socialism and Women: Clara Zetkin, The German Socialist Women’s Movement, 1909 | workingwithevidenceap_ch17_4.html | 57042689757a2e5c1b000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch17_4_dlap.xml | 57042689757a2e5c1b000000 |
17.4 Lenin and Russian Socialism: Lenin, What Is to Be Done?, 1902 | workingwithevidenceap_ch17_5.html | 57042689757a2e5c1b000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch17_5_dlap.xml | 57042689757a2e5c1b000000 |
Doing History: Voices of European Socialism | workingwithevidenceap_ch17_6.html | 57042689757a2e5c1b000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch17_6_dlap.xml | 57042689757a2e5c1b000000 |
Quiz for Working with Evidence: Voices of European Socialism | workingwithevidenceap_ch17_7.html | 57042689757a2e5c1b000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch17_7_dlap.xml | 57042689757a2e5c1b000000 |
Working with Evidence: The Scramble for Africa | workingwithevidenceap_ch18_1.html | 57042806757a2ea71b000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch18_1_dlap.xml | 57042806757a2ea71b000000 |
18.1 Prelude to the Scramble | workingwithevidenceap_ch18_2.html | 57042806757a2ea71b000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch18_2_dlap.xml | 57042806757a2ea71b000000 |
18.2 Conquest and Competition | workingwithevidenceap_ch18_3.html | 57042806757a2ea71b000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch18_3_dlap.xml | 57042806757a2ea71b000000 |
18.3 From the Cape to Cairo | workingwithevidenceap_ch18_4.html | 57042806757a2ea71b000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch18_4_dlap.xml | 57042806757a2ea71b000000 |
18.4 British and French in North Africa | workingwithevidenceap_ch18_5.html | 57042806757a2ea71b000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch18_5_dlap.xml | 57042806757a2ea71b000000 |
Doing History: The Scramble for Africa | workingwithevidenceap_ch18_6.html | 57042806757a2ea71b000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch18_6_dlap.xml | 57042806757a2ea71b000000 |
Quiz for Working with Evidence: The Scramble for Africa | workingwithevidenceap_ch18_7.html | 57042806757a2ea71b000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch18_7_dlap.xml | 57042806757a2ea71b000000 |
Working with Evidence: Changing China | workingwithevidenceap_ch19_1.html | 5704288e757a2ea21b000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch19_1_dlap.xml | 5704288e757a2ea21b000000 |
19.1 Toward a Constitutional Monarchy: Kang Youwei, An Appeal to Emperor Guangxu, 1898 | workingwithevidenceap_ch19_2.html | 5704288e757a2ea21b000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch19_2_dlap.xml | 5704288e757a2ea21b000000 |
19.2 Education and Examination: Anonymous, Editorial on China’s Examination System, 1898, and Emperor Guangxu, Edict on Education, 1898 | workingwithevidenceap_ch19_3.html | 5704288e757a2ea21b000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch19_3_dlap.xml | 5704288e757a2ea21b000000 |
19.3 Gender, Reform, and Revolution: Qiu Jin, Address to Two Hundred Million Fellow Countrywomen, 1904 | workingwithevidenceap_ch19_4.html | 5704288e757a2ea21b000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch19_4_dlap.xml | 5704288e757a2ea21b000000 |
19.4 Prescriptions for a Revolutionary China: Sun Yat-sen, The Three People’s Principles and the Future of the Chinese People, 1906 | workingwithevidenceap_ch19_5.html | 5704288e757a2ea21b000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch19_5_dlap.xml | 5704288e757a2ea21b000000 |
Doing History: Changing China | workingwithevidenceap_ch19_6.html | 5704288e757a2ea21b000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch19_6_dlap.xml | 5704288e757a2ea21b000000 |
Quiz for Working with Evidence: Changing China | workingwithevidenceap_ch19_7.html | 5704288e757a2ea21b000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch19_7_dlap.xml | 5704288e757a2ea21b000000 |
Working with Evidence: Ideologies of the Axis Powers | workingwithevidenceap_ch20_1.html | 570428f8757a2e861e000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch20_1_dlap.xml | 570428f8757a2e861e000000 |
20.1 Hitler on Nazism: Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf (My Struggle), 1925–1926 | workingwithevidenceap_ch20_2.html | 570428f8757a2e861e000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch20_2_dlap.xml | 570428f8757a2e861e000000 |
20.2 The Japanese Way: Cardinal Principles of the National Entity of Japan, 1937 | workingwithevidenceap_ch20_3.html | 570428f8757a2e861e000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch20_3_dlap.xml | 570428f8757a2e861e000000 |
Doing History: Ideologies of the Axis Powers | workingwithevidenceap_ch20_4.html | 570428f8757a2e861e000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch20_4_dlap.xml | 570428f8757a2e861e000000 |
Quiz for Working with Evidence: Ideologies of the Axis Powers | workingwithevidenceap_ch20_5.html | 570428f8757a2e861e000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch20_5_dlap.xml | 570428f8757a2e861e000000 |
