Frontmatter Introduction

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The woman in our cover image (see cover at top), a drawing by Spanish artist Juan Francisco Casas, is intent; she perceives with a purpose—to learn, one might guess, about the social world and her place in it. Casas’s creation vividly illustrates three features of Psychology: The Science of Person, Mind, and Brain:

The Target of Study: As British psychologist Hans Eysenck put it, psychology is about people: thinking, feeling, self-aware individuals whose minds and brains give them the power to keenly observe the world—and themselves.

The Scientific Strategy: Psychology is built on scientific observation. The first step in constructing the science is not to speculate idly about human nature; it is to carefully observe people. Advice from the great Austrian philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein sums up the strategy: “Don’t think, but look!”

Our Invitation to the Reader: You are a keen observer of the social world. You have important insights about the topics addressed in this book. Use them! Join us, the author team and the global community of psychological scientists, as we look into the powers of brain and mind and the complexities of persons’ lives: the phenomena that make psychology the most compelling of twenty-first-century sciences.

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The Science of Person, Mind, and Brain

Daniel Cervone

University of Illinois at Chicago

Tracy L. Caldwell

Dominican University, pedagogical author

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Illustrations: Evelyn Pence; Raised Media

Composition: TSI evolve

Printing and Binding: RR Donnelley

Cover Art: Juan Francisco Casas

Library of Congress Preassigned Control Number: 2014952936

ISBN-10: 1-4292-2083-X

ISBN-13: 978-1-4292-2083-5

© 2015 by Worth Publishers

All rights reserved.

Printed in the United States of America

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Worth Publishers

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Prepared with TLC for the future of psychology: The Intro Psych student

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DANIEL CERVONE is Professor of Psychology at the University of Illinois at Chicago. He earned his BA at Oberlin College and his PhD from Stanford University, where he was a student of Albert Bandura. He has held visiting faculty positions at the University of Washington and the University of Rome “La Sapienza,” and has been a Fellow at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences.

In addition to introductory psychology, Dan teaches courses in personality psychology, social cognition, and research methods to the diverse student body at UIC. He is graduate advisor to students in both social/personality and clinical psychology in UIC’s doctoral program in psychology, and serves as a Fellow in UIC’s undergraduate Honors College.

Dan is the author of a graduate-level and undergraduate texts in personality, and co-editor of four volumes in personality science. He has published numerous scientific articles, primarily in the study of social-cognitive processes and personality. He has also served as the Program Chairperson of the annual convention of the Association for Psychological Science on three occasions and is the U.S.-based Chairperson of the inaugural International Convention of Psychological Science.

TRACY L. CALDWELL (Pedagogical Author) is Associate Professor of Psychology at Dominican University, where she was recently appointed a Diversity Fellow. She earned her BA at The College of New Jersey and her PhD in personality and social psychology from the University of Illinois at Chicago. Tracy teaches introductory psychology, as well as personality psychology, social psychology, the psychology of gender, and research methods and statistics. She has also taught seminars in social cognition and the psychology of romantic relationships. She is the faculty advisor for Dominican University’s Psychology Club and Dominican University’s chapter of Psi Chi, the International Honors Society in Psychology.

Tracy has published articles on a variety of topics, including how stereotypes are formed, how people with a repressive coping style process threat, and how to best assess humor styles. She currently conducts research on the scholarship of teaching and learning, sex differences in the attractiveness of humor in romantic relationships, and the efficacy of accommodating learning styles.

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