Correction Symbols


Many instructors use these abbreviations and symbols to mark errors in student papers. Refer to this chart to find out what they mean.

Abbreviation or Symbol Meaning See the Handbook See the Quick Editing Guide
abbr abbreviation 36 (p. 853)
adj misuse of adjective 13 (p. 784) A7 (p. Q-45)
adv misuse of adverb 13 (p. 784) A7 (p. Q-45)
agr faulty agreement 8 (p. 758), 12 (p. 782) A4 (p. Q-41), A6 (p. Q-44)
appr appropriate 22 (p. 814) C1 (p. Q-48)
awk awkward
bias use bias-free language 24 (p. 819)
cap use capital letter 37 (p. 856)
case error in case 10 (p. 775) A5 (p. Q-43)
cl clause error 4 (p. 746)
compl complement error 3 (p. 741)
coord faulty coordination 19a–c (p. 804)
cs comma splice 7 (p. 755) A2 (p. Q-39)
dm dangling modifier 15c (p. 793) B1 (p. Q-46)
exact exact words 23 (p. 818)
frag fragment 6 (p. 752) A1 (p. Q-38)
fs fused sentence 7 (p. 755) A2 (p. Q-39)
gl or gloss see Glossary of Troublemakers C3 (p. Q-50)
hyph error in use of hyphen 40 (p. 863)
inc incomplete sentence 16 (p. 794)
irreg error in irregular verb A3 (p. Q-40)
ital italics 39 (p. 861)
lc use lowercase letter 37 (p. 856) E1 (p. Q-62)
mixed mixed construction 17 (p. 798)
mm misplaced modifier 15a–b (p. 792) B1 (p. Q-46)
mood error in mood 8 (p. 758)
num error in the use of numbers 38 (p. 859)
obj object error 3 (p. 741)
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ineffective passive voice 21b (p. 812)
phr phrase error 4 (p. 746)
pos part of speech error 1 (p. 730)
pron agr pronoun-antecedent error 12 (p. 782) A6 (p. Q-44)
punct error in punctuation 27–35 (p. 826) D (p. Q-59)
ref error in pronoun reference 11 (p. 779) A6 (p. Q-44)
rep too much repetition 25 (p. 822)
rev revise (See Ch. 23.)
run-on comma splice or fused sentence 7 (p. 755) A2 (p. Q-39)
sent sentence structure error 5 (p. 748)
shift shift error 14 (p. 789)
sp misspelled word 41 (p. 865) E2 (p. Q-64)
sub faulty subordination 19d–f (p. 807)
subj subject error 2 (p. 740)
t or tense error in verb tense 8 (p. 758) A3 (p. Q-40)
v voice 14c (p. 789)
var sentence variety needed 20 (p. 810)
vb error in verb form 8 (p. 758) A3 (p. Q-40)
vb agr subject-verb agreement error 9 (p. 771) A4 (p. Q-41)
wc word choice 22–26 (p. 814) C (p. Q-48)
w wordy 25 (p. 822) C2 (p. Q-49)
ww commonly confused word 26 (p. 823) C3 (p. Q-50)
// faulty parallelism 18 (p. 801) B2 (p. Q-47)
x obvious error