Working with Evidence: Poster Art in Mao’s China | workingwithevidenceap_ch21_1.html | 57042af0757a2e9d1e000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch21_1_dlap.xml | 57042af0757a2e9d1e000000 |
21.1 Smashing the Old Society | workingwithevidenceap_ch21_2.html | 57042af0757a2e9d1e000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch21_2_dlap.xml | 57042af0757a2e9d1e000000 |
21.2 Building the New Society: The People’s Commune | workingwithevidenceap_ch21_3.html | 57042af0757a2e9d1e000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch21_3_dlap.xml | 57042af0757a2e9d1e000000 |
21.3 Women, Nature, and Industrialization | workingwithevidenceap_ch21_4.html | 57042af0757a2e9d1e000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch21_4_dlap.xml | 57042af0757a2e9d1e000000 |
21.4 The Cult of Mao | workingwithevidenceap_ch21_5.html | 57042af0757a2e9d1e000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch21_5_dlap.xml | 57042af0757a2e9d1e000000 |
Doing History: Poster Art in Mao’s China | workingwithevidenceap_ch21_6.html | 57042af0757a2e9d1e000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch21_6_dlap.xml | 57042af0757a2e9d1e000000 |
Quiz for Working with Evidence: Poster Art in Mao’s China | workingwithevidenceap_ch21_7.html | 57042af0757a2e9d1e000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch21_7_dlap.xml | 57042af0757a2e9d1e000000 |
Working with Evidence: Contending for Islam | workingwithevidenceap_ch22_1.html | 57042bc4757a2eae1e000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch22_1_dlap.xml | 57042bc4757a2eae1e000000 |
22.1 A Secular State for an Islamic Society: Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, Speech to the General Congress of the Republican Party, 1927 | workingwithevidenceap_ch22_2.html | 57042bc4757a2eae1e000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch22_2_dlap.xml | 57042bc4757a2eae1e000000 |
22.2 Toward an Islamic Society: The Muslim Brotherhood, Toward the Light, 1936 | workingwithevidenceap_ch22_3.html | 57042bc4757a2eae1e000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch22_3_dlap.xml | 57042bc4757a2eae1e000000 |
22.3 Progressive Islam: Kabir Helminski, Islam and Human Values, 2009 | workingwithevidenceap_ch22_4.html | 57042bc4757a2eae1e000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch22_4_dlap.xml | 57042bc4757a2eae1e000000 |
22.4 Islam and Women’s Dress: Emaan, Hijab: The Beauty of Muslim Women, 2010, and Saira Khan, Why I, as a British Muslim Woman, Want the Burkha Banned from Our Streets, 2009 | workingwithevidenceap_ch22_5.html | 57042bc4757a2eae1e000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch22_5_dlap.xml | 57042bc4757a2eae1e000000 |
Doing History: Contending for Islam | workingwithevidenceap_ch22_6.html | 57042bc4757a2eae1e000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch22_6_dlap.xml | 57042bc4757a2eae1e000000 |
Quiz for Working with Evidence: Contending for Islam | workingwithevidenceap_ch22_7.html | 57042bc4757a2eae1e000000 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch22_7_dlap.xml | 57042bc4757a2eae1e000000 |
Working with Evidence: Faces of Globalization | workingwithevidenceap_ch23_1.html | 57042e08757a2ee91e000001 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch23_1_dlap.xml | 57042e08757a2ee91e000001 |
23.1 Globalization and Work | workingwithevidenceap_ch23_2.html | 57042e08757a2ee91e000001 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch23_2_dlap.xml | 57042e08757a2ee91e000001 |
23.2 Globalization and Consumerism | workingwithevidenceap_ch23_3.html | 57042e08757a2ee91e000001 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch23_3_dlap.xml | 57042e08757a2ee91e000001 |
23.3 Globalization and Protest | workingwithevidenceap_ch23_4.html | 57042e08757a2ee91e000001 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch23_4_dlap.xml | 57042e08757a2ee91e000001 |
23.4 Globalization and Social Media | workingwithevidenceap_ch23_5.html | 57042e08757a2ee91e000001 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch23_5_dlap.xml | 57042e08757a2ee91e000001 |
23.5 Globalization and Culture | workingwithevidenceap_ch23_6.html | 57042e08757a2ee91e000001 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch23_6_dlap.xml | 57042e08757a2ee91e000001 |
23.6  Globalization: One World or Many | workingwithevidenceap_ch23_7.html | 57042e08757a2ee91e000001 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch23_7_dlap.xml | 57042e08757a2ee91e000001 |
Doing History: Faces of Globalization | workingwithevidenceap_ch23_8.html | 57042e08757a2ee91e000001 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch23_8_dlap.xml | 57042e08757a2ee91e000001 |
Quiz for Working with Evidence: Faces of Globalization | workingwithevidenceap_ch23_9.html | 57042e08757a2ee91e000001 |
DLAP questions | workingwithevidenceap_ch23_9_dlap.xml | 57042e08757a2ee91e000001 |