Selection in an anthology

In-text citation

In “A Jury of Her Peers,” Mrs. Hale describes both a style of quilting and a murder weapon when she utters the last words of the story: “We call it—knot it, Mr. Henderson” (Glaspell 186).


  • Put the name of the author of the work (not the editor of the anthology) in the signal phrase or the parentheses.

  • In the list of works cited, the work is alphabetized under Glaspell, not under the name of the editor of the anthology.

Works cited entry

Glaspell, Susan. “A Jury of Her Peers.” Literature and Its Writers: A Compact Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama. Ed. Ann Charters and Samuel Charters. 4th ed. Boston: Bedford, 2007. 170-86. Print.

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Exercise: MLA documentation: in-text citations 1

Exercise: MLA documentation: in-text citations 2

Exercise: MLA documentation: in-text citations 3