MLA in-text citations

Citations in the text of your paper are most often made up of an author’s name integrated into your text (a signal phrase) and page numbers in parentheses.

Legal scholar Jay Kesan notes that many companies monitor employees electronically, but “there may exist less intrusive safeguards for employers” (293).

For help with representing various types of sources, click the following links or browse the directory to MLA in-text citation models.

General guidelines for in-text citations

How to cite a source with an author or authors

How to cite a source with no author

How to cite a source with page numbers

How to cite a source with no page numbers

Exercise: MLA documentation: in-text citations 1

Exercise: MLA documentation: in-text citations 2

Exercise: MLA documentation: in-text citations 3

signal phrase A phrase that cues and introduces the use of source material, usually by naming the author of the material.