Four or more authors

In-text citations

Federal law provides few guidelines related to online monitoring of employees, and only Connecticut and Delaware require companies to disclose this type of surveillance to employees (Tam et al.).

Federal law provides few guidelines related to online monitoring of employees, and only Connecticut and Delaware require companies to disclose this type of surveillance to employees (Tam, White, Wingfield, and Maher).


Name all of the authors or include only the first author’s name followed by “et al.” (Latin for “and others”). Make sure that your citation matches the entry in the list of works cited.

Works cited entries

Tam, Pui-Wing, et al. “Snooping E-Mail by Software Is Now a Workplace Norm.” Wall Street Journal 9 Mar. 2005: B1+. Print.

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Tam, Pui-Wing, Erin White, Nick Wingfield, and Kris Maher. “Snooping E-Mail by Software Is Now a Workplace Norm.” Wall Street Journal 9 Mar. 2005: B1+. Print.

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Directory to MLA in-text citation models

Exercise: MLA documentation: in-text citations 1

Exercise: MLA documentation: in-text citations 2

Exercise: MLA documentation: in-text citations 